HashMap VS BST

HashMap usually performs search operations bounded with complexity of O(1)<=T(n)<=O(n). BST performs search operations in O(logN)<=T(n)<=O(N).

HashMap is implemented with array and hash function. HashMap has O(1) lookup time when the hashcode disperse keys appropriately.

For some special cases, lookup time can be much longer if the number of elements stored is sufficiently large.

时间: 2025-01-31 06:46:07

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/** * MAP对象,实现MAP功能 * * 接口: * size() 获取MAP元素个数 * isEmpty() 判断MAP是否为空 * clear() 删除MAP所有元素 * put(key, value) 向MAP中增加元素(key, value) * remove(key) 删除指定KEY的元素,成功返回True,失败返回False * get(key) 获取指定KEY的元素值VALUE,失败返回NULL * element(index) 获取指定索引的元素(使用element.key