安卓工作室 android studio 汉化后,报错. 设置界面打不开. Android studio has been sinified and reported wrong.The setup interface cannot be opened. 安卓工作室 android studio 版本 2.3.3 Android studio version 2.3.3 汉化包版本 AndroidStudio_v2.0.0.20_resources_cn-v0.2-20170414.jar Lo
Learn Android Studio 汉化教程 By now you are familiar with the basics of creating a new project, programming, and refactoring.It is time to create an Android application, otherwise known as an app. This chapter introduces the first of four lab projects.
[Learn Android Studio ]第二章:Android Studio概述(一) Android Studio是一个视窗化的开发环境.为了充分利用有限的屏幕空间,不让你束手束脚,Android Studio 在特定的时间仅仅显示一小部分可用窗口.除了一些上下文敏感的窗口和上下文相关的窗口显示出来外,其他的仍旧隐藏,除非你主动打开它们.或者相反,一些可见的窗口直到你主动隐藏它们.为了充分利用Android Studio,你就需要明白这些窗口的功能以及如何.何时去显示它们.在这一章,我们
第四章 Refactoring Code The solutions you develop in Android Studio will not always follow a straight path from design to finish. To be an effective Android programmer, you need to be flexible and refactor your code as you develop, debug, and test. In t
** Using the Visual Studio Emulator for Android from Android Studio or Eclipse with ADT ** 如何通过Android Studio 或者ADT 使用VS的安卓模拟器 原文地址:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2015/07/20/you-can-now-acquire-the-visual-studio-emulator-for-android-