

下面的内容出自gcc manual,作为笔记,记录于此。

The linker uses the following search paths to locate required shared libraries.

1. Any directories specified by -rpath-link options.

2. Any directories specified by -rpath options.
The difference between -rpath and -rpath-link is that
directories specified by -rpath options are included in the executable and used at runtime, whereas the -rpath-link option is only effective at link time. It is for the native linker only.

3. On an ELF system, if the -rpath and "rpath-link" options were not used, search the contents of the environment variable "LD_RUN_PATH". It is for the native linker only.

4. On SunOS, if the -rpath option was not used, search any directories specified using -L options.

5. For a native linker, the contents of the environment variable "LD_LIBRARY_PATH".

6. For a native ELF linker, the directories in "DT_RUNPATH" or "DT_RPATH" of a shared library are searched for shared libraries needed by it. The "DT_RPATH" entries are ignored if "DT_RUNPATH" entries exist.

7. The default directories, normally /lib and /usr/lib.

8. For a native linker on an ELF system, if the file /etc/ld.so.conf exists, the list of directories found in that file.

If the required shared library is not found, the linker will issue a warning and continue with the link.



1. -rpath in manual page of gcc: man gcc and find -rpath

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时间: 2024-11-10 14:27:35



查看文件权限的语句: 在终端输入: ls -l xxx.xxx (xxx.xxx是文件名) 那么就会出现相类似的信息,主要都是这些: -rw-rw-r-- 一共有10位数 其中: 最前面那个 - 代表的是类型 中间那三个 rw- 代表的是所有者(user) 然后那三个 rw- 代表的是组群(group) 最后那三个 r-- 代表的是其他人(other) 然后我再解释一下后面那9位数: r 表示文件可以被读(read) w 表示文件可以被写(write) x 表示文件可以被执行(如果它是程序的话)

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