如何限制oracle的trace files及alert file大小

Each server and background process writes to a trace file. When a process detects an internal error, it writes information about the error to its trace file. The file name format of a trace file is sid_processname_unixpid.trc, where:

■sid is the instance system identifier

■processname is a three or four-character abbreviated process name identifying the Oracle Database process that generated the file (for example, pmon, dbwr, ora, or reco)

■unixpid is the operating system process ID number

The following is a sample trace file name:


Set the MAX_DUMP_FILE initialization parameter to at least 5000 to ensure that the trace file is large enough to store error information.

Alert Files

The alert_sid.log file stores information about significant database events and messages. Events that affect the database instance or database are recorded in this file.


MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE参数 限定了trace files 以及alert file大小,其值


SQL> col name format a50;

SQL> col type format a10;

SQL> col value format a30;

SQL> show parameter max_dump_file_size;


------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------

max_dump_file_size     string UNLIMITED


SQL> alter system set max_dump_file_size=‘1024m‘;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter max_dump_file_size;


------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------

max_dump_file_size     string 1024M



时间: 2025-01-13 13:01:08

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