TableInfo<T> or TypeInfo

    class TableInfo<T> where T : new()
public TableInfo()
Type type = typeof(T);
TableAttribute tableattr = type.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(TableAttribute)).SingleOrDefault() as TableAttribute;
if (tableattr != null)
TableName = tableattr.Name;
TableName = type.Name;

PropertyInfo[] infos = type.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (PropertyInfo info in infos)
object[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(false);
if (!attributes.Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(IgnoreAttribute)).Any())
KeyAttribute key = attributes.Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(KeyAttribute)).SingleOrDefault() as KeyAttribute;
bool isKey = key != null;
if (isKey && key.IsIdentity) IdentityProperty = info.Name;
ColumnAttribute columnMap = attributes.Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(ColumnAttribute)).SingleOrDefault() as ColumnAttribute;
string columnName = info.Name;
string queryName = columnName;
if (columnMap != null)
columnName = columnMap.Name;
queryName = columnMap.QueryName;
columns.Add(new ColumnMap(columnName, info.Name, queryName, isKey, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(IdentityProperty)));

delegateSet[info.Name] = info.SetValue;
delegateGet[info.Name] = info.GetValue;
selectText = "select " + GetColumnList() + " from " + TableName;

var s = InsertParams();
insertText = "insert into " + TableName + "(" + s[0] + ") values(" + s[1] + ")";
s = SetParams();
updateText = "update " + TableName + " set " + s[0] + " where " + s[1];

public string TableName { get; set; }
string IdentityProperty = "";
string selectText;
string insertText;
string updateText;
List<ColumnMap> columns = new List<ColumnMap>();
Dictionary<string, Action<object, object, object[]>> delegateSet = new Dictionary<string, Action<object, object, object[]>>();
Dictionary<string, Func<object, object[], object>> delegateGet = new Dictionary<string, Func<object, object[], object>>();
Dictionary<string, int> readerIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>();

class ColumnMap
public ColumnMap()

public ColumnMap(string propertyName)
ColumnName = propertyName;
PropertyName = propertyName;
QueryName = propertyName;
IsPerimaryKey = false;

public ColumnMap(string propertyName, bool isPerimaryKey)
: this(propertyName)
IsPerimaryKey = isPerimaryKey;

//public ColumnMap(string propertyName, bool isPerimaryKey,bool isIdentity)
// : this(propertyName, isPerimaryKey)
// IsIdentity = isIdentity;

public ColumnMap(string columnName, string propertyName, string queryName, bool isPerimaryKey,bool isIdentity) : this(columnName,isPerimaryKey)
ColumnName = columnName;
QueryName = queryName;

public string ColumnName { get; set; }
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public string QueryName { get; set; }
public bool IsPerimaryKey { get; set; }
public bool IsIdentity { get; set; }

public string SelectText
return selectText;

string GetColumnList()
List<string> columnList = new List<string>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (map.ColumnName == map.QueryName)
columnList.Add(map.ColumnName + " as " + map.QueryName);
return SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(columnList);

public string DeleteText
return "delete from " + TableName;

public SSGClass.ExpressOpr GetDeleteExpress(T entity)
SSGClass.ExpressOpr exp = null;
var keys = columns.Where(col => col.IsPerimaryKey == true);
if (keys.Any())
foreach (var keyColumn in keys)
if (exp == null)
exp = SSGClass.ExpressOpr.where(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
exp += SSGClass.ExpressOpr.and(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
foreach (var keyColumn in columns)
if (exp == null)
exp = SSGClass.ExpressOpr.where(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
exp += SSGClass.ExpressOpr.and(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
return exp;

public string InsertText
return insertText;

public Dictionary<string, object> GetEntityPatams(T entity)
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = new Dictionary<string,object>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.ColumnName))
paramValues.Add("@" + map.ColumnName, delegateGet[map.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
return paramValues;

string[] InsertParams()
string[] param = new string[2];
List<string> columnList = new List<string>();
List<string> paramList = new List<string>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.ColumnName))
paramList.Add("@" + map.ColumnName);
param[0] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(columnList);
param[1] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(paramList);
return param;

public string UpdateText
return updateText;

string[] SetParams()
string[] param = new string[2];
List<string> columnList = new List<string>();
List<string> paramList = new List<string>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (map.IsPerimaryKey)
paramList.Add(map.ColumnName + " = @" + map.ColumnName);
columnList.Add(map.ColumnName + " = @" + map.ColumnName);
param[0] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(columnList);
param[1] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(paramList);
return param;

public T GenEntity(System.Data.IDataReader reader)
T entity = new T();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
int index;
if (!readerIndex.TryGetValue(map.QueryName, out index))
index = reader.GetOrdinal(map.QueryName);
readerIndex[map.QueryName] = index;
object value = reader[index];
if(value == DBNull.Value)
value = SSGClass.DataConvert.GetValue(value,value.GetType());
delegateSet[map.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, value, null);
return entity;

public T GenEntity(System.Data.DataRow row)
T entity = new T();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
object value = row[map.QueryName];
if (value == DBNull.Value)
value = SSGClass.DataConvert.GetValue(value, value.GetType());
delegateSet[map.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, value, null);
return entity;


    class TypeInfo
public TypeInfo()

public TypeInfo(Type type)
TableAttribute tableattr = type.GetCustomAttributes(false).Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(TableAttribute)).SingleOrDefault() as TableAttribute;
if (tableattr != null)
TableName = tableattr.Name;
TableName = type.Name;

PropertyInfo[] infos = type.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (PropertyInfo info in infos)
object[] attributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(false);
if (!attributes.Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(IgnoreAttribute)).Any())
KeyAttribute key = attributes.Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(KeyAttribute)).SingleOrDefault() as KeyAttribute;
bool isKey = key != null;
if (isKey && key.IsIdentity) IdentityProperty = info.Name;
ColumnAttribute columnMap = attributes.Where(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(ColumnAttribute)).SingleOrDefault() as ColumnAttribute;
string columnName = info.Name;
string queryName = columnName;
if (columnMap != null)
columnName = columnMap.Name;
queryName = columnMap.QueryName;
columns.Add(new ColumnMap(columnName, info.Name, queryName, isKey, !string.IsNullOrEmpty(IdentityProperty)));

delegateSet[info.Name] = info.SetValue;
delegateGet[info.Name] = info.GetValue;
selectText = "select " + GetColumnList() + " from " + TableName;

var s = InsertParams();
insertText = "insert into " + TableName + "(" + s[0] + ") values(" + s[1] + ")";
s = SetParams();
updateText = "update " + TableName + " set " + s[0] + " where " + s[1];

public string TableName { get; set; }
string IdentityProperty = "";
string selectText;
string insertText;
string updateText;
List<ColumnMap> columns = new List<ColumnMap>();
Dictionary<string, Action<object, object, object[]>> delegateSet = new Dictionary<string, Action<object, object, object[]>>();
Dictionary<string, Func<object, object[], object>> delegateGet = new Dictionary<string, Func<object, object[], object>>();
Dictionary<string, int> readerIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>();

class ColumnMap
public ColumnMap()

public ColumnMap(string propertyName)
ColumnName = propertyName;
PropertyName = propertyName;
QueryName = propertyName;
IsPerimaryKey = false;

public ColumnMap(string propertyName, bool isPerimaryKey)
: this(propertyName)
IsPerimaryKey = isPerimaryKey;

public ColumnMap(string columnName, string propertyName, string queryName, bool isPerimaryKey, bool isIdentity)
: this(columnName, isPerimaryKey)
ColumnName = columnName;
QueryName = queryName;

public string ColumnName { get; set; }
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public string QueryName { get; set; }
public bool IsPerimaryKey { get; set; }
public bool IsIdentity { get; set; }

public string SelectText
return selectText;

string GetColumnList()
List<string> columnList = new List<string>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (map.ColumnName == map.QueryName)
columnList.Add(map.ColumnName + " as " + map.QueryName);
return SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(columnList);

public string DeleteText
return "delete from " + TableName;

public SSGClass.ExpressOpr GetDeleteExpress(object entity)
SSGClass.ExpressOpr exp = null;
var keys = columns.Where(col => col.IsPerimaryKey == true);
if (keys.Any())
foreach (var keyColumn in keys)
if (exp == null)
exp = SSGClass.ExpressOpr.where(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
exp += SSGClass.ExpressOpr.and(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
foreach (var keyColumn in columns)
if (exp == null)
exp = SSGClass.ExpressOpr.where(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
exp += SSGClass.ExpressOpr.and(keyColumn.ColumnName, Op.Equal, delegateGet[keyColumn.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
return exp;

public string InsertText
return insertText;

public Dictionary<string, object> GetEntityPatams(object entity)
Dictionary<string, object> paramValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.ColumnName))
paramValues.Add("@" + map.ColumnName, delegateGet[map.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, null));
return paramValues;

string[] InsertParams()
string[] param = new string[2];
List<string> columnList = new List<string>();
List<string> paramList = new List<string>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.ColumnName))
paramList.Add("@" + map.ColumnName);
param[0] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(columnList);
param[1] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(paramList);
return param;

public string UpdateText
return updateText;

string[] SetParams()
string[] param = new string[2];
List<string> columnList = new List<string>();
List<string> paramList = new List<string>();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
if (map.IsPerimaryKey)
paramList.Add(map.ColumnName + " = @" + map.ColumnName);
columnList.Add(map.ColumnName + " = @" + map.ColumnName);
param[0] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(columnList);
param[1] = SSGClass.DataConvert.JoinList(paramList);
return param;

public T GenEntity<T>(System.Data.IDataReader reader) where T : new()
T entity = new T();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
int index;
if (!readerIndex.TryGetValue(map.QueryName, out index))
index = reader.GetOrdinal(map.QueryName);
readerIndex[map.QueryName] = index;
object value = reader[index];
if (value == DBNull.Value)
value = SSGClass.DataConvert.GetValue(value, value.GetType());
delegateSet[map.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, value, null);
return entity;

public T GenEntity<T>(System.Data.DataRow row) where T : new()
T entity = new T();
foreach (ColumnMap map in columns)
object value = row[map.QueryName];
if (value == DBNull.Value)
value = SSGClass.DataConvert.GetValue(value, value.GetType());
delegateSet[map.PropertyName].Invoke(entity, value, null);
return entity;


or TypeInfo

时间: 2024-07-28 15:36:01

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