[转]Blue Prism Opening a password protected Excel workbook?



As the title says, how would we open a password protected Excel workbook using Blue Prism?


Hi Nick

The best approach (which I have used for my developments) is to duplicate the existing Open Workbook action from the MS Excel VBO and change the ‘Open Workbook‘ code stage to include the extra Password input.

Then open up the ‘Open Workbook‘ Code stage and amend the Code (within the Code tab) to the following:


Dim wb as Object = GetInstance(handle).Workbooks.Open(Filename:=filename, Password:=password)
name = wb.Name

You‘ll notice that there is a change of code within the Workbooks.Open brackets compared to the original Open Workbook Code stage. This performs the magic of opening an Excel spreadsheet and entering the password at the same time.

Try it and let me know how you get on.


Was intrigued to see how this can be done without the use of code so had a go myself. Works as follows:

1) Create a new VBO for Excel and set up App Modeller to work with Excel. 
2) Create a Launch page that receives two inputs - Password and Workbook.
3) In the Launch Navigate stage, used the Workbook as the Command Line Parameter and use a Wait stage to wait for the Password pop-up to appear.
4) Use Global Send Key Events to the Application to send the password and then send an Enter "{ENTER}" to the application then wait for the pop-up to disappear. 
5) In the original Excel VBO, use the Attach to Workbook page to attach the VBO to Excel and output the handle.

Hope this helps a few people 


时间: 2024-08-29 06:43:58

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