[LeetCode]题解(python):065-Valid Number





  "0" => true
  " 0.1 " => true
  "abc" => false
  "1 a" => false
  "2e10" => true





 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def isNumber(self, s):
 3         """
 4         :type s: str
 5         :rtype: bool
 6         """
 7         begin,last =0,len(s) - 1
 8         while begin <= last and s[begin] == ‘ ‘: begin += 1
 9         while begin <= last and s[last] == ‘ ‘: last -= 1
10         if begin < last and (s[begin] == ‘+‘ or s[begin] == ‘-‘): begin += 1
11         num,dot,exp = False,False,False
12         while begin <= last:
13             if s[begin] >= ‘0‘ and s[begin] <= ‘9‘:
14                 num = True
15             elif s[begin] == ‘.‘:
16                 if dot or exp:
17                     return False
18                 dot = True
19             elif s[begin] == ‘e‘ or s[begin] ==‘E‘:
20                 if exp or not num:
21                     return False
22                 exp,num = True,False
23             elif s[begin] ==‘+‘ or s[begin] == ‘-‘:
24                 if begin == 0 or s[begin - 1] != ‘e‘:
25                     return False
26             else:
27                 return False
28             begin += 1
29         return num


时间: 2024-10-15 15:31:54

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