Leet Code OJ 328. Odd Even Linked List [Difficulty: Easy]


Given a singly linked list, group all odd nodes together followed by the even nodes. Please note here we are talking about the node number and not the value in the nodes.

You should try to do it in place. The program should run in O(1) space complexity and O(nodes) time complexity.


Given 1->2->3->4->5->NULL,

return 1->3->5->2->4->NULL.


The relative order inside both the even and odd groups should remain as it was in the input.

The first node is considered odd, the second node even and so on …







本题比較easy出错的地方,第一个是看错题目。把编号的奇偶数看成节点值的奇偶数;第二个是移动节点时。对于next指针的处理上。假设没有把next正确指向,有可能把链表变成循环列表。这个时候就会出现“Memory Limit Exceeded”这种错误了。以下的代码创建了多个暂时变量,把奇数偶数节点分开为2个链表,最后再合并的做法。也是为了代码清晰易读,事实上是能够有更精简的写法的,欢迎读者补充。


 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * public class ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode next;
 *     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }
 * }
public class Solution {
    public ListNode oddEvenList(ListNode head) {
        ListNode oddFirstNode = new ListNode(0);
        ListNode oddCurrentNode = oddFirstNode;
        ListNode evenFirstNode = new ListNode(0);
        ListNode evenCurrentNode = evenFirstNode;
        int count=1;
        while (head != null) {
            ListNode temp=head.next;
            if (count% 2 == 1) {
            } else {
            head = temp;
        return oddFirstNode.next;
时间: 2025-01-08 12:26:59

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[LeetCode] 328. Odd Even Linked List ☆☆☆(奇偶节点分别放一起)

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