FAQ of UPA USB New V1.3.0.14 With Full Adaptors

Wobd2.com has released a new version of UPA USB programmer:UPA USB 2014 V1.3.0.14 With Full Adaptors,Updated script example files,Added script function AutoBaudRateDevice (hc08 devices only),UPA USB 2014 is with software V1.3.0.14 and support English Language.
Following are the pictures Display:

Have upa usb v1.3 from wobd2 and the adapter board that read 95160 has
pins were to connect the clip wire but the clip is not included, I have
ordered one from wobd2 now, since the solder place for 95160 on the
adapter i defect and I hope it also works with clip to read and to
write, I have de-soldered the eeprom. My question: Can the soic8 clip be used with upa usb programmer for reading eeprom chip st95160 and for writing the eeprom?
Normally you can use clip to read/write eeprom with upa usb programmer,
but sometimes is absolutely necessary de-solder eeprom from PCB to read
it. Always is better desolder eeprom for garanted 100% read OK. Anyway
if you decide use clip, remember verify dump after read it two or three
times and check the read dump with hex editor for guaranteed the most
possible that the dump is OK.

Why the UPA USB Programmer with Full Adaptors asked for activate?
New Upa-usb is the full set with all adapters. The main Device can be
directly connected to the Elrasoft.com UUSP (UPA-USB Serial Programmer)
or by an optional DB9 male/female.

How to activate UPA USB Programmer?
You need to copy the crack file to the Installation Directory under C
driver. Then open the UPA USB software, fill any data as you want. The
problem will be solved.

时间: 2024-08-02 16:43:31

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