99 Times--Kate Voegele

歌手 Kate Voegele 是美国俄亥俄州的一位年轻创作型歌手,她会唱歌、会写歌、特


99 Times--Kate Voegele

So you see

You’ve got me back again for more

And it seems

Your song is in my head

This is war

Mystery, how I could feel you breathe me

I was sure you would keep

Every promise, you would keep

Every word

Well, I try to put your stories in line

But nothing adds up right

For every 99 times

You looked me in the eye

You looked me in the eye

And swore you weren’t lying

Well, I was so blind

I never saw the signs

I’m getting out tonight

And you’re not invited

It’s a shame

That you left me hanging like you did

It was brave

But it was much more foolish

Don’t you think? Don’t you think?

‘Cause you know I won’t be satisfied

Until you realize

These things are all so typical

These things are unforgivable

I’m gone and you’re invisible now

Don’t let me catch you following

Don‘t ask, ‘cause I‘m not offering

You‘ve caused enough of my suffering


invisible: 看不见的,无形的

时间: 2024-08-04 09:44:21

99 Times--Kate Voegele的相关文章




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