iOS Application Extension

iOS Application Extension的相关文章

iOS App Extension入门

转自简书: iOS 10推出了很多新功能,其中有几个高调的变化:通知栏更加实用,电话可以防骚扰,iMessage变得更加有趣和强大,还有就是新一轮的Siri调戏.这 些重大功能让我们更加期待iOS10正式上线!作为开发者,我们也需要不断为自己充电,想把握先机?让我们先来看看它们的基本-App Extension 介绍 应用扩展(App Extension)从iOS 8正式登录iOS平台,开发者可以通过应用扩展为用户提供系统

IOS Application生命周期

应用程序的状态 Not running(未运行):程序没启动 Inactive(未激活):程序在前台运行,不过没有接收到事件.在没有事件处理情况下程序通常停留在这个状态 Active(激活):程序在前台运行而且接收到了事件.这也是前台的一个正常的模式 Backgroud(后台):序在后台而且能执行代码,大多数程序进入这个后台后会在在这个状态上停留一会.时间到之后会进入挂起状态(Suspended).有的程序经过特殊的请求后可以长期处于Backgroud状态 Suspended(挂起):程序在后台

IOS Application Security Testing Cheat Sheet

IOS Application Security Testing Cheat Sheet [hide] 1 DRAFT CHEAT SHEET - WORK IN PROGRESS 2 Introduction 3 Information gathering 4 Application traffic analysis 5 Runtime analysis 6 Insecure data storage 7 Tools 8 Related Articles 9 Authors and Prima

ios 原生应用调用untiy 3D 模型_-->Add Unity3D in a native iOS application The problem For a project I need to implement an augmented reality feature inside a native iOS application.  We chose to go with Unity3D and Vuforia to do the augmented realit

iOS Today Extension/widget编程小记

从iOS8开始,下拉的"今天"里,应用可以添加自己的小widget,就是下图这样的东西: 这个东西在Android里叫widget,不过在iOS中我们叫它Today Extension,因为它是iOS中众多种类的extensions中的一种. Extensions有很多种,Today Extension之外,还有包括Share.Action.Photo Editing.Document Provider.Custom Keyboard.Watch App这些:其中一些很熟悉,像Watc

iOS application/json上传文件等

在和sever后台交互的过程中.有时候.他们需要我们iOS开发者以"application/json"形式上传. NSString *accessUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/xxx",@""]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URL

揭秘 iOS App Extension 开发 —— Today 篇

转自: 本文授权转载,作者:Cyandev(简书) 从 iOS 8 开始,苹果引入了全新的 App Extension,涉及到方方面面,例如今日面板.键盘.内容拦截器.分享动作等.但是官方对于 App Extension 的开发指南少之又少,入门起来会有很多坑.所以我准备写一系列文章来帮助大家更好入门 App Extension 的开发,也能少走弯路. 何为 App Extension? 顾名思义,

Demystifying iOS Application Crash Logs This is a blog post by Soheil Moayedi Azarpour, an independent iOS developer. You can also find him on Google+. Have you ever had the following experience as an app developer?

iOS application: how to clear notifications? up vote105down vote Just to expand on pcperini's answer. As he mentions you will need to add the following code to yourapplication:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: me