2019年11月3日 计算机专业英语 运飞龙

(1)DOS was the first widely-installed operating system on personal computers.
(2)To command to check a diskette for flaws and creates a directory where all the names ofthe diskette‘s files will be stored. It is Ping command
(3)While there are several useful programs for analyzing connectivity, unquestionably format is the most commonly used program.
(4)Whenever you turn on your computer, the first thing you see is the  BIOS  softwaredoing its thing.
(5)The order that BIOS will try to load the operating system, it is boot Sequence
(1) Cannot find or initialize the floppy drive controller or the drive. Make sure the controlleris installed correctly. ( × )

(2)Typically, Device Manager is used to check the status of computer hardware and update(?)

(3)If the status is Disabled, that is not ully the result of user‘s action, but meansunanedevice has a problem.(×)

(4)If you lose the password you will be locked out of your own system,and then you willhave to resort to techniques. (?)

(5The typical indutrial robots consits of 3 major components: the manipulator arm, theend effector. and the actuator.(?)


Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software protocols,allowing data to be exchanged rapidly and reliably.



Originally, the network was used to provide terminal computer access and file transfer between computers. Today, the network provides E-mail transfer, access to public databases and bulletin boards, and has begun to be used in distributed systems.

Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers anddisk-systems.
基本输入输出系统    BIOS
CMOS设置程序    CMOS Setup
加电自检程序    post
自检鸣叫错误   post beep
互连外围设备    pci
闪速存储器    Flash
文件拷贝命令    copy
IP地址配置命令   IPconfig
软盘   floppy disk
发送echo测试包命令   ping
跟踪路由命令   tracert
磁盘格式化命令   format
建立子目录命令   md/mdkir
远程登陆命令    telnet


时间: 2024-07-30 15:02:33

2019年11月3日 计算机专业英语 运飞龙的相关文章

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2019年11月3日 运飞龙 计算机专业英语

Exercises1. Match the explanations in column B with words and xpesonss in coumnA (Rt4talA1CCMOS iri# h4чiia kis echo rtumùFHxû4vBPOSTPCIBIOSFlashCMOS SetupCopyPOST beep2 hos,the proper words to fill in the blanks, ( #i]tià )88e was the fist widely in

计算机英语总结2019年11月3日 23:13:03

(1)DOS was the first widely-installed operating system on personal computers. (2)To command to check a diskette for flaws and creates a directory where all the names ofthe diskette's files will be stored. It is Ping command (3)While there are several


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