StringUtils cannot be resolved

I am using Java server pages and for using String Manipulations and i am Using StringUtils which i am not able compile.It says that "StringUtils cannot be resolved.". I am sorry to say that i added this to CLASSPATH, i have also put the jar file in the lib file of Apache tomcat... and in the lib file where my jsp files are located...

Actually i am using Dreamweaver trial version and programmers notepad...?

if i want to add a big import .. PLease tell me how to do so.. or do i have to compile the whole thing?

Looks like the problem is not with the classpath but the import.

Can you import the StringUtils in your jsp? Below should help

<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils" %>

I dont see it as classpath issue, because if it was not able to locate the classes, it should have given you ClassNotFoundException. But yes, you need to have classpath set properly, which i think you have already taken care of.

时间: 2024-08-27 05:17:09

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