You can't place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them.



"You can‘t place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them."
"If you want to move widgets to a different layer, parent them to a new panel instead."


[csharp] view plaincopy

  1. public void CheckLayer ()
  2. {
  3. if (panel != null && panel.gameObject.layer != gameObject.layer)
  4. {
  5. Debug.LogWarning("You can‘t place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them.\n" +
  6. "If you want to move widgets to a different layer, parent them to a new panel instead.", this);
  7. gameObject.layer = panel.gameObject.layer;
  8. }
  9. }




2,也可以在代码里用 the_gameobj.layer = n ; (n为int)  来动态的保持层一致性。

You can't place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them.

时间: 2024-10-12 22:38:50

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