2016华中农业大学预赛 B 数学

Problem B: Handing Out Candies

Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 272  Solved: 20
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After the 40th ACM-ICPC, Diao Yang is thinking about finding a girlfriend because he feels very lonely when doing ACM all the time. But because of his philandering, he finally decided to find N girlfriends. To achieve his goal, he wanted to find one girlfriend every day for N days continue. That is to say, at the ith day, he will have i girlfriends exactly.

In order to make his N girlfriends happy, he decided to buy M candies everyday for N days continue. Every day all of his girlfriends can get candies, and he will give each of them the same amount of candies and the amount will be as much as possible. Then if there are some candies left, he will eat them by himself.

Now the problem is, Diao Yang want to know how many candies he can eat total by himself after N days continue.


The first line contains an integer T, indicating the total number of test cases. Each test case is a line with two integers N

15N"> and M (

151鈮?/m:t>N&lolt;231"> ,

150鈮?/m:t>M&lolt;231"> ).


For each test case, output the answer in one line.   n,m在int范围内

Sample Input

5 7
6 4

Sample Output

题意:t组数据 输入n,m 求 m%i(1<=i<=n)的n项和

题解:思想就是 分段成部分等差数列 用求和公式求解

例如 n=60 m=100 m%(m/2) m%51=49 m%52=48.... m%60=40;  51~60 为等差为1的数列.................................... m%(m/3) m%34=32; m%35=30; ... m%49=2;   34~49 为等差为2的数列....................................知道m%(m/sqrt(m))

 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <cstdio>
 3 #include <cmath>
 4 #include <string>
 5 #include <cstring>
 6 #include <algorithm>
 7 #include <queue>
 8 #include <map>
 9 #include <set>
10 #include <stack>
11 #include <sstream>
12 #include <vector>
13 using namespace std;
14 int main()
15 {
16     long long t,n,m,zhong,qi,di,chang;
17     long long ma;
18     scanf("%lld",&t);
19      while(t--)
20      {
21         scanf("%lld %lld",&n,&m);
22         ma=0;
23         if(m==1){
24             printf("%lld\n",n-1);
25             continue;
26         }
27         if(m==0)
28         {
29             printf("0\n");
30             continue;
31         }
32         if(m<=n){
33             ma+=(n-m)*m;
34             n=m-1;
35         }
36         zhong=sqrt(m);
37         for(int i=m/n;i<zhong;i++)
38         {
39             qi=m%n;
40             chang=n-(m/(i+1));
41             di=qi+(chang-1)*i;
42             ma+=(qi+di)*chang/2;
43             n=n-chang;
44         }
45         for(int i=n;i>1;i--)
46             ma+=m%i;
47         printf("%lld\n",ma);
48      }
49     return 0;
50 }
时间: 2024-11-05 12:25:22

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今天实在累了,还有的题晚点补.... 题目链接:http://acm.hzau.edu.cn/problemset.php?page=3 题目:acm.hzau.edu.cn/5th.pdf A:Little Red Riding Hood 题意:给你n朵花,每朵花有个权值,然后每次取花最少要间隔k朵,求权值最大: 思路:简单dp: #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") #include<iostream&


A.Little Red Riding Hood B.Choosy in Food •F[i]:从第I个点到终点的期望步数 •F[i] = (F[i + k] + k ) * P[k] •F[ed] = 0 •高斯消元求解 •注意存在从起点不能到达终点的情况 C.Friends •F[rt][len] :节点rt的子孙里,距离rt的为len的节点个数 •ans[rt][len] : 整棵树上,距离rt为len的节点个数 •F值一次简单的深搜可以得到 •而ans[rt][len] = F[rt][


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一. ($15'$) 设 $L_1$ 和 $L_2$ 是空间中两异面直线. 设在标准直角坐标系下直线 $L_1$ 过坐标为 $a$ 的点, 以单位向量 $v$ 为直线方向; 直线 $L_2$ 过坐标为 $b$ 的点, 以单位向量 $w$ 为直线方向.   (1). 证明: 存在唯一点 $P\in L_1$ 和 $Q\in L_2$ 使得两点连线 $PQ$ 同时垂直于 $L_1$ 和 $L_2$.   (2). 求 $P$ 点和 $Q$ 点坐标 (用 $a,b,v,w$ 表示). 证明: 由题意,


A.Little Red Riding Hood B.Choosy in Food •F[i]:从第I个点到终点的期望步数 •F[i] = (F[i + k] + k ) * P[k] •F[ed] = 0 •高斯消元求解 •注意存在从起点不能到达终点的情况 C.Friends •F[rt][len] :节点rt的子孙里,距离rt的为len的节点个数 •ans[rt][len] : 整棵树上,距离rt为len的节点个数 •F值一次简单的深搜可以得到 •而ans[rt][len] = F[rt][