Translating Skills 英汉语序的对比及翻译



word order:Refers to the sorting in language units at all levels in the portfolio

(1) We are trying our best to win success.陈述句

(2) Who invented the telescope? 特殊疑问句

(3) What a fine day it is ! 感叹句

(4) Water is an important liquid.

(5) That is something we really need today .

(6) We will try to get a ticket in every way possible.

(7) This is the best food available.

(8) All the people nearby gathered on the street to watch the spacecraft.

(9) The department concerned is taking measures to solve air pollution.(

(10) The most important example of an Internet is referred to simple as Internet.

(11) Many people think that man’s social practice alone is the criterion of the truth of his
knowledge of the external world.

(12) Intranet is a corporate Internet that provides the key Internet applications.

(13) He is especially good at learning languages.

(14) The rocket must go fast enough round the earth to balance the force of gravity.

(15) She foolishly asked the question.

(16) She asked the question foolishly.

(17) You shouldn’t stay up too late.

(18) You, too, shouldn’t stay up late.

(19) Also, heating can make metals lose some of their strength.

(20) Evidently he was more than tired.

(21) He is always telling a lie.

(22) The climate remains the same, independent of the season of the year.

(23) Air enters the engine through a divergent inlet duct, in which its pressure is raised to
some extent.

(24) China successfully launched its spacecraft in October 2005.

(25) There still seems to be plenty of room in the bomb shelter for all his neighbours. 倒装语序

(26) Never had he had heard the name.

时间: 2025-01-17 09:55:41

Translating Skills 英汉语序的对比及翻译的相关文章


翻译第一步主要是对英语原文的准确理解,在于准确把握每个单词的含义.每一层英语语法修饰关系;第二步要把理解准确的英语翻译成通顺.符合表达习惯的汉语. 翻译第一步主要是对英语原文的准确理解,在于准确把握每个单词的含义.每一层英语语法修饰关系;第二步要把理解准确的英语翻译成通顺.符合表达习惯的汉语.每一位考生都会有这样的体会:一个英语句子,似乎已经理解其意思了,但动手译成汉语时,却不知如何表达,或者汉语译文充满了"英语腔".出现这种情况,就是由英汉思维表达上的差别造成的.翻译的过程不仅是语言


前言 最近尝试了给一个英语小视频做翻译,随后想了解更多翻译知识,就入手了一本书——叶子南教授的<高级英汉翻译理论与实践>.这虽然是本教材书,但是语言简洁直白,读起来像小说般流畅.书中多次强调以译入语为归依的译法.本文是阅读过程中的摘录. 了解翻译或者尝试翻译的最终目的仍然是希望能更好地理解科学技术原文.本人的焦点是技术领域,所以摘录的内容也是围绕着科学技术翻译相关. ============================================= 翻译的基本概念和问题 翻译的核心问题


英汉词典 设计流程 读取单词文件内容->解析文件内容->根据输入进行查找 1.首先使用固定字符串接收文件读取出来的内容,再转存入数组,便于后面处理 2.循环遍历数组,将偶数行作为key,奇数行作为value存入字典1(此处指oc语言中的一个类)作为英译汉的词典,key与value反过来存入字典2 作为汉译英的字典,调用keyForValue方法取出Value. (字典文件内容格式如下: #a Trans:art. 一;字母A #a.m. Trans:n. 上午 #a/c Trans:n. 往来


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; namespace 导入英汉文本,用字符串切割,泛型集合存储的英汉字典 { public part

Halo Word Dictionary(英汉字典)

插件介绍: 小伙伴们在工作学习中经常会用到在线翻译,而当你使用它时又要去打开一个新的标签,这就为大家推荐一款使用方便的英汉字典. Halo Word Dictionary是一款精巧易用的英汉字典,界面简洁舒适.包含单词表.划词查询.右键查询等功能. 使用说明: 在谷歌应用商店里安装该插件,并在浏览器的应用里启动它 功能介绍: ★ 单词表 - 查询一个单词,按下右上角的加号即可添加到左侧的单词表.[可以上下拖动来排序哦!]★ 划词查询 - 在网页中按住 Ctrl / Command 键并选中单词,

Translating Skills 词义的选择和引申

科技翻译崇尚"零感情"遣词,讲究译文的字斟句酌.因此善于结合科技文体的用词特点,准确了解同义词与近义词的词汇的内涵和外延,认真辨别词类,精确选择词义,根据语境恰当引申,在英汉互译的过程中,特别是英译汉过程中,就显得尤为重要.科技文体的词汇特点1. 科技英语频繁使用"技术词"(technical terms)."半技术词"(semi-technical terms)自动化专业有自动化专业术语的特定表达方式,在翻译过程中也有固定的翻译方法,不能任意发


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/* *Copyright (c) 2013, 烟台大学计算机学院 * All rights reserved. * 作 者:马广明 * 完成日期:2014 年 6 月 7 日 * 版 本 号:v1.0 * 问题描述:电子词典 */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; class Word { publ