
《GRE/GMAT/LSAT长难句300例精讲精练》是GRE超人气名师陈琦老师团队的又一本新作,也是“再要你命3000”的新成员,从之前的词汇、短语、练习,提升到长难句层面,相信学完本书后,考生在备考阶段肯定会更上一层楼。另外,本书的“六字真经”——倒装、省略、长句,一定会颠覆你的语法学习观,让你从今往后享受阅读带来的乐趣。 《GRE/GMAT/LSAT长难句300例精讲精练》不仅仅局限于书上文字内容的讲解,为了方便读者的理解,陈琦老师还精心挑选了50例录制了讲解视频,时不时“出现”给你“打点鸡血”,特别是在介绍本书学习方法的部分也录制了视频讲解,你还会担心看不懂吗?你还会觉得看书很枯燥吗?琦叔相伴,备考路上不再孤单。 《GRE/GMAT/LSAT长难句300例精讲精练》是陈琦老师“彩虹书”系列的第六本作品,传说集齐七本就可以召唤点什么出来,你都集齐了吗?未完待续~~~ ◆紧扣考试节奏,增补最新长难句 ◆50例配套视频解析,扫码看到琦叔 ◆精选GRE/GMAT/LSAT长难句,集中突破 ◆重新定义英语语法学习,彻底攻克长难句 ◆提升学术英文阅读能力,提高阅读速度 ◆告别读不懂、不想读,从今开始享受阅读

时间: 2024-08-08 01:27:24



阅读长难句-原句部分 英语 考研 长难句 2005年真题 TEST 2 Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the antismok


-------------------------------------------- 长难句 p.s. 蓝色是主语,红色为谓语动词,紫色为并列形式,绿色为断句标识,黄色为修饰断句标识,下划线为从句,删除线为修饰性句子 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


一.基本结构的长难句 断开 简化 二.特殊结构的长难句 分裂结构 嵌套结构 平行结构 基本结构的长难句 ?长难句?多个句子/多件事?简单句?一个句子/一件?简单句的核心 一件事的核心内容 断开1 标点?2 连接词??3 分析主谓简化1 定位谓语动词2 去修饰找核心 基本结构的长难句:1. 断开(1)标点(2)连接词:从句开始于连接词,结束于?(3)分析主谓?1) 标点?2) 下一个连接词前?3) 第二个谓语动词前 连接词断开,结束于标点 But this is a real-life argum


二.特殊结构的长难句 分裂结构 嵌套结构 平行结构 特殊结构的长难句:分裂结构 There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue--as well as the cultural, academic and economic benefit international students bring--is being put at risk. (CET-4, 201312 仔细阅读2) There is growing


网上例子: 有时候项目很紧,我们没有时间来把用例都设计好并写到用例管理系统中,使用思维导图是一种比较好的方式,而且越来越受到人们的追捧.但是在实施过程中,可能会有一些问题,比如A同学设计的用例只有他能看明白,B同学就很难看懂,这也不难理解,因为它就像人的大脑,他的思维是独一无二的,脑子里怎么想,这个就是怎么设计的.但是既然是用例,我们就需要保证其可读性及重用性,便于评审以及给他人复用.今天我就把自己工作中的一些经验分享出来给大家. 使用思维导图设计用例的注意事项: 1. 分级: 第一级:按测试的

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1evidently, the color changes are caused by plants that do not grow by earth processes. 2the photo was bought by a computer programmer from federal germany. 3the mystery may be resolved when more advanced space probes were sent to the mars. 4 automat

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1there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy-far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. 2for example,they do not compensate for gross

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这周结束翻译课.下周口语(商务场景) 1it was the desire to be scholarly that brought about a wave of latin terms which appeared in the 16th century when the humanist movement brought new impetus to learning throughout europe. 2despite the saying that one never knows i

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1 government has encouraged waste paper collecton and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre. 2 wearing a seat