Where Can I Download Full Installers for WebLogic Server

Where can I download full installers for the different versions of WebLogic Server (WLS)?

Full installation packages for WebLogic Server are available for download at various URLs. Please check the sites below for the WLS version that you would like to download:

Oracle Technology Network (OTN)

OTN has the most recent releases of WebLogic Server available for development purposes.

Go to:


Software Delivery Cloud

If you need a WebLogic Server release for production, and you have
a license in place, you can get the release from the Oracle Software Delivery
Cloud at https://edelivery.oracle.com.


To use the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Choose "Oracle Fusion
    Middleware" for WLS 10.3.1+ (11g),
    or later. Choose the platform you want (e.g., HP-UX Itanium).
  2. Hit "Go."
  3. Then select the Media Pack for the
    version that you need: for example, BEA WebLogic Media Pack for HP-UX
  4. This will give you all the
    WebLogic products available for download for that operating system. Click
    on the installer you wish to download.

WLS versions which are no longer eligible for error correction
(see Note
 for more details on the Oracle Error Correction Policy and
how it applies to WLS) generally are no longer provided on OTN or on the Software
Delivery Cloud. However, there is an exception if a particular version of WLS
is required for another product which is still eligible for error correction.


If you cannot find the version and operating system that you are
looking for at any of the above sites, please follow the procedure in Note
 to request physical media or a special download URL.


时间: 2024-10-18 15:01:25

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