More on 1Password’s Components

Stefan van As of 1Password fame sent me a more exhaustive list of the libraries and tools used in 1Password. I thought I would share it with everyone. He also recently started blogging about security, software development and Delphi.

Here is an overview of the 3rd party components used in 1Password:

  • Browser Helper Objects (BHOs) — this is what powers 1Password inside Internet Explorer.
  • Bonjour — this is what powers Wi-Fi Sync. (here is an unrelated Delphi
  • ChilkatCrypt — this is what powers some of our crypto
  • MS Crypto — this is the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)
  • DISQLite — Some of 1Password’s features – such as Watchtower, for example – are utilizing SQLite. Because 1Password 4 is in Delphi 2007, we use DISQLite for that (today, it would be using FireDAC for that)
  • dxgettext — this is used to localize 1Password. It works nicely with Crowdin, a localization project management platform
  • GraphicEx and Graphics32 — this gives (alpha channel) transparency
  • HyperString — super fast string handling routines. (no longer available)
  • OpenSSL — this is what powers PBKDF2 (among other crypto routines)
  • sgcWebSockets — The WebSockets are used with the Chrome and Firefox browser extensions
  • StreamSec — another crypto library, mostly for SSL/TLS
  • zlib and LibTar — for OS X-compatible compression routines

Also uses the following tools:

A lot of great tools and libraries there.

时间: 2024-08-06 16:05:51

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