System Operations - Lab 3: Managing Storage in AWS (Linux) - 2.5 ================================================================================================================== Using this command reference. ================================================================================================================== 1. Locate the section you need. Each section in this file matches a section in the lab instructions. 2. Replace items in angle brackets - < > - with appropriate values. For example, in this command you would replace the value - <JobFlowID> - (including the brackets) with the parameter indicated in the lab instructions: elastic-mapreduce --list <JobFlowID>. You can also use find and replace to change bracketed parameters in bulk. 3. Do NOT enable the Word Wrap feature in Windows Notepad or the text editor you use to view this file. ++++1. Configuring a New Instance++++ ================================================================================================================== 1.5 Create Amazon EC2 Instance ================================================================================================================== 1.5.8 Paste text into User data field #!/bin/bash yum update -y ++++2. Taking Snapshots of Your Instance++++ ================================================================================================================== 2.1 Take an Initial Snapshot ================================================================================================================== 2.1.5 Obtain a full description of the Processor instance aws ec2 describe-instances --filter ‘Name=tag:Name,Values=Processor‘ 2.1.6 Refine description to include only VolumeId of Amazon EBS volume aws ec2 describe-instances --filter ‘Name=tag:Name,Values=Processor‘ --query ‘Reservations[0].Instances[0].BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.{VolumeId:VolumeId}‘ 2.1.7 Obtain instance ID of Processor instance aws ec2 describe-instances --filters ‘Name=tag:Name,Values=Processor‘ --query ‘Reservations[0].Instances[0].InstanceId‘ 2.1.8 Stop Processor instance aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids <instance-id> 2.1.9 Check status of stop action aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id <instance-id> 2.1.10 Create first snapshot aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id <volume-id> 2.1.11 Report on snapshot status aws ec2 describe-snapshots --snapshot-id <snapshot-id> 2.1.12 Restart Processor instance aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids <instance-id> 2.1.13 Check status of start action aws ec2 describe-instance-status --instance-id <instance-id> ================================================================================================================== 2.2 Schedule Creation of Subsequent Snapshots ================================================================================================================== 2.2.1 Create the cron task description echo "* * * * * aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id <volume-id> 2>&1 >> /tmp/cronlog" > cronjob 2.2.2 Schedule the cron task crontab cronjob 2.2.3 Verify that snapshots are being created aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filters "Name=volume-id,Values=<volume-id>" ================================================================================================================== 2.3 Retain Only Last Two Snapshots ================================================================================================================== 2.3.1 Remove cron entry crontab -r 2.3.2 Examine more 2.3.3 Verify the current number of snapshots for the volume aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filters "Name=volume-id,Values=<volume-id>" --query ‘Snapshots[*].SnapshotId‘ 2.3.4 Execute python 2.3.5 Re-examine the current number of snapshots for the volume aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filters "Name=volume-id,Values=<volume-id>" --query ‘Snapshots[*].SnapshotId‘ ++++3. Moving Log Files to Amazon S3++++ ================================================================================================================== 3.2 Move a Log File into Amazon S3 ================================================================================================================== 3.2.1 Download wget 3.2.2 Change permission on chmod 740 3.2.3 Run in the background ./ & 3.2.4 Verify end of timestamp file tail timestamp.log 3.2.5 Move file into Amazon S3 aws s3 mv timestamp.log s3://<s3-bucket-name>/logfiles/timestamp-`date +"%m-%d-%Y-%H.%M.%S"`.log 3.2.6 Move file again aws s3 mv timestamp.log s3://<s3-bucket-name>/logfiles/timestamp-`date +"%m-%d-%Y-%H.%M.%S"`.log 3.2.7 List the contents of your Amazon S3 bucket aws s3 ls s3://<s3-bucket-name> 3.2.8 List all objects containing the /logfiles/ prefix aws s3 ls s3://<s3-bucket-name>/logfiles/ 3.2.9 Move oldest file to /logfiles/archive/ prefix aws s3 mv s3://<s3-bucket-name>/logfiles/<file-name> s3://<s3-bucket-name>/logfiles/archive/<file-name> 3.2.10 Verify move aws s3 ls s3://<s3-bucket-name>/logfiles/ ++++4. Challenge Solution - Synchronize Folder with Amazon S3++++ ================================================================================================================== 4.1 Download and Unzip Sample Files ================================================================================================================== 4.1.1 Download files wget 4.1.2 Unzip the directory unzip ================================================================================================================== 4.2 Synchronize Files ================================================================================================================== 4.2.1 Set versioning on bucket aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket <s3-bucket-name> --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled 4.2.2 Synchronize files aws s3 sync files s3://<s3-bucket-name>/files/ 4.2.3 Confirm your files on Amazon S3 aws s3 ls s3://<s3-bucket-name>/files/ 4.2.4 Delete file1.txt rm files/file1.txt 4.2.5 Synchronize, requesting deletion of files no longer in the source directory aws s3 sync files s3://<s3-bucket-name>/files/ --delete 4.2.6 Verify that the item was deleted in Amazon S3 aws s3 ls s3://<s3-bucket-name>/files/ 4.2.7 Find past versions of file1.txt aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket <s3-bucket-name> --prefix files/file1.txt 4.2.8 Restore previous version of file to local file system aws s3api get-object --bucket <s3-bucket-name> --key files/file1.txt --version-id <version-id> files/file1.txt 4.2.9 Verify that the file has been restored locally ls files 4.2.10 Re-sync the folder to Amazon S3 aws s3 sync files s3://<s3-bucket-name>/files/ 4.2.11 Verify that the file has been restored to the bucket aws s3 ls s3://<s3-bucket-name>/files/ 漏 2016 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
时间: 2024-12-19 11:38:57