
1. 推导出函数间隔最小

2. 约束优化函数变形至如下形式

min 1/2*||w||^2
s.t.  (w[i]*x[i] + b[i] - y[i]) >= 0;

3. 对偶函数

min(para alpha) 1/2*sum(i)sum(j)(alpha[i]*alpha[j]*y[i]*y[j]*x[i]*x[j]) - sum(alpha[i])
s.t. sum(alpha[i] * y[i]) = 0
C>= alpha[i] >= 0

4. 根据KKT条件优化。。


**CopyRight by Weidi Xu, S.C.U.T in Guangdong, Guangzhou**

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

using std::sort;
using std::fabs;

const int MAX_DIMENSION = 2;
const int MAX_SAMPLES = 3;
double y[MAX_SAMPLES];
double alpha[MAX_SAMPLES];
double w[MAX_DIMENSION];
double b;
double c;
double eps = 1e-6;
struct _E{
double val;
int index;

bool cmp(const _E & a, const _E & b)
return a.val < b.val;

int num_dimension;
int num_samples;

double max(double a,double b)
return a>b?a:b;

double min(double a,double b)
return a>b?b:a;

double kernal(double x1[], double x2[], double dimension)
double ans = 0 ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < dimension; i++)
ans += x1[i]*x2[i];
return ans;

double target_function()
double ans = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
ans += alpha[i]*alpha[j]*y[i]*y[j]*kernal(x[i],x[j],num_dimension);

for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
ans -= alpha[i];

return ans;

double g(double _x[], int dimension)
double ans = b;

for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
ans += alpha[i]*y[i]*kernal(x[i],_x,dimension);

return ans;

bool satisfy_constrains(int i, int dimension)
if(alpha[i] == 0)
if(y[i]*g(x[i], dimension) >= 1)
return true;
return false;
else if( alpha[i] > 0 && alpha[i] < c)
if(y[i] * g(x[i], dimension) == 1)
return true;
return false;
if(y[i] * g(x[i], dimension) <= 1)
return true;
return false;

double calE(int i, int dimension)
return g(x[i], dimension) - y[i];

void calW()
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_dimension; i++)
w[i] = 0;
for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
w[i] += alpha[j] * y[j] * x[j][i];
return ;

void calB()
double ans = y[0];
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples ; i++)
ans -= y[i]*alpha[i]*kernal(x[i], x[0], num_dimension);
b = ans;

void recalB(int alpha1index,int alpha2index, int dimension, double alpha1old, double alpha2old)
double alpha1new = alpha[alpha1index];
double alpha2new = alpha[alpha2index];

alpha[alpha1index] = alpha1old;
alpha[alpha2index] = alpha2old;

double e1 = calE(alpha1index, num_dimension);
double e2 = calE(alpha2index, num_dimension);

alpha[alpha1index] = alpha1new;
alpha[alpha2index] = alpha2new;

double b1new = -e1 - y[alpha1index]*kernal(x[alpha1index], x[alpha1index], dimension)*(alpha1new - alpha1old);
b1new -= y[alpha2index]*kernal(x[alpha2index], x[alpha1index], dimension)*(alpha2new - alpha2old) + b;

double b2new = -e2 - y[alpha1index]*kernal(x[alpha1index], x[alpha2index], dimension)*(alpha1new - alpha1old);
b1new -= y[alpha2index]*kernal(x[alpha2index], x[alpha2index], dimension)*(alpha2new - alpha2old) + b;

b = (b1new + b2new)/2;

bool optimizehelp(int alpha1index,int alpha2index)
double alpha1new = alpha[alpha1index];
double alpha2new = alpha[alpha2index];

double alpha1old = alpha[alpha1index];
double alpha2old = alpha[alpha2index];

double H,L;

if(fabs(y[alpha1index] - y[alpha2index]) > eps)
L = max(0, alpha2old - alpha1old);
H = min(c, c + alpha2old - alpha1old);
L = max(0, alpha2old + alpha1old - c);
H = min(c, alpha2old + alpha1old);

//cal new
double lena = kernal(x[alpha1index], x[alpha1index], num_dimension) + kernal(x[alpha2index], x[alpha2index], num_dimension) - 2*kernal(x[alpha1index], x[alpha2index], num_dimension);
alpha2new = alpha2old + y[alpha2index]*(calE(alpha1index, num_dimension) - calE(alpha2index, num_dimension))/lena;

if(alpha2new > H)
alpha2new = H;
else if( alpha2new < L)
alpha2new = L;

alpha1new = alpha1old + y[alpha1index]*y[alpha2index]*(alpha2old - alpha2new);

double energyold = target_function();

alpha[alpha1index] = alpha1new;
alpha[alpha2index] = alpha2new;

double gap = 0.001;

recalB(alpha1index, alpha2index, num_dimension, alpha1old, alpha2old);
return true;

bool optimize()
int alpha1index = -1;
int alpha2index = -1;
double alpha2new = 0;
double alpha1new = 0;

//cal E[]
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
E[i].val = calE(i, num_dimension);
E[i].index = i;

//traverse the alpha1index with 0 < && < c
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
alpha1new = alpha[i];

if(alpha1new > 0 && alpha1new < c)

if(satisfy_constrains(i, num_dimension))

sort(E, E+num_samples, cmp);

//simply find the maximum or minimun;
if(alpha1new > 0)
if(E[0].index == i)
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = E[0].index;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index, alpha2index))
return true;
if(E[num_samples-1].index == i)
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = E[num_samples-1].index;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index, alpha2index))
return true;

//find the alpha2 > 0 && < c
for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
alpha2new = alpha[j];

if(alpha2new > 0 && alpha2new < c)
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = j;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index , alpha2index))
return true;

//find other alpha2
for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
alpha2new = alpha[j];

if(!(alpha2new > 0 && alpha2new < c))
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = j;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index , alpha2index))
return true;

//find all alpha1
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
alpha1new = alpha[i];

if(!(alpha1new > 0 && alpha1new < c))
if(satisfy_constrains(i, num_dimension))

sort(E, E+num_samples, cmp);

//simply find the maximum or minimun;
if(alpha1new > 0)
if(E[0].index == i)
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = E[0].index;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index, alpha2index))
return true;
if(E[num_samples-1].index == i)
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = E[num_samples-1].index;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index, alpha2index))
return true;

//find the alpha2 > 0 && < c
for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
alpha2new = alpha[j];

if(alpha2new > 0 && alpha2new < c)
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = j;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index , alpha2index))
return true;

//find other alpha2
for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
alpha2new = alpha[j];

if(!(alpha2new > 0 && alpha2new < c))
alpha1index = i;
alpha2index = j;
if(optimizehelp(alpha1index , alpha2index))
return true;

//for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
// alpha1new = alpha[i];

// for(int j = 0 ; j < num_samples; j++)
// {
// if(1)
// {
// alpha1index = i;
// alpha2index = j;
// if(optimizehelp(alpha1index , alpha2index))
// {
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
return false;

bool check()
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
sum += alpha[i] * y[i];
if(!(0 <= alpha[i] && alpha[i] <= c))
printf("alpha[%d]: %lf wrong\n", i, alpha[i]);
return false;
if(!satisfy_constrains(i, num_dimension))
printf("alpha[%d] not satisfy constrains\n", i);
return false;

if(fabs(sum) > eps)
printf("Sum = %lf\n", sum);
return false;
return true;
min 1/2*||w||^2
s.t. (w[i]*x[i] + b[i] - y[i]) >= 0;
step 1: cal alpha[]
step 2: cal w,b

min(para alpha) 1/2*sum(i)sum(j)(alpha[i]*alpha[j]*y[i]*y[j]*x[i]*x[j]) - sum(alpha[i])
s.t. sum(alpha[i] * y[i]) = 0
C>= alpha[i] >= 0

int main()
scanf("%d%d", &num_samples, &num_dimension);

for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < num_dimension; j++)
c = 1;

for(int i = 0 ; i < num_samples; i++)
alpha[i] = 0;

int count = 0;
printf("%d ",count);


printf("y = ");

for(int i = 0 ; i < num_dimension; i++)
printf("%lf * x[%d] + ", w[i], i);
printf("%lf\n", b);

printf("Not satisfy KKT.\n");
printf("Satisfy KKT\n");

3 2
3 3 1
4 3 1
1 1 -1


1. SVM的收敛与迭代顺序和初值基本无关。


时间: 2024-10-09 16:26:32



有所更改,参数不求完备,但求实用.源码参考D:\source\opencv-3.4.9\samples\cpp\train_HOG.cpp [解读参考] [HOG原理] #include

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实验报告: 人脸识别方法回顾与实验分析 【OpenCV测试方法源码】

趁着还未工作,先把过去做的东西整理下出来~   Github源码: (涉及个人隐私,源码不包含测试样本,请谅解~) 对实验结果更感兴趣的朋友请直接看 第5章 [摘要]这是一篇关于人脸识别方法的实验报告.报告首先回顾了人脸识别研究的发展历程及基本分类:随后对人脸识别技术方法发展过程中一些经典的流行的方法进行了详细的阐述:最后作者通过设计实验对比了三种方法的识别效果并总结了人脸识别所面临的困难与


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OpenCV2.4.9源码分析——Support Vector Machines

引言 本文共分为三个部分,第一个部分介绍SVM的原理,我们全面介绍了5中常用的SVM算法:C-SVC.ν-SVC.单类SVM.ε-SVR和ν-SVR,其中C-SVC和ν-SVC不仅介绍了处理两类分类问题的情况,还介绍处理多类问题的情况.在具体求解SVM过程中,我们介绍了SMO算法和广义SMO算法.第二个部分我们给出了OpenCV中SVM程序的详细注解.第三个部分我们给出了一个基于OpenCV的SVM算法的简单应用实例. 由于这篇文章太长,公式很多,把文章复制到这里,阅读体验会很差,因此,我把这篇


编者按:本文收集了百来篇关于机器学习和深度学习的资料,含各种文档,视频,源码等.而且原文也会不定期的更新,望看到文章的朋友能够学到更多. <Brief History of Machine Learning> 介绍:这是一篇介绍机器学习历史的文章,介绍很全面,从感知机.神经网络.决策树.SVM.Adaboost 到随机森林.Deep Learning. <Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview> 介绍:这是瑞士人工智能实验室 Ju


原文: 编者按:本文收集了百来篇关于机器学习和深度学习的资料,含各种文档,视频,源码等.而且原文也会不定期的更新,望看到文章的朋友能够学到更多. <Brief History of Machine Learning> 介绍:这是一篇介绍机器学习历史的文章,介绍很全面,从感知机.神经网络.决策树.SVM.Adaboost 到随机森林.Deep Learning. <Deep Learning i