Saddest's polar bear Pizza offered new YorkShire home


A UK wildlife park has confirmed that it is offering a new home to a lonely polar bear named Pizza who is living trapped in a chinese mall.


A UK wildlife park has confirmed that it is offering a new home to a lonely polar bear named Pizz who is living trapped in chinese mall.

A source from the YorkShire Wildlife park in Doncaster,England told BBC News that it had approached Grandview Centre in china‘s Guangzhou city ,Mall authorities have not yeat responsed to the public offer.

approache: v,与xx取得联系。

一则消息来源称,英国的野生生物公园向BBC NEWS说他们已经同中国广州的风景区取得联系,中国风景中心暂时没有回复。

Saddest's polar bear Pizza offered new YorkShire home

时间: 2025-01-11 16:51:53

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