OpenCV Tutorials —— Camera calibration with square chessboard


Test data: use images in your data/chess folder.

  1. 1,Compile opencv with samples by setting BUILD_EXAMPLES to ON in cmake configuration.
  2. 2,Go to bin folder and use imagelist_creator to create an XML/YAML list of your images.
  3. 3,Then, run calibration sample to get camera parameters. Use square size equal to 3cm.

获取到的摄像机参数信息存放在XML /YAML 文件中,然后对失真图像进行矫正

Test data: use chess_test*.jpg images from your data folder.

  1. 1,Create an empty console project. Load a test image:

    Mat img = imread(argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  2. 2,Detect a chessboard in this image using findChessboard function.
  3. bool found = findChessboardCorners( img, boardSize, ptvec, CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH );
  4. 3,Now, write a function that generates a vector<Point3f> array of 3d coordinates of a chessboard in any coordinate system. For simplicity, let us choose a system such that one of the chessboard corners is in the origin and the board is in the plane z = 0.
  5. 4,Read camera parameters from XML/YAML file:
  6. FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
    Mat intrinsics, distortion;
    fs["camera_matrix"] >> intrinsics;
    fs["distortion_coefficients"] >> distortion;
  7. 5,Now we are ready to find chessboard pose by running solvePnP:
    vector<Point3f> boardPoints;
    // fill the array
    solvePnP(Mat(boardPoints), Mat(foundBoardCorners), cameraMatrix,
                         distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, false);
  8. Calculate reprojection error like it is done in calibration sample (see opencv/samples/cpp/calibration.cpp, function computeReprojectionErrors).
时间: 2024-12-19 20:11:09

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