The 2018 ACM-ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest, Online

The 2018 ACM-ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest, Online的相关文章

2018-2019, ICPC, Asia Yokohama Regional Contest 2018 (Gym - 102082)

2018-2019, ICPC, Asia Yokohama Regional Contest 2018 A - Digits Are Not Just Characters 签到. B - Arithmetic Progressions 题意:从给定的集合中选出最多的数构成等差数列. 题解:数字排序后,设\(dp[i][j]\)表示等差数列最后一个数字为\(a[i]\),倒数第二个数字为\(a[j]\)的最大个数.然后对于每一位枚举 \(i\),\(lower\_bound()\)找有无合法的

ACM ICPC Central Europe Regional Contest 2013 Jagiellonian University Kraków

ACM ICPC Central Europe Regional Contest 2013 Jagiellonian University Kraków Problem A: Rubik's RectangleProblem B: What does the fox say?Problem C: Magical GCDProblem D: SubwayProblem E: EscapeProblem F: DraughtsProblem G: History courseProblem H: C

The 2018 ACM-ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest K XOR Clique

K XOR Clique BaoBao has a sequence a?1??,a?2??,...,a?n??. He would like to find a subset S of {1,2,...,n} such that ?i,j∈S, a?i??⊕a?j??<min(a?i??,a?j??) and ∣S∣ is maximum, where ⊕ means bitwise exclusive or. Input There are multiple test cases. The

The 2018 ACM-ICPC Asia Qingdao Regional Contest, Online - H Traveling on the Axis-【思维模拟题目】

H Traveling on the Axis 作者: 浙江大学竞赛命题组 单位: ACMICPC 时间限制: 500 ms 内存限制: 64 MB 代码长度限制: 32 KB 传送门 BaoBao is taking a walk in the interval [0,n] on the number axis, but he is not free to move, as at every point (i−0.5) for all i∈[1,n], where i is an intege

2018 ICPC Asia Jakarta Regional Contest

题目传送门 题号 A B C D E F G H I J K L 状态 Ο . . Ο . . . . Ο . . Ο Ο:当场 Ø:已补 .  :  待补 A. Edit Distance Thinking:kk pai爷 Code:kk 不能直接反转,比如"010101",直接反转后就变成"101010",右移一位,然后加个0就可以了. 所以要先统计01的数量,如果0大于1,就全变成1,1大于0,就全变成0(从数量上的改变就大于s/2了),相等的话,就看首位是0

2019-2020 ICPC, Asia Jakarta Regional Contest H. Twin Buildings

As you might already know, space has always been a problem in ICPC Jakarta. To cope with this, ICPC Jakarta is planning to build two new buildings. These buildings should have a shape of a rectangle of the same size. Now, their problem is to find lan

2019-2020 ICPC, Asia Jakarta Regional Contest C. Even Path

Pathfinding is a task of finding a route between two points. It often appears in many problems. For example, in a GPS navigation software where a driver can query for a suggested route, or in a robot motion planning where it should find a valid seque

hdu6206 Apple 2017 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Qingdao Online

地址: 题目: Apple Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 530    Accepted Submission(s): 172 Problem Description Apple is Taotao's favouri

HDU 5889 Barricade 【BFS+最小割 网络流】(2016 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Qingdao Online)

Barricade Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 997    Accepted Submission(s): 306 Problem Description The empire is under attack again. The general of empire is planning to defend his