Default gateway ARP

If you have a set of computers that can talk to each other directly, you have a network. For computers on your network to talk to computers on another network, you need a default gateway. The default gateway is a computer to which other local computers send data that is destined for a non-local computer.


时间: 2024-12-16 13:34:38

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我们来看当我们在浏览器输入,幕后所发生的一切. 首先http是一个应用层的协议,在这个层的协议,只是一种通讯规范,也就是因为双方要进行通讯,大家要事先约定一个规范. 1.连接 当我们输入这样一个请求时,首先要建立一个socket连接,因为socket是通过ip和端口建立的,所以之前还有一个DNS解析过程,把www.mycompany.com变成ip,如果url里不包含端口号,则会使用该协议的默认端口号.