来源 http://frodoking.github.io/2015/03/12/android-okhttp/
Android为我们提供了两种HTTP交互的方式:HttpURLConnection 和 Apache HTTP Client,虽然两者都支持HTTPS,流的上传和下载,配置超时,IPv6和连接池,已足够满足我们各种HTTP请求的需求。但更高效的使用HTTP 可以让您的应用运行更快、更节省流量。而OkHttp库就是为此而生。
- 支持 SPDY ,共享同一个Socket来处理同一个服务器的所有请求
- 如果SPDY不可用,则通过连接池来减少请求延时
- 无缝的支持GZIP来减少数据流量
- 缓存响应数据来减少重复的网络请求
使用 OkHttp 无需重写您程序中的网络代码。OkHttp实现了几乎和java.net.HttpURLConnection一样的API。如果您用了 Apache HttpClient,则OkHttp也提供了一个对应的okhttp-apache 模块。
- private final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
- public void run() throws Exception {
- Request request = new Request.Builder()
- .url("https://api.github.com/repos/square/okhttp/issues")
- .header("User-Agent", "OkHttp Headers.java")
- .addHeader("Accept", "application/json; q=0.5")
- .addHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json")
- .build();
- Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
- if (!response.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + response);
- System.out.println("Server: " + response.header("Server"));
- System.out.println("Date: " + response.header("Date"));
- System.out.println("Vary: " + response.headers("Vary"));
- }
上 面是OKHttp总体设计图,主要是通过Diapatcher不断从RequestQueue中取出请求(Call),根据是否已缓存调用Cache或 Network这两类数据获取接口之一,从内存缓存或是服务器取得请求的数据。该引擎有同步和异步请求,同步请求通过Call.execute()直接返 回当前的Response,而异步请求会把当前的请求Call.enqueue添加(AsyncCall)到请求队列中,并通过回调(Callback) 的方式来获取最后结果。
The concrete route used by a connection to reach an abstract origin server.
When creating a connection the client has many options:
- HTTP proxy: a proxy server may be explicitly configured for the client. Otherwise the {@linkplain java.net.ProxySelector proxy selector} is used. It may return multiple proxies to attempt.
- IP address: whether connecting directly to an origin server or a proxy, opening a socket requires an IP address. The DNS server may return multiple IP addresses to attempt.
- TLS configuration: which cipher suites and TLS versions to attempt with the HTTPS connection.
Each route is a specific selection of these options.
Access to platform-specific features.
- Server name indication (SNI): Supported on Android 2.3+.
- Session Tickets: Supported on Android 2.3+.
- Android Traffic Stats (Socket Tagging): Supported on Android 4.0+.
- ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation): Supported on Android 5.0+. The APIs were present in Android 4.4, but that implementation was unstable.
Supported on OpenJDK 7 and 8 (via the JettyALPN-boot library).
The sockets and streams of an HTTP, HTTPS, or HTTPS+SPDY connection. May be used for multiple HTTP request/response exchanges. Connections may be direct to the origin server or via a proxy.
Typically instances of this class are created, connected and exercised automatically by the HTTP client. Applications may use this class to monitor HTTP connections as members of a ConnectionPool.
Do not confuse this class with the misnamed HttpURLConnection, which isn’t so much a connection as a single request/response exchange.
Modern TLS
There are tradeoffs when selecting which options to include when negotiating a secure connection to a remote host. Newer TLS options are quite useful:
- Server Name Indication (SNI) enables one IP address to negotiate secure connections for multiple domain names.
- Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) enables the HTTPS port (443) to be used for different HTTP and SPDY protocols.
Unfortunately, older HTTPS servers refuse to connect when such options are presented. Rather than avoiding these options entirely, this class allows a connection to be attempted with modern options and then retried without them should the attempt fail.
Manages reuse of HTTP and SPDY connections for reduced network latency. HTTP requests that share the same Address may share a Connection. This class implements the policy of which connections to keep open for future use.
The system-wide default uses system properties for tuning parameters:
- http.keepAlive true if HTTP and SPDY connections should be pooled at all. Default is true.
- http.maxConnections maximum number of idle connections to each to keep in the pool. Default is 5.
- http.keepAliveDuration Time in milliseconds to keep the connection alive in the pool before closing it. Default is 5 minutes. This property isn’t used by HttpURLConnection.
The default instance doesn’t adjust its configuration as system properties are changed. This assumes that the applications that set these parameters do so before making HTTP connections, and that this class is initialized lazily.
An HTTP request. Instances of this class are immutable if their body is null or itself immutable.(Builder模式)
An HTTP response. Instances of this class are not immutable: the response body is a one-shot value that may be consumed only once. All other properties are immutable.
A call is a request that has been prepared for execution. A call can be canceled. As this object represents a single request/response pair (stream), it cannot be executed twice.
Policy on when async requests are executed.
Each dispatcher uses an ExecutorService to run calls internally. If you supply your own executor, it should be able to run configured maximum number of calls concurrently.
Handles a single HTTP request/response pair. Each HTTP engine follows this
- It is created.
- The HTTP request message is sent with sendRequest(). Once the request is sent it is an error to modify the request headers. After sendRequest() has been called the request body can be written to if it exists.
- The HTTP response message is read with readResponse(). After the response has been read the response headers and body can be read. All responses have a response body input stream, though in some instances this stream is empty.
The request and response may be served by the HTTP response cache, by the network, or by both in the event of a conditional GET.
Escalate internal APIs in {@code com.squareup.okhttp} so they can be used from OkHttp’s implementation packages. The only implementation of this interface is in {@link com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient}.
Caches HTTP and HTTPS responses to the filesystem so they may be reused, saving time and bandwidth.
Cache Optimization
To measure cache effectiveness, this class tracks three statistics:
- Request Count: the number of HTTP requests issued since this cache was created.
- Network Count: the number of those requests that required network use.
- Hit Count: the number of those requests whose responses were served by the cache.
Sometimes a request will result in a conditional cache hit. If the cache contains a stale copy of the response, the client will issue a conditional GET. The server will then send either the updated response if it has changed, or a short ‘not modified’ response if the client’s copy is still valid. Such responses increment both the network count and hit count.
The best way to improve the cache hit rate is by configuring the web server to return cacheable responses. Although this client honors all HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2068) cache headers, it doesn’t cache partial responses.
Force a Network Response
In some situations, such as after a user clicks a ‘refresh’ button, it may be necessary to skip the cache, and fetch data directly from the server. To force a full refresh, add the {@code no-cache} directive:
- connection.addRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
If it is only necessary to force a cached response to be validated by the server, use the more efficient {@code max-age=0} instead:
- connection.addRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "max-age=0");
Force a Cache Response
Sometimes you’ll want to show resources if they are available immediately, but not otherwise. This can be used so your application can show something while waiting for the latest data to be downloaded. To restrict a request to locally-cached resources, add the {@code only-if-cached} directive:
- try {
- connection.addRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "only-if-cached");
- InputStream cached = connection.getInputStream();
- // the resource was cached! show it
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- // the resource was not cached
- }
This technique works even better in situations where a stale response is better than no response. To permit stale cached responses, use the {@code max-stale} directive with the maximum staleness in seconds:
- int maxStale = 60 * 60 * 24 * 28; // tolerate 4-weeks stale
- connection.addRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "max-stale=" + maxStale);
Configures and creates HTTP connections. Most applications can use a single OkHttpClient for all of their HTTP requests - benefiting from a shared response cache, thread pool, connection re-use, etc.
Instances of OkHttpClient are intended to be fully configured before they’re shared - once shared they should be treated as immutable and can safely be used to concurrently open new connections. If required, threads can call clone to make a shallow copy of the OkHttpClient that can be safely modified with further configuration changes.
在 该系统中,有多个子系统、类或者类的集合。例如上面的cache、连接以及连接池相关类的集合、网络配置相关类集合等等。每个子系统都可以被客户端直接调 用,或者被门面角色调用。子系统并不知道门面的存在,对于子系统而言,门面仅仅是另外一个客户端而已。同时,OkHttpClient可以看作是整个框架 的上下文。
- 同步
Dispatcher会在同步执行任务队列中记录当前被执行过得任务Call,同时在当前线程中去执行Call的getResponseWithInterceptorChain()方法,直接获取当前的返回数据Response;- 异步
首先来说一下Dispatcher,Dispatcher内部实现了懒加载无边界限制的线程池方式,同时该线程池采用了 SynchronousQueue这种阻塞队列。SynchronousQueue每个插入操作必须等待另一个线程的移除操作,同样任何一个移除操作都等 待另一个线程的插入操作。因此此队列内部其 实没有任何一个元素,或者说容量是0,严格说并不是一种容器。由于队列没有容量,因此不能调用peek操作,因为只有移除元素时才有元素。显然这是一种快 速传递元素的方式,也就是说在这种情况下元素总是以最快的方式从插入者(生产者)传递给移除者(消费者),这在多任务队列中是最快处理任务的方式。对于高 频繁请求的场景,无疑是最适合的。
异步执行是通过Call.enqueue(Callback responseCallback)来执行,在Dispatcher中添加一个封装了Callback的Call的匿名内部类Runnable来执行当前 的Call。这里一定要注意的地方这个AsyncCall是Call的匿名内部类。AsyncCall的execute方法仍然会回调到Call的 getResponseWithInterceptorChain方法来完成请求,同时将返回数据或者状态通过Callback来完成。
拦截器接口中有intercept(Chain chain)方法,同时返回Response。所谓拦截器更像是AOP设计的一种实现。下面来看一个okhttp源码中的一个引导例子来说明拦截器的作用。
- public final class LoggingInterceptors {
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggingInterceptors.class.getName());
- private final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
- public LoggingInterceptors() {
- client.networkInterceptors().add(new Interceptor() {
- @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
- long t1 = System.nanoTime();
- Request request = chain.request();
- logger.info(String.format("Sending request %s on %s%n%s",
- request.url(), chain.connection(), request.headers()));
- Response response = chain.proceed(request);
- long t2 = System.nanoTime();
- logger.info(String.format("Received response for %s in %.1fms%n%s",
- request.url(), (t2 - t1) / 1e6d, response.headers()));
- return response;
- }
- });
- }
- public void run() throws Exception {
- Request request = new Request.Builder()
- .url("https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt")
- .build();
- Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
- response.body().close();
- }
- public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
- new LoggingInterceptors().run();
- }
- }
- 三月 19, 2015 2:11:29 下午 com.squareup.okhttp.recipes.LoggingInterceptors$1 intercept
- 信息: Sending request https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt on Connection{publicobject.com:443, proxy=DIRECT hostAddress= cipherSuite=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA protocol=http/1.1}
- Host: publicobject.com
- Connection: Keep-Alive
- Accept-Encoding: gzip
- User-Agent:
- 三月 19, 2015 2:11:30 下午 com.squareup.okhttp.recipes.LoggingInterceptors$1 intercept
- 信息: Received response for https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt in 275.9ms
- Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
- Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 06:08:50 GMT
- Content-Type: text/plain
- Content-Length: 1759
- Last-Modified: Tue, 27 May 2014 02:35:47 GMT
- Connection: keep-alive
- ETag: "5383fa03-6df"
- Accept-Ranges: bytes
- OkHttp-Selected-Protocol: http/1.1
- OkHttp-Sent-Millis: 1426745489953
- OkHttp-Received-Millis: 1426745490198
另外如果还有同学对Interceptor比较敢兴趣的可以去源码的simples模块看看GzipRequestInterceptor.java针对HTTP request body的一个zip压缩。
- public final class CacheResponse {
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggingInterceptors.class.getName());
- private final OkHttpClient client;
- public CacheResponse(File cacheDirectory) throws Exception {
- logger.info(String.format("Cache file path %s",cacheDirectory.getAbsoluteFile()));
- int cacheSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MiB
- Cache cache = new Cache(cacheDirectory, cacheSize);
- client = new OkHttpClient();
- client.setCache(cache);
- }
- public void run() throws Exception {
- Request request = new Request.Builder()
- .url("http://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt")
- .build();
- Response response1 = client.newCall(request).execute();
- if (!response1.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + response1);
- String response1Body = response1.body().string();
- System.out.println("Response 1 response: " + response1);
- System.out.println("Response 1 cache response: " + response1.cacheResponse());
- System.out.println("Response 1 network response: " + response1.networkResponse());
- Response response2 = client.newCall(request).execute();
- if (!response2.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + response2);
- String response2Body = response2.body().string();
- System.out.println("Response 2 response: " + response2);
- System.out.println("Response 2 cache response: " + response2.cacheResponse());
- System.out.println("Response 2 network response: " + response2.networkResponse());
- System.out.println("Response 2 equals Response 1? " + response1Body.equals(response2Body));
- }
- public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
- new CacheResponse(new File("CacheResponse.tmp")).run();
- }
- }
- 信息: Cache file path D:\work\workspaces\workspaces_intellij\workspace_opensource\okhttp\CacheResponse.tmp
- Response 1 response: Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=200, message=OK, url=https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt}
- Response 1 cache response: null
- Response 1 network response: Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=200, message=OK, url=https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt}
- Response 2 response: Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=200, message=OK, url=https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt}
- Response 2 cache response: Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=200, message=OK, url=https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt}
- Response 2 network response: null
- Response 2 equals Response 1? true
- Process finished with exit code 0
在这里继续使用上一节中讲到的运行堆栈图。从Call.getResponse(Request request, boolean forWebSocket)执行Engine.sendRequest()和Engine.readResponse()来详细说明一下。
此方法是对可能的Response资源进行一个预判,如果需要就会开启一个socket来获取资源。如果请求存在那么就会为当前request添加请求头部并且准备开始写入request body。
- public void sendRequest() throws IOException {
- if (cacheStrategy != null) {
- return; // Already sent.
- }
- if (transport != null) {
- throw new IllegalStateException();
- }
- //填充默认的请求头部和事务。
- Request request = networkRequest(userRequest);
- //下面一行很重要,这个方法会去获取client中的Cache。同时Cache在初始化的时候会去读取缓存目录中关于曾经请求过的所有信息。
- InternalCache responseCache = Internal.instance.internalCache(client);
- Response cacheCandidate = responseCache != null? responseCache.get(request): null;
- long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
- //缓存策略中的各种配置的封装
- cacheStrategy = new CacheStrategy.Factory(now, request, cacheCandidate).get();
- networkRequest = cacheStrategy.networkRequest;
- cacheResponse = cacheStrategy.cacheResponse;
- if (responseCache != null) {
- //记录当前请求是来至网络还是命中了缓存
- responseCache.trackResponse(cacheStrategy);
- }
- if (cacheCandidate != null && cacheResponse == null) {
- closeQuietly(cacheCandidate.body()); // The cache candidate wasn‘t applicable. Close it.
- }
- if (networkRequest != null) {
- // Open a connection unless we inherited one from a redirect.
- if (connection == null) {
- //连接到服务器、重定向服务器或者通过一个代理Connect to the origin server either directly or via a proxy.
- connect();
- }
- //通过Connection创建一个SpdyTransport或者HttpTransport
- transport = Internal.instance.newTransport(connection, this);
- ...
- } else {
- ...
- }
- }
- public void readResponse() throws IOException {
- ...
- Response networkResponse;
- if (forWebSocket) {
- ...
- } else if (!callerWritesRequestBody) {
- // 这里主要是看当前的请求body,其实真正请求是在这里发生的。
- // 在readNetworkResponse()方法中执行transport.finishRequest()
- // 这里可以看一下该方法内部会调用到HttpConnection.flush()方法
- networkResponse = new NetworkInterceptorChain(0, networkRequest).proceed(networkRequest);
- } else {
- ...
- }
- //对Response头部事务存入事务管理中
- receiveHeaders(networkResponse.headers());
- // If we have a cache response too, then we‘re doing a conditional get.
- if (cacheResponse != null) {
- //检查缓存是否可用,如果可用。那么就用当前缓存的Response,关闭网络连接,释放连接。
- if (validate(cacheResponse, networkResponse)) {
- userResponse = cacheResponse.newBuilder()
- .request(userRequest)
- .priorResponse(stripBody(priorResponse))
- .headers(combine(cacheResponse.headers(), networkResponse.headers()))
- .cacheResponse(stripBody(cacheResponse))
- .networkResponse(stripBody(networkResponse))
- .build();
- networkResponse.body().close();
- releaseConnection();
- // Update the cache after combining headers but before stripping the
- // Content-Encoding header (as performed by initContentStream()).
- // 更新缓存以及缓存命中情况
- InternalCache responseCache = Internal.instance.internalCache(client);
- responseCache.trackConditionalCacheHit();
- responseCache.update(cacheResponse, stripBody(userResponse));
- // unzip解压缩response
- userResponse = unzip(userResponse);
- return;
- } else {
- closeQuietly(cacheResponse.body());
- }
- }
- userResponse = networkResponse.newBuilder()
- .request(userRequest)
- .priorResponse(stripBody(priorResponse))
- .cacheResponse(stripBody(cacheResponse))
- .networkResponse(stripBody(networkResponse))
- .build();
- //发起缓存的地方
- if (hasBody(userResponse)) {
- maybeCache();
- userResponse = unzip(cacheWritingResponse(storeRequest, userResponse));
- }
- }
外部网络请求的入口都是通过Transport接口来完成。该类采用了桥接模式将HttpEngine和HttpConnection来连接起来。 因为HttpEngine只是一个逻辑处理器,同时它也充当了请求配置的提供引擎,而HttpConnection是对底层处理Connection的封 装。
2、 ConnectionPool有两个构建参数是maxIdleConnections(最大空闲连接数)和keepAliveDurationNs(存活 时间),另外连接池默认的线程池采用了Single的模式(源码解释是:一个用于清理过期的多个连接的后台线程,最多一个单线程去运行每一个连接池);
this.source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(socket));
this.sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(socket));
Source source = source((InputStream)socket.getInputStream(), (Timeout)timeout);
Sink sink = sink((OutputStream)socket.getOutputStream(), (Timeout)timeout);
- Response getResponse(Request request, boolean forWebSocket) throws IOException {
- ...
- while (true) { // 自动重连机制的循环处理
- if (canceled) {
- engine.releaseConnection();
- return null;
- }
- try {
- engine.sendRequest();
- engine.readResponse();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- //如果上一次连接异常,那么当前连接进行一个恢复。
- HttpEngine retryEngine = engine.recover(e, null);
- if (retryEngine != null) {
- engine = retryEngine;
- continue;//如果恢复成功,那么继续重新请求
- }
- // Give up; recovery is not possible.如果不行,那么就中断了
- throw e;
- }
- Response response = engine.getResponse();
- Request followUp = engine.followUpRequest();
- ...
- }
- }
1、HttpEngine.recover()的实现方式是通过检测RouteSelector是否还有更多的routes可以尝试连接,同时会去 检查是否可以恢复等等的一系列判断。如果可以会为重新连接重新创建一份新的HttpEngine,同时把相应的链路信息传递过去;
3、 再重点强调一点HttpEngine.sendRequest()。这里之前分析过会触发connect()方法,在该方法中会通过 RouteSelector.next()再去找当前适合的Route。多说一点,next()方法会传递到 nextInetSocketAddress()方法,而此处一段重要的执行代码就是 network.resolveInetAddresses(socketHost)。这个地方最重要的是在Network这个接口中有一个对该接口的 DEFAULT的实现域,而该方法通过工具类InetAddress.getAllByName(host)来完成对数组类的地址解析。
在源码引导RequestBodyCompression.java中我们可以看到gzip的使用身影。通过拦截器对Request 的body进行gzip的压缩,来减少流量的传输。
连接安全性主要是在HttpEngine.connect()方法。上一节油讲到地址相关的选择,在HttpEngine中有一个静态方法 createAddress(client, networkRequest),在这里通过获取到OkHttpClient中关于SSLSocketFactory、HostnameVerifier 和CertificatePinner的配置信息。而这些信息大部分采用默认情况。这些信息都会在后面的重连中作为对比参考项。
同时在Connection.upgradeToTls()方法中,有对SSLSocket、SSLSocketFactory的创建活动。这些创 建都会被记录到ConnectionSpec中,当发起ConnectionSpec.apply()会发起一些列的配置以及验证。
- private static Platform findPlatform() {
- // Attempt to find Android 2.3+ APIs.
- try {
- try {
- Class.forName("com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketImpl");
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- // Older platform before being unbundled.
- Class.forName("org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketImpl");
- }
- OptionalMethod<Socket> setUseSessionTickets = new OptionalMethod<>(null, "setUseSessionTickets", boolean.class);
- OptionalMethod<Socket> setHostname = new OptionalMethod<>(null, "setHostname", String.class);
- Method trafficStatsTagSocket = null;
- Method trafficStatsUntagSocket = null;
- OptionalMethod<Socket> getAlpnSelectedProtocol = null;
- OptionalMethod<Socket> setAlpnProtocols = null;
- // Attempt to find Android 4.0+ APIs.
- try {
- //流浪统计类
- Class<?> trafficStats = Class.forName("android.net.TrafficStats");
- trafficStatsTagSocket = trafficStats.getMethod("tagSocket", Socket.class);
- trafficStatsUntagSocket = trafficStats.getMethod("untagSocket", Socket.class);
- // Attempt to find Android 5.0+ APIs.
- try {
- Class.forName("android.net.Network"); // Arbitrary class added in Android 5.0.
- getAlpnSelectedProtocol = new OptionalMethod<>(byte[].class, "getAlpnSelectedProtocol");
- setAlpnProtocols = new OptionalMethod<>(null, "setAlpnProtocols", byte[].class);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
- }
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException ignored) {
- }
- return new Android(setUseSessionTickets, setHostname, trafficStatsTagSocket,
- trafficStatsUntagSocket, getAlpnSelectedProtocol, setAlpnProtocols);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
- // This isn‘t an Android runtime.
- }
- // Find Jetty‘s ALPN extension for OpenJDK.
- try {
- String negoClassName = "org.eclipse.jetty.alpn.ALPN";
- Class<?> negoClass = Class.forName(negoClassName);
- Class<?> providerClass = Class.forName(negoClassName + "$Provider");
- Class<?> clientProviderClass = Class.forName(negoClassName + "$ClientProvider");
- Class<?> serverProviderClass = Class.forName(negoClassName + "$ServerProvider");
- Method putMethod = negoClass.getMethod("put", SSLSocket.class, providerClass);
- Method getMethod = negoClass.getMethod("get", SSLSocket.class);
- Method removeMethod = negoClass.getMethod("remove", SSLSocket.class);
- return new JdkWithJettyBootPlatform(putMethod, getMethod, removeMethod, clientProviderClass, serverProviderClass);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException ignored) {
- }
- return new Platform();
- }
1、从整体结构和类内部域中都可以看到OkHttpClient,有点类似与安卓的ApplicationContext。看起来更像一个单例的 类,这样使用好处是统一。但是如果你不是高手,建议别这么用,原因很简单:逻辑牵连太深,如果出现问题要去追踪你会有深深地罪恶感的;