FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./share/fill_help_tables.sql

[[email protected] mysql-5.6.33]# /apps/mysql-5.6.33/scripts/mysql_install_db --datadir=/data/my_db --user=mysql
FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./share/fill_help_tables.sql

If you compiled from source, you need to run ‘make install‘ to
copy the software into the correct location ready for operation.

If you are using a binary release, you must either be at the top
level of the extracted archive, or pass the --basedir option
pointing to that location.



[[email protected] mysql-5.6.33]# /apps/mysql-5.6.33/scripts/mysql_install_db --datadir=/data/my_db --basedir=/apps/mysql-5.6.33/ --user=mysql
时间: 2024-12-19 19:03:48

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