8.02  Physics II (电磁学基础) 
Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb‘s law, electric structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential, electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere‘s law. Magnetic materials. Time-varying fields and Faraday‘s law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic waves and Maxwell‘s equations. Subject taught using the TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning) studio format which utilizes small group interaction and current technology to help students develop intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena. 
Fall: R. Redwine, J. Conrad 
Spring: Staff 
课本: Sen-Ben Liao, "Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism (Custom)", Person Custom, 2004 

18.01 Calculus I (微积分基础,相当于高等数学上册内容) 
Differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, with applications. Informal treatment of limits and continuity. Differentiation: definition, rules, application to graphing, rates, approximations, and extremum problems. Indefinite integration; separable first-order differential equations. Definite integral; fundamental theorem of calculus. Applications of integration to geometry and science. Elementary functions. Techniques of integration. Polar coordinates. L‘Hôpital‘s rule. Improper integrals. Infinite series: geometric, p-harmonic, simple comparison tests, power series for some elementary functions. 
Fall: P. Seidel 
Spring: Information: D. Vogan

课本: George Simmons, “Calculus with Analytic Geometry”, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 1996 

18.03 Differential Equations(微分方程) 
Study of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), including modeling physical systems. Solution of first-order ODEs by analytical, graphical, and numerical methods. Linear ODEs, primarily second order with constant coefficients. Complex numbers and exponentials. Inhomogeneous equations: polynomial, sinusoidal, and exponential inputs. Oscillations, damping, resonance. Fourier series inputs; resonant terms. Laplace transform methods; convolution and delta function. Matrix methods for first order linear systems: eigenvalues and eigenvectors, matrix exponentials, variation of parameters. Nonlinear autonomous systems: critical point analysis, phase plane diagrams, applications to modeling. 
Fall: B. Brubaker 
Spring: H. Miller 
课本: Edwards, C. Henry; Penney, David E. "Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems", Prentice Hall PTR, 6th edition, 2007 

18.06 Linear Algebra(线性代数) 
Basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra, emphasizing topics useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and positive definite matrices. Applications to least-squares approximations, stability of differential equations, networks, Fourier transforms, and Markov processes. Uses MATLAB. Compared with 18.700, more emphasis on matrix algorithms and many applications. 
Fall: A. Edelman 
Spring: G. Strang 
课本:Strang, Gilbert "Introduction to Linear Algebra" Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 4th edition, 2009 

6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science(基础离散数学) 
Elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and engineering. Emphasis on mathematical definitions and proofs as well as on applicable methods. Topics: formal logic notation, proof methods; induction, well-ordering; sets, relations; elementary graph theory; integer congruences; asymptotic notation and growth of functions; permutations and combinations, counting principles; discrete probability. Further selected topics such as: recursive definition and structural induction; state machines and invariants; recurrences; generating functions. 
A. R. Meyer, T. Leighton 
No textbook information available 

6.01   EECS介绍1 
An integrated introduction to electrical engineering and computer science, taught using substantial laboratory experiments with mobile robots. Key issues in the design of engineered artifacts operating in the natural world: measuring and modeling system behaviors; assessing errors in sensors and effectors; specifying tasks; designing solutions based on analytical and computational models; planning, executing, and evaluating experimental tests of performance; refining models and designs. Issues addressed in the context of computer programs, control systems, probabilistic inference problems, circuits and transducers, which all play important roles in achieving robust operation of a large variety of engineered systems. 6 Engineering Design Points. 
D. M. Freeman, L. P. Kaelbling, T. Lozano-Perez 
No required or recommended textbooks 

6.02   EECS介绍2 
Explores communication signals, systems and networks. Substantial laboratory experiments illustrate the role of abstraction and modularity in engineering design. Students gain practical experience in building reliable systems using imperfect components; selecting appropriate design metrics; choosing effective representations for information; and evaluating tradeoffs in complex systems. Topics include physical characterization and modeling of transmission systems in the time and frequency domains; analog and digital signaling; coding; detecting and correcting errors; relating information transmission rate to signal power, bandwidth and noise; and engineering of packet-switched networks. 6 Engineering Design Points. 
C. J. Terman, H. Balakrishnan, J. K. White 
No textbook information available

6..004 Computtation Structures(计算机体系结构) 
Introduces architecture of digital systems, emphasizing structural principles common to a wide range of technologies. Multilevel implementation strategies; definition of new primitives (e.g., gates, instructions, procedures, and processes) and their mechanization using lower-level elements. Analysis of potential concurrency; precedence constraints and performance measures; pipelined and multidimensional systems. Instruction set design issues; architectural support for contemporary software structures. 4 Engineering Design Points. 
S. A. Ward, C. J. Terman 
No textbook information available


6.005 Elements of Software Construction(软件构建基础) 
Introduction to the fundamental principles and techniques of software development that have greatest impact on practice. Topics include capturing the essence of a problem by recognizing and inventing suitable abstractions; key paradigms, including state machines, functional programming, and object-oriented programming; use of design patterns to bridge gap between models and code; the role of interfaces and specification in achieving modularity and decoupling; reasoning about code using invariants; testing, test-case generation and coverage; essentials of programming with objects, functions, and abstract types. Includes exercises in modeling, design, implementation and reasoning. 12 Engineering Design Points. 
D. N. Jackson, R. C. Miller 
No textbook information available

6.006 Introduction to Algoithms(算法导论) 
Introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems, as well as common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve these problems. Emphasizes the relationship between algorithms and programming, and introduces basic performance measures and analysis techniques for these problems. 
R. L. Rivest, S. Devadas

课本: Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, and Clifford Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms", MIT Press, second edition, 2001

6.033 Computer System Engineering(计算机系统工程) 
Topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, operating systems; performance, networks; naming; security and privacy; fault-tolerant systems, atomicity and coordination of concurrent activities, and recovery; impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and readings from the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. Two design projects. Students engage in extensive written communication exercises. Enrollment may be limited. 4 Engineering Design Points. 
M. F. Kaashoek, H. Balakrishnan 
课本: Sltzer, Jerome H., Kaashoek, and  M.Frans, "Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction", Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2009 
课本(国内引进): 大学计算机教育国外著名教材系列:计算机系统设计原理(影印版)

6.034 Artificial Intelligence(人工智能) 
Introduces representations, techniques, and architectures used to build applied systems and to account for intelligence from a computational point of view. Applications of rule chaining, heuristic search, constraint propagation, constrained search, inheritance, and other problem-solving paradigms. Applications of identification trees, neural nets, genetic algorithms, and other learning paradigms. Speculations on the contributions of human vision and language systems to human intelligence. 4 Engineering Design Points. 
Fall: P. H. Winston 
Spring: R. A. Barzilay

课本: Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2009


6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms(算法设计分析) 
Techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, emphasizing methods useful in practice. Topics include sorting; search trees, heaps, and hashing; divide-and-conquer; dynamic programming; greedy algorithms; amortized analysis; graph algorithms; and shortest paths. Advanced topics may include network flow; computational geometry; number-theoretic algorithms; polynomial and matrix calculations; caching; and parallel computing. 
C. E. Leiserson, M. Goemans 
课本: Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, and Clifford Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms", MIT Press, second edition, 2001 

AUS - Advanced Undergraduate Subjects (高级课程,选择两门) 
Advanced Undergraduate Subjects (AUS‘s) build on the foundation and header subjects to provide an introduction to broadly-recognized areas of specialization in EECS. The AUS‘s provide an opportunity for integration of earlier learning and may include design- or project-oriented capstone experience. 
Undergraduate students are required to take two AUS‘s, and should choose these subjects based on their interest in the associated areas of specialization. The AUS‘s also provide a basis for more advanced subjects for students in the MEng program (where they can be used as part of the required concentration). 
Subjects used to satisfy the AUS requirement may not also be used to satisfy other requirements, such as the Department lab requirement.

6.022J Quantitative Systems Physiology 
6.023J Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems 
6.035 Computer Language Engineering 
6.045J Automata, Computability and Complexity 
6.047 Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution 
6.049 Evolutionary Biology 
6.061 Introduction to Electric Power Systems 
6.077 Semiconductor Device Physics (Spring 2011 only) 
6.111 Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory 
6.115 Microcomputer Project Laboratory 
6.131 Power Electronics Laboratory 
6.141J Robotics: Science and Systems I 
6.142J Robotics Science and Systems II 
6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems 
6.173 Multicore Systems Laboratory 
6.207 Networks 
6.301 Solid-State Circuits 
6.302 Feedback Systems 
6.336J Introduction to Numerical Simulation 
6.341 Discrete-Time Signal Processing 
6.434J Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 
6.502J Introduction to Molecular Simulations 
6.503 Foundations of Algorithms and Computational Techniques in Systems Biology 
6.602 Fundamentals of Photonics 
6.608 Introduction to Particle Accelerators 
6.641 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion 
6.701 Introduction to Nanoelectronics 
6.717 Design and Fabrication of Microelectromechanical Systems 
6.801 Machine Vision 
6.802 Computational Systems Biology 
6.803 The Human Intelligence Enterprise 
6.804J Computational Cognitive Science 
6.805 Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Frontier 
6.813 User Interface Design and Implementation 
6.814 Database Systems 
6.815 Digital and Computational Photography 
6.825 Techniques in Artificial Intelligence 
6.837 Computer Graphics 
6.840J Theory of Computation 
6.854J Advanced Algorithms 
6.857 Network and Computer Security 
6.858 Computer Systems Security 
6.863J Natural Language and the Computer Representation of Knowledge 
6.867 Machine Learning


UAT - Preparation for Undergraduate Advanced Project
Instruction in aspects of effective technical oral presentations through exposure to different workplace communication skills. As preparation for the advanced undergraduate project (UAP), students develop research topics, identify a research supervisor, and prepare a short research proposal for an oral presentation. 
T. L. Eng 
No textbook information available

UAP - Undergraduate Advanced Project (相当于毕业设计之类)
Research project for those students completing the SB degree, to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member. Students who register for this subject must consult the department undergraduate office. Students engage in extensive written communications exercises. 
C. J. Terman 
No textbook information available


Communication Requirement(沟通课程)
All undergraduates are required to complete a multi-phase communication requirement which requires that four classes be completed, usually one in each academic year. The first two years‘ classes (CI-H) are taken from among designated classes within the HASS requirement. The third and fourth classes (CI-M) are taken from among designated CI-M classes within the student‘s major program or department. The CI-M classes taken satisfy the major program requirements as well as CI-M and their units count as units beyond the GIRs.


时间: 2024-08-12 04:28:05


斯科特.H.杨:MIT 课程挑战者 __转

斯科特.H.杨(Scott H Young),一个远在大洋彼岸的加拿大人,突然就闯进了我们的视野,因为他用一年的时间自学完成了 MIT 公开课上正常情况下需要四年才能修完的计算机科学的 33 门课程,并且最终通过了所有考试. 斯科特.H.杨为什么会去挑战 MIT 的计算机课程?这一切都源于他的一个生活理念:Get More From Life! MIT挑战:只不过是一个实验 当初斯科特决定用一年的时间去挑战 MIT 计算机课程的时候,有些人问他为什么要那么做,斯科特对此的回答相当简单: 没有人喜


MIT JOS学习笔记01(2016.10.22)

一.环境配置 关于MIT课程中使用的JOS的配置教程网上已经有很多了,在这里就不做介绍,个人使用的是Ubuntu 16.04 + qemu.另注,本文章中贴出的代码均是JOS中未经修改的源代码,其中有一些细节是MIT课程中要求学生自己实现的. 二.代码分析 1.boot.S(AT&T汇编格式) / boot.asm 1 #include <inc/mmu.h> 2 3 # Start the CPU: switch to 32-bit protected mode, jump into

线性代数导论 | Linear Algebra 课程

搞统计的线性代数和概率论必须精通,最好要能锻炼出直觉,再学机器学习才会事半功倍. 线性代数只推荐Prof. Gilbert Strang的MIT课程,有视频,有教材,有习题,有考试,一套学下来基本就入门了. 不多,一共10次课. 链接: SES # TOPICS KEY DATES 1 The geometry of linear e


最近课堂上正在讲图论 先安利MIT课程: 因为本人对图论的概念并不是很清楚,所以还是整理一下吧. 1.图论的基本概念 几种常见的图的分类: 类型 边 允许多重边 允许环 简单图 无向 否 否 多重图 无向 是 否 伪图 无向 是 是 有向图 有向 否 是 有向多重图 有向 是 是 完全图:n个顶点上的完全图是在每对不同顶点之间都恰有一条边的简单图. 二分图:若把简单图G的顶点集合分为两个不


无论你是想转行,成为一名全职程序员,或者想尝试打造一个网站或应用程序,或者只是希望提高了你的技能,学习代码无疑是每个程序员都绕不开的一关.尽管作为一个程序员可能不适合每一个人,但是还是有很多网站适合来提高自己的水平. 在深入了解下面我们的学习写代码网站列表中,我们想分享一个自学成才的产品设计师的一些建议.一位前创业者说自学成为程序员是很难的一件事情,无论是设计,编程. “鼓足勇气,最重要的障碍就是要克服你的恐惧” 一旦你达到的基本写代码的能力,起步往往是最好的,试图给自己定制任务,并建立通过大量


1.清华大学课程设置(国内大学的计算机系课程可以作为计算机系广度调查课程) 2.MIT课程设置(国外大学的计算机系课程设置起到借鉴考察作用) 3.自学的计划安排(基于自己的学习经验所组织) 主要部分为课程和书籍方面的选择,选择一个好的课程在选择一个好的教程进行学习可达到事半功倍之效果 关键点: 学以致用  即学习的知识必须是以后能用到的,且是感兴趣的,有些课程既然不打算做这些方面的工作则不必学习,等需要时在学永远是不会错的策略 若想深入学习关于计算机各个方面,可等以后有经济条件以后在学 最少学习

清华梦的粉碎—写给清华大学的退学申请 /王垠

王垠,四川大学97级本科毕业,保送到清华大学计算机系直博.期间曾在清华大学计算机系软件所就读,主要 进行集成电路布线算法的研究.在此期间,他因<完全用GNU/Linux工作>一文和对TeX的推广等"非研究成果 的业余东西"而出名. 在只剩一年就要博士毕业的时候,他申请退学,并将1万7千余字的"退学申请书"(题为 清华梦的粉碎)公布在网上,引起舆论界一时对教育体制.理想主义等的热议. 王垠 性别:男 喜欢的东西: 番茄蛋汤 爱好和兴趣: 计算机,滑板 籍贯


清华梦的诞生 小时候,妈妈给我一个梦.她指着一个大哥哥的照片对我说,这是爸爸的学生,他考上了清华大学,他是我们中学的骄傲.长大后,你也要进入清华大学读书,为我们家争光.我不知道清华是什么样子,但是我知道爱迪生和牛顿的故事.清华,大概就是可以把我造就成他们这种人的地方吧.我幼小的脑海里就想象出我能在清华做的事情--我的脸上浮现出笑容.我说我要实现这个"清华梦".这就是清华梦的诞生. 小小科学家 我相信每个人在小时候都跟我差不多,对这个世界充满了好奇. 鲁迅有他的百草园,我也有我自己的&q