FCN笔记(Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation)

FCN笔记(Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation)



  FCN将全连接层换成了卷积层,最后可以生成一个heatmap。卷积层的大小即为 (1,1,4096)、(1,1,4096)、(1,1,1000)。FCN在做前向和后向计算时,都比之前的方法要快,FCN生成一个10*10的结果,需要22ms,而之前的方法生个1个结果,就需要1.2ms,如果是100个结果,就需要120ms,所以FCN更快。使用了全卷积层之后,对输入图片的规格大小就没有要求了。




具体内容:深度学习之语义分割中的度量标准(准确度)(pixel accuracy, mean accuracy, mean IU,frequency weighted IU)

关于patch wise training and fully convolutional training


The term "Fully Convolutional Training" just means replacing fully-connected layer with convolutional layers so that the whole network contains just convolutional layers (and pooling layers).

The term "Patchwise training" is intended to avoid the redundancies of full image training. In semantic segmentation, given that you are classifying each pixel in the image, by using the whole image, you are adding a lot of redundancy in the input. A standard approach to avoid this during training segmentation networks is to feed the network with batches of random patches (small image regions surrounding the objects of interest) from the training set instead of full images. This "patchwise sampling" ensures that the input has enough variance and is a valid representation of the training dataset (the mini-batch should have the same distribution as the training set). This technique also helps to converge faster and to balance the classes. In this paper, they claim that is it not necessary to use patch-wise training and if you want to balance the classes you can weight or sample the loss. In a different perspective, the problem with full image training in per-pixel segmentation is that the input image has a lot of spatial correlation. To fix this, you can either sample patches from the training set (patchwise training) or sample the loss from the whole image. That is why the subsection is called "Patchwise training is loss sampling". So by "restricting the loss to a randomly sampled subset of its spatial terms excludes patches from the gradient computation." They tried this "loss sampling" by randomly ignoring cells from the last layer so the loss is not calculated over the whole image.




  1. 是得到的结果还是不够精细。进行8倍上采样虽然比32倍的效果好了很多,但是上采样的结果还是比较模糊和平滑,对图像中的细节不敏感。
  2. 是对各个像素进行分类,没有充分考虑像素与像素之间的关系。忽略了在通常的基于像素分类的分割方法中使用的空间规整(spatial regularization)步骤,缺乏空间一致性。


时间: 2024-07-29 22:24:20

FCN笔记(Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation)的相关文章

FCN:Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation

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论文笔记《Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation》

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论文学习:Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation

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Fully Convolutional Networks for semantic Segmentation(深度学习经典论文翻译)

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