Android警告 <Multiple annotations found at this line: - This text field does not specify an inputType or a hint >

Multiple annotations found at this line:
- No label views point to this text field with a labelFor
- This text field does not specify an inputType or a hint




指定输入类型代码  android:inputType="text"  默认为文本类型


时间: 2024-12-20 15:06:59

Android警告 <Multiple annotations found at this line: - This text field does not specify an inputType or a hint >的相关文章

android 自定义view Multiple annotations found at this line:

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maven的pom.xml中出现Multiple annotations found at this line:错误

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根据网上给出的解决方案,可以解决 1.调出MyEclipse的preference,按照如下图示配置 2.配置好之后,就可以在springmvc-congig.xml文件中引入如下命名空间了 <beans xmlns="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:mvc="