xcodbuild archive导出ipa出错

xcodebuild -workspace ${NAME}.xcworkspace -scheme ${SCHEME} archive -archivePath ${PROJECT}.xcarchive;


[MT] DVTAssertions: Warning in /SourceCache/IDEFrameworks/IDEFrameworks-6604/IDEFoundation/Execution/Schemes/IDEScheme.m:1402
Details:  Scheme <IDEScheme:0x7fca145eae10:‘schemename‘> was asked to build and archive, but the run destination <IDERunDestination:0x7fca11565090:‘iPhone 4s‘> is not a deployment platform and this action shouldn‘t have been allowed.
Object:   <IDEScheme: 0x7fca145eae10>
Method:   -archiveOperationWithExecutionContext:onlyBuild:destination:overridingProperties:schemeCommand:buildLog:overridingBuildConfiguration:invocationRecord:name:title:error:actionCallbackBlock:
Thread:   <NSThread: 0x7fca11414000>{name = (null), num = 1}
Please file a bug at http://bugreport.apple.com with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
xcodebuild: error: Failed to build workspace wsname with scheme schemename.
Reason: You cannot archive for the iOS Simulator platform.


xcodebuild -workspace ${NAME}.xcworkspace -scheme ${SCHEME} -destination generic/platform=iOS archive -archivePath ${PROJECT}.xcarchive;



     The -destination option takes as its argument a destination specifier describing the device (or
     devices) to use as a destination.  A destination specifier is a single argument consisting of a set of
     comma-separated key=value pairs.  The -destination option may be specified multiple times to cause
     xcodebuild to perform the specified action on multiple destinations.

     Destination specifiers may include the platform key to specify one of the supported destination plat-forms. platforms.
     forms.  There are additional keys which should be supplied depending on the platform of the device you
     are selecting.

     Some devices may take time to look up. The -destination-timeout option can be used to specify the
     amount of time to wait before a device is considered unavailable.  If unspecified, the default timeout
     is 30 seconds.

     Currently, xcodebuild supports these platforms:

     OS X           The local Mac, referred to in the Xcode interface as My Mac, and which supports the fol-lowing following
                    lowing keys:

                    arch  The architecture to use, either x86_64 (the default) or i386.

     iOS            An iOS device, which supports the following keys:

                    name  The name of the device to use.

                    id    The identifier of the device to use, as shown in the Devices tab of the Xcode

     iOS Simulator  The iOS Simulator, which supports the following keys:

                    name  The full name of device to simulate, as presented in Xcode‘s UI.

                    OS    The version of iOS to simulate, such as 6._, or the string latest (the default) to
                          indicate the most recent version of iOS supported by this version of Xcode.

     Some actions (such as building) may be performed without an actual device present.  To build against a
     platform generically instead of a specific device, the destination specifier may be prefixed with the
     optional string "generic/", indicating that the platform should be targeted generically.  An example of
     a generic destination is the "iOS Device" destination displayed in Xcode‘s UI when no physical iOS
     device is present.
时间: 2024-11-06 19:17:30

xcodbuild archive导出ipa出错的相关文章

xcode archive导出ipa时重签名

折腾了一晚上用另外的签名从xcode archive导出ipa,最后发现居然是没有导入p12文件的原因.... 顺便把参考的帖子记录一下: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1747857/cssmerr-tp-not-trusted-error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15275017/name-of-the-certificate-authority-who-signed-ipa-ios http://stac

xcodebuild archive 导出ipa包

一.Archive命令xcodebuild -workspace <workspaceName> -scheme <schemeName> -archivePath build/<schemeName>.xcarchive archive二.导出ipa命令xcodebuild -exportArchive  -exportOptionsPlist mobip2p/info.plist -archivePath build/mobip2p.xcarchive -expor


xcode 5.x版本导出ipa是不需要开发者账号,而xcode6以后导出ipa必须要求选择开发者team,无法绕开,但我们使用xcodebuild命令行可以无视这个限制 环境: mac osx 10.10和xcode 6.1 首先 cd到你的xcodeproj所在的目录 第一步,清理项目 xcodebuild clean -project RoN.xcodeproj -alltargets 第二步,archive编译 xcodebuild -project RoN.xcodeproj -sch


由于apple的限制,未加入开发者的iPhone.iPad.iPod touch设备是不能直接安装我们开发的APP(未发布到APP store).下面我们介绍怎么使用Xcode导出ipa给已经越狱的设备测试. 1.打开Xcode,并新建一个工程,如下图: 然后单击TestScheme.app右键,”show in finder“打开所在位置 2.在finder中将该APP拖到iTunes 的应用程序中 3.单击TestScheme,在 finder 中显示,就可以看到如下图所示 4.将该ipa发

iOS 导出 ipa 包时 三个选项的意义

OS 导出 ipa 包时 三个选项的意思 如图  在 iOS 到处 ipa包的时候 会有三个选项 Save for iOS App Store Deployment Save for Ad Hoc Deployment Save for Enterprise Deployment 他们的意思分别为: Save for iOS App Store Deployment 保存到本地 准备上传App Store 或者在越狱的iOS设备上使用 Save for Ad Hoc Deployment 保存到

iOS 导出 ipa 包时 四个选项的意义

iOS 导出 ipa 包时 四个选项的意义 摘要:如图 正在 iOS 随处 ipa包的时间 会有四个选项 1.Save for iOS App Store Deployment 保管到当地 预备上传App Store 或正在逃狱的iOS装备上应用 2.Save ] 如图 在 iOS 到处 ipa包的时候 会有四个选项 1.Save for iOS App Store Deployment 保存到本地 准备上传App Store 或者在越狱的iOS设备上使用 2.Save for Ad Hoc D


步骤1:选择运行设备,IOS Device 步骤2:选择Product ---  Archive开始编译(注意第一步一定要选IOS Device,否则此步Archive为灰sè无法操作) 步骤3:一段漫长的编译过程后,进入如下界面,点击Distribute.. 步骤4:选择第二项:Save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc Deployment 步骤5:选择签名证书,之后点击Export,选择包导出的路径,等待一小会即可生成ipa了. 本文由CC原创总结,如需转载请注明出chǔ:


1,编译: Product -> Archive 2,导出: Window -> Organizer (Command + Shift +2) -> Archives ->Distribute.. 如图:根据需要3选1 二.方式2 进入  资源库 ----- Developer ----- Xcode ------ DeriverData -------- 自己工程 ------ Build ------ Products ------ 这个地方就有你要找到的 app文件了, 有d

IOS 导出ipa文件方法

1.首先打开项目,Device选项栏选择“Generic iOS Device”.如下图所示: 2.选择屏幕上方的“product”并点击打开,选择“Archive”并点击打开,程序就会自动运行,运行成功以后会出现如下画面,并点击“Export....”. 3.选择“Save for Development Deployment”选项,点击“Next”. 4.选择证书,点击“cloose” 6.点击“Next” 7,继续点击“Next”,按照指示继续下去就能成功了.