HDU 3749 Financial Crisis

Financial Crisis

题意:给一个图,包含N ( 3 <= N <= 5000 )个点, M ( 0 <= M <= 10000 )条边 and Q ( 1 <= Q <= 1000 )次查询.查询:两个点是否是点-双连通;




PS:原本使用链式向前星来存储边,可是发现在hd里竟然比直接vector建图还慢。。(一脸茫然);并且开始使用stack<PII> 直接MLE了,可是看别人直接使用库栈。。

using namespace std;
#define rep0(i,l,r) for(int i = (l);i < (r);i++)
#define rep1(i,l,r) for(int i = (l);i <= (r);i++)
#define rep_0(i,r,l) for(int i = (r);i > (l);i--)
#define rep_1(i,r,l) for(int i = (r);i >= (l);i--)
#define MS0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
#define MS1(a) memset(a,-1,sizeof(a))

const int MAXN = 10010;
int low[MAXN],pre[MAXN],dfs_clock,bcc_cnt;
int bccno[MAXN];//看点属于哪个双连通分量;
set<int> bcc[MAXN];//存储每一个双连通分量的点的标号;
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
#define A first
#define B second
#define pb push_back
PII S[MAXN<<1];//存储边,从中取点
vector<int> e[MAXN];
int top;
int dfs(int u,int fa)
    int lowu = pre[u] = ++dfs_clock;
    int child = 0;
        int v = e[u][i];
        PII e = PII{u,v};
            S[++top] = e;
            int lowv = dfs(v,u);
            lowu = min(lowu,lowv);//以子节点的low来更新u的low函数;
            if(lowv >= pre[u]){ //表示u-v为桥
                    PII x = S[top--];
                    if(bccno[x.A] != bcc_cnt){bcc[bcc_cnt].insert(x.A);bccno[x.A] = bcc_cnt;}//就是为了不重复加点
                    if(bccno[x.B] != bcc_cnt){bcc[bcc_cnt].insert(x.B);bccno[x.B] = bcc_cnt;}
                    if(x.A == u && x.B == v) break;//根据加入的顺序知,正好对应;
        else if(v != fa && pre[v] < pre[u]){
            S[++top] = e;
            lowu = min(lowu,pre[v]);
    return low[u] = lowu;
int f[MAXN];
int Find(int a)
    return a==f[a]?f[a]:f[a]=Find(f[a]);
char ans[][15] = {"zero","one","two or more"};
int main()
    int N,M,Q,kase = 1;
    while(scanf("%d%d%d",&N,&M,&Q) == 3 && N+M+Q){
            f[i] = i;
        int u,v;
            u = Find(u),v = Find(v);
            if(u != v) f[v] = u;
        bcc_cnt = dfs_clock = top = 0;
        rep0(i,0,N)if(pre[i] == 0)
        printf("Case %d:\n",kase++);
            int ret;
            if(Find(u) != Find(v)) ret = 0;
                ret = 1;
                    if(bcc[j].find(u) != bcc[j].end() && bcc[j].find(v) != bcc[j].end()&&bcc[j].size() > 2)
                        ret = 2;
    return 0;

时间: 2024-12-26 20:04:15

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