XML文档中包含类似"Elements look like <this>"的文本,其中的"<this>"将被解析程序解释成一个元素,而人们实际想要的是"<this>"所表示的原义文本。
1.CDATA区:它的全称为character data,以"<![CDATA[ "开始,以" ]]>" 结束,在两者之间嵌入不想被解析程序解析的原始数据,解析器不对CDATA区中的内容进行解析,而是
2.特殊字符 :
xml 中表示: <= 小于等于、 >= 大于等于 需加 这样的标记: <![CDATA[ ]]> xml中有&的符号,需要<![CDATA[&]]>这样表示&
<= 小于等于 :<![CDATA[ <= ]]>
>= 大于等于:<![CDATA[ >= ]]>
特殊字符 替代符号
& &
< <
> >
" "
‘ '
<select id="selectPaymentOrder" parameterType="com.shenxin.basis.basismag.entity.PaymentOrderInfoDO"
select t0.payment_order_code paymentOrderCode,
t0.BUSINESS_CODE userName,
‘‘ userPhone,
t0.payment_channel paymentChannel,
t4.type_code typeCode,
t4.type_name typeName,
t0.item_code itemCode,
‘光大‘ proOrg,
t1.item_name itemName,
t0.order_amount orderAmount,
t0.order_status orderStatus,
t2.order_status sendOrderStatus,
t0.create_date createDate,
t0.update_date updateDate,
t0.payment_Channel_Code transId,
‘1‘ channelId
from pfb_payment_order_info t0
left join pfb_item_info t1 on t0.item_code=t1.item_code
left join PFB_CHARGEOFF_ORDER_INFO t2 on t0.payment_order_code=t2.payment_order_code
left join pfb_item_info t3
left join pfb_item_type t4 on t3.trade_type=t4.type_code
on t3.item_code=t0.item_code
where 1=1
<if test="userName != null and userName != ‘‘"> AND t0.BUSINESS_CODE like ‘%‘||#{userName}||‘%‘ </if>
<if test="paymentOrderCode != null and paymentOrderCode != ‘‘"> AND t0.payment_order_code like ‘%‘||#{paymentOrderCode}||‘%‘ </if>
<if test="orderStatus != null and orderStatus != ‘‘"> AND t0.order_status=#{orderStatus} </if>
<if test="typeCode != null and typeCode != ‘‘"> AND t4.type_code=#{typeCode} </if>
<if test="startTime != null and startTime != ‘‘"> AND to_char(to_date(t0.create_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd,hh24:mi:ss‘),‘yyyymmdd‘)>#{startTime} </if>
<if test="endTime != null and endTime != ‘‘"> AND to_char(to_date(t0.create_date,‘yyyy-mm-dd,hh24:mi:ss‘),‘yyyymmdd‘)<![CDATA[<]]>#{endTime} </if>