Lesson with ServiceContractAttribute.ConfigurationName in the proxy class


By utilizing SvcUtil tool, one can get the .cs file in which proxy classes/interfaces are presented to consume WCF Services.


If no manual modification is required to this .cs file, people need not to pay special attention to the .config at the client side -- but if manual modification is required, things get different.


I have a trouble recently when I am asked to update the proxy .cs file to reflect the latest change at the service side.


The original one is the mixture of the result of executing SvcUtil tool and manual modification: the same namespace statement repeats here and there -- I am sure someone generated several files then simply placed the content together into this one.


Moreover, that guy did some manual modification -- believe me, I will show you the evidance. And that DOES lead to my problem!


Let‘s go back to the original .cs file, we can see the data contract classes are given an uniform namespace, while the service contract classes/interfaces do not have any namespace but are exposed to the root.


To minimize the possible change, I decided to keep such a structure. And, to avoid unnecessary manual work in the future maintainance, I wrote a .bat file in which a single call to SvcUtil is performed to generate the final proxy .cs file.


Fortunately, the data contracts and the service contracts are published with different namespaces, so I can use multiple /namespace options in executing SvcUtil to present exactly the same structure[1]:
        SvcUtil ... /namespace:*,DataContractNameSpaceAtClientSide /namespace:ServiceContractNameSpaceAtServiceSide, ...


I excuted the .bat file and committed the new proxy file.


Every thing is OK, right? But NOT -- the tester told me that the function involved with the proxy crashed, with error message saying
    InvalidOperationException - Could not find default endpoint element that references contract ‘IService‘ in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element. ...


What‘s wrong with my change? I did not do any modification towards the .config file.


I have to turn back to compare the original proxy file and the new one, at last the main difference is addressed at the value of System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute.ConfigurationName declared for the service contract interface.


The original one is like

[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(ConfigurationName = "ClientProxies.IService")]
public interface IService
   // Something declared here.


while mine is like

[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(ConfigurationName = "IService")]
public interface IService
    // Something declared here.


According to the discussion in [2], when utilizing SvcUtil tool, the service contracts in the proxy file, will always take the classes/interfaces full type name as the value of System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute.ConfigurationName. As the final proxy interface does not have any super namespace, mine code is the nature result of utlizing SvcUtil tool -- and the original one must have been experienced certain manual modification else its ConfigurationName cannot look like that.


But may such a difference lead to my trouble?


The answer is YES.


Let‘s see what is configured in the .config file:

    <endpoint contract="ClientProxies.IService" name="IService" />


According to [3]



... The contract attribute specifies which contract the endpoint is exposing. This value maps to the ConfigurationName of the ServiceContractAttribute.
   The default value is the full type name of the class that implements the service. ...

although there is no such a ClientProxies.IService type but only IService declared, the application will also be able to make use of it as long as it is decorated with the System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute of ConfigurationName = "ClientProxies.IService". This is why the original proxy worked.


Shame me, after nearly ten years working with WCF, only till today I know the connection between the system.serviceModel\client\[email protected] and System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute.ConfigurationName!

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1103686/use-svcutil-to-map-multiple-namespaces-for-generating-wcf-service-proxies
[2] https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/14ff3b6e-22a9-4a4a-b12f-1cffc8ddf6da/svcutilexe-issue-with-configuration-name?forum=wcf
[3] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731745(v=vs.110).aspx

时间: 2024-10-14 13:53:55

Lesson with ServiceContractAttribute.ConfigurationName in the proxy class的相关文章


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