Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ OTA打包ROM安装系统img等到ZIP

在做OTA升级包的时候,我编译了好多次都没过。老是IO异常。刚開始以为是我 make 的错误。后来多次检查 Error 发现是我的配置信息写错了,与驱动project师一起检查源代码,

改动配置信息后再次 OTA 成功。顺便记下这个这个过程,避免以后再次犯这种错误

make -jxx otapackage / make -jxx 成功后 make -j24 otapackage



<span style="font-size:12px;color:#3366ff;"><strong>[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 4980992
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 4980992 (0x4c0100)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Normal IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
signed already (0x53535353)
[SignLib] Signed file path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/recovery-sign.img'
[SignLib] FB SIG path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/recovery-sign.img.sig'
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/recovery-verified.img' is '0x4c0100'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/recovery-sign.img' is '0x4c022c'
[SignLib] sec.magic_num              = 0x46424642
[SignLib] sec.cust_name              =
[SignLib] sec.img_ver                = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] sec.img_len                = 4981292 (0x4c022c)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num        = 1178748482 (0x46424642)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver          = 2 (0x2)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size       = 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name        = 'recovery'
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 4980992 (0x4c0100)
[SignLib] chunk[0], read size 4981292 (0x4c022c)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature: 

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG)
Sign Image 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' with cfg 'vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini'...
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory
[Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/simg2img

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (normal)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is '0x5dc00000'
[SignLib] size of 'UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is '0x5dc00000' (0x0, 0x5dc00000)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 1572864000
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 1572864000
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 1572864000 (0x5dc00000)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:
[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value :

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S1 IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (sparse)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' is '0x4faf531c'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' is '0x4faf531c' (0x0, 0x4faf531c)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 1336890140
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 1336890140
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 1336890140 (0x4faf531c)
[SignLib] sparse ext header is existed (len=300)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value : 

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S2 IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
signed already (0x53535353)
[SignLib] Signed file path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/system-sign.img'
[SignLib] FB SIG path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/system-sign.img.sig'
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/system.img' is '0x4faf531c'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/system-sign.img' is '0x4faf558c'
[SignLib] sec.magic_num              = 0x46424642
[SignLib] sec.cust_name              =
[SignLib] sec.img_ver                = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] sec.img_len                = 1336890764 (0x4faf558c)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num        = 1178748482 (0x46424642)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver          = 2 (0x2)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count       = 26 (0x1a)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size       = 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name        = 'system'
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 1336890140 (0x4faf531c)
[SignLib] chunk[0], read size 52412416 (0x31fc000)
[SignLib] chunk[1], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[2], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[3], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[4], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[5], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[6], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[7], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[8], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[9], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[10], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[11], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[12], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[13], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[14], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[15], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[16], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[17], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[18], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[19], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[20], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[21], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[22], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[23], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[24], read size 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] chunk[25], read size 26187148 (0x18f958c)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG)
Sign Image 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' with cfg 'vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini'...
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory
[Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/simg2img

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (normal)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is '0x39b00000'
[SignLib] size of 'UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is '0x39b00000' (0x0, 0x39b00000)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 967835648
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 967835648
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 967835648 (0x39b00000)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value :

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S1 IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (sparse)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' is '0x10961d8'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' is '0x10961d8' (0x0, 0x10961d8)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 17392088
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 17392088
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 17392088 (0x10961d8)
[SignLib] sparse ext header is existed (len=300)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value :

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S2 IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
signed already (0x53535353)
[SignLib] Signed file path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/userdata-sign.img'
[SignLib] FB SIG path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/userdata-sign.img.sig'
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/userdata.img' is '0x10961d8'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/userdata-sign.img' is '0x1096448'
[SignLib] sec.magic_num              = 0x46424642
[SignLib] sec.cust_name              =
[SignLib] sec.img_ver                = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] sec.img_len                = 17392712 (0x1096448)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num        = 1178748482 (0x46424642)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver          = 2 (0x2)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size       = 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name        = 'userdata'
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 17392088 (0x10961d8)
[SignLib] chunk[0], read size 17392712 (0x1096448)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG)
the trustzone.bin is NOT exsit, please check
the mobicore.bin is NOT exsit, please check
the tz.img is NOT exsit, please check

 Sign EMMC Images
Sign Image 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' with cfg 'vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini'...
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory
[Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (normal)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' is '0x200'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' is '0x200' (0x0, 0x200)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 512
[SignUtil] The last region's original length is 10240 (0x2800)
[SignUtil] Adjust last region's original length to 512 (0x200)
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 512
[0] next region start is 512
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->511) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 512 (0x200)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:
[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value :

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Normal IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
signed already (0x53535353)
[SignLib] Signed file path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/MBR-sign'
[SignLib] FB SIG path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/MBR-sign.sig'
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/MBR' is '0x200'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/MBR-sign' is '0x32c'
[SignLib] sec.magic_num              = 0x46424642
[SignLib] sec.cust_name              =
[SignLib] sec.img_ver                = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] sec.img_len                = 812 (0x32c)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num        = 1178748482 (0x46424642)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver          = 2 (0x2)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size       = 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name        = 'MBR'
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 512 (0x200)
[SignLib] chunk[0], read size 812 (0x32c)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG)
Sign Image 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' with cfg 'vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini'...
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory
[Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (normal)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' is '0x200'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' is '0x200' (0x0, 0x200)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 512
[SignUtil] The last region's original length is 10240 (0x2800)
[SignUtil] Adjust last region's original length to 512 (0x200)
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 512
[0] next region start is 512
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->511) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 512 (0x200)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value :

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Normal IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
signed already (0x53535353)
[SignLib] Signed file path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/EBR1-sign'
[SignLib] FB SIG path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/EBR1-sign.sig'
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/EBR1' is '0x200'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/EBR1-sign' is '0x32c'
[SignLib] sec.magic_num              = 0x46424642
[SignLib] sec.cust_name              =
[SignLib] sec.img_ver                = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] sec.img_len                = 812 (0x32c)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num        = 1178748482 (0x46424642)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver          = 2 (0x2)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size       = 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name        = 'EBR1'
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 512 (0x200)
[SignLib] chunk[0], read size 812 (0x32c)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG)
Sign Image 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' with cfg 'vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/rmt8382_tb_l/security/image_auth/IMG_AUTH_CFG.ini'...
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
Makefile:4: ../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/ No such file or directory
[Dependency] /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/Makefile /mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/auth/Makefile
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `../../../../../device/mediatek/rmt8382_tb_l/'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382/vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image'
[Dependency] vendor/mediatek/proprietary/scripts/sign-image/simg2img

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (normal)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is '0x7e00000'
[SignLib] size of 'UN_SPARSE_TEMP_IMG' is '0x7e00000' (0x0, 0x7e00000)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 132120576
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 132120576
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 132120576 (0x7e00000)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value :

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S1 IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (sparse)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' is '0x606094'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' is '0x606094' (0x0, 0x606094)
[SignUtil] sec_hdr->img_len = 6316180
[0] min_pos is 0
p_ext_cfg->verify_offset[0] is 0
[0] region_end is 10240
[0] next region start is 6316180
[SignUtil] Sign region (0->10239) ok(v3)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.magic_num          = 0x53535353
[SignLib] hdr_v4.cust_name          =
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_verion       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.signature_length   = 148 (0x94)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_offset       = 64 (0x40)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_magic          = 2071559033 (0x7b797b79)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.ext_hdr_length     = 0 (0x0)
[SignLib] hdr_v4.image_length       = 6316180 (0x606094)
[SignLib] sparse ext header is existed (len=300)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:
[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
[SignLib] Hash value : 

SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Sparse S2 IMG)

[Android SignTool v4.0 (FB)]

Built at Wed May 21 17:50:59 CST 2014

[SignTool] sign image (fb signature)...
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_N
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_D
[SignLib] import CUSTOM_RSA_E
[AUTHEN] rsa.N length = 1024 bytes
[AUTHEN] rsa.E length = 20 bytes
signed already (0x53535353)
[SignLib] Signed file path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/cache-sign.img'
[SignLib] FB SIG path is 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/cache-sign.img.sig'
[SignLib] empty customer name 'NULL'
[SignLib] VERIFY_OFFSET[0]=0
[SignLib] VERIFY_LENGTH[0]=10240
[SignLib] CHUNK_SIZE=1048576
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/cache.img' is '0x606094'
[SignLib] size of 'out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/signed_bin/cache-sign.img' is '0x606304'
[SignLib] sec.magic_num              = 0x46424642
[SignLib] sec.cust_name              =
[SignLib] sec.img_ver                = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] sec.img_len                = 6316804 (0x606304)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.magic_num        = 1178748482 (0x46424642)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hdr_ver          = 2 (0x2)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.hash_count       = 1 (0x1)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.chunk_size       = 52428800 (0x3200000)
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.part_name        = 'cache'
[SignLib] fb_hdr_v2.orig_img_size_64 = 6316180 (0x606094)
[SignLib] chunk[0], read size 6316804 (0x606304)
[AUTHEN] RSA padding : RAW
[AUTHEN] sign image ... pass

[AUTHEN] output signature:

[AUTHEN] verify signature... pass
SIGN PASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FB SIG)
remove unused *sig files
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382'

#### make completed successfully (58 seconds) ####

++++ boot ++++

building image from target_files BOOT...

++++ recovery ++++

building image from target_files RECOVERY...

++++ recovery_bthdr ++++

building image from target_files RECOVERY...

++++ system ++++

creating system.img...
Running: -s /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/system /tmp/system-9S5D5e.img ext4 system 1572864000 -T 1458016704 -C /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/META/filesystem_config.txt -B /tmp/ /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts
make_ext4fs -s -T 1458016704 -S /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts -C /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/META/filesystem_config.txt -B /tmp/ -l 1572864000 -a system /tmp/system-9S5D5e.img /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/system
loaded 2171 fs_config entries
Creating filesystem with parameters:
    Size: 1572864000
    Block size: 4096
    Blocks per group: 32768
    Inodes per group: 8000
    Inode size: 256
    Journal blocks: 6000
    Blocks: 384000
    Block groups: 12
    Reserved block group size: 95
Created filesystem with 2181/96000 inodes and 332292/384000 blocks
Running:  simg2img /tmp/system-9S5D5e.img /tmp/unsparse_system-9S5D5e.img
Running:  e2fsck -f -n /tmp/unsparse_system-9S5D5e.img
e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/tmp/unsparse_system-9S5D5e.img: 2181/96000 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 332292/384000 blocks

++++ userdata ++++

creating userdata.img...
Running: -s /tmp/tmpsxLSyZ/data /tmp/tmps13YqK ext4 data 967835648 -T 1458016704 /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts
make_ext4fs -s -T 1458016704 -S /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts -l 967835648 -a data /tmp/tmps13YqK /tmp/tmpsxLSyZ/data
Creating filesystem with parameters:
    Size: 967835648
    Block size: 4096
    Blocks per group: 32768
    Inodes per group: 7392
    Inode size: 256
    Journal blocks: 3692
    Blocks: 236288
    Block groups: 8
    Reserved block group size: 63
Created filesystem with 11/59136 inodes and 7732/236288 blocks
Running:  simg2img /tmp/tmps13YqK /tmp/unsparse_tmps13YqK
Running:  e2fsck -f -n /tmp/unsparse_tmps13YqK
e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/tmp/unsparse_tmps13YqK: 11/59136 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 7732/236288 blocks

++++ cache ++++

creating cache.img...
Running: -s /tmp/tmpjPGNXe/cache /tmp/tmptyClKq ext4 cache 132120576 -T 1458016704 /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts
make_ext4fs -s -T 1458016704 -S /tmp/targetfiles-6SVu7o/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts -l 132120576 -a cache /tmp/tmptyClKq /tmp/tmpjPGNXe/cache
Creating filesystem with parameters:
    Size: 132120576
    Block size: 4096
    Blocks per group: 32768
    Inodes per group: 8064
    Inode size: 256
    Journal blocks: 1024
    Blocks: 32256
    Block groups: 1
    Reserved block group size: 7
Created filesystem with 11/8064 inodes and 1542/32256 blocks
Running:  simg2img /tmp/tmptyClKq /tmp/unsparse_tmptyClKq
Running:  e2fsck -f -n /tmp/unsparse_tmptyClKq
e2fsck 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/tmp/unsparse_tmptyClKq: 11/8064 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 1542/32256 blocks
Replace boot.img
Replace recovery.img
Replace recovery_bthdr.img
Replace system.img
Replace userdata.img
Replace cache.img
Package OTA: out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/
unzipping target target-files...
  running:  unzip -o -q out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/obj/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/ -d /tmp/targetfiles-NPHAZL
--- target info ---
blocksize                 = (int) 4096
build.prop                = (dict) {'': '15', 'ro.product.cpu.abilist': 'armeabi-v7a,armeabi', '': 'to_upgrade', 'ril.radiooff.poweroffMD': '0', '': 'rmt8382_tb_l', 'ro.mtk_gps_support': '1', '': 'LRX21M', 'ro.mtk_matv_analog_support': '1', '': 'MM-dd-yyyy', 'ro.product.cpu.abilist32': 'armeabi-v7a,armeabi', 'ro.mtk_antibricking_level': '2', 'dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features': 'div', 'ro.mtk_hotknot_support': '1', '': 'alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}', 'ro.mediatek.gemini_support': 'true', 'bgw.current3gband': '0', '': 'Walton/full_rmt8382_tb_l/rmt8382_tb_l:5.0/LRX21M/1458016593:user/test-keys', 'ro.mtk_cta_drm_support': '1', 'ro.product.manufacturer': 'Walton', '': 'alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}', 'ro.mtk_nfc_addon_support': '1', 'ril.telephony.mode': '0', 'ro.mtk_wappush_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_eap_sim_aka': '1', '': 'full_rmt8382_tb_l-user 5.0 LRX21M 1458016593 test-keys', 'ro.mediatek.version.release': 'ALPS.L0.MP2.V1.9_RMT8382.TB.L', 'ro.mtk_multi_patition': '1', 'sys.ipo.pwrdncap': '2', 'ro.mtk_mobile_management': '1', 'ro.mtk_wfd_sink_support': '1', 'ro.product.brand': 'Walton', 'ro.mediatek.platform': 'MT6582', 'wifi.interface': 'wlan0', 'ro.btstack': 'blueangel', '': 'alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}', '': 'p2p0', 'ro.mtk_audenh_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_audio_profiles': '1', 'ro.product.model': 'Walpad C', 'ril.specific.sm_cause': '0', 'ro.mtk_system_update_support': '1', 'dalvik.vm.heapsize': '256m', 'wfd.dummy.enable': '1', 'persist.sys.timezone': 'Asia/Dhaka', 'ro.mtk_fm_recording_support': '1', 'ro.kernel.zio': '38,108,105,16', 'ro.mtk_thumbnail_play_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_audio_change_support': '1', '': 'ubuntu2015', 'ro.mtk_send_rr_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_widevine_drm_support': '1', 'wifi.tethering.interface': 'ap0', 'ro.mtk_search_db_support': '1', 'ro.gemini.smart_sim_switch': 'false', 'ro.sys.usb.bicr': 'yes', 'ro.mtk_default_data_off': '1', 'fmradio.driver.enable': '1', 'ro.sf.hwrotation': '270', 'ro.mtk_emmc_support': '1', 'ro.board.platform': 'mt6582', 'ro.mtk_oma_drm_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_gemini_support': '1', 'ro.mediatek.project.path': 'device/rmt/rmt8382_tb_l', 'ro.product.cpu.abilist64': '', '': '15', 'ro.mediatek.chip_ver': 'S01', 'drm.service.enabled': 'true', 'ro.mtk_fd_support': '1', '': 'dsds', '': '0', '': '1', 'rild.libpath': '/system/lib/', '': '5', 'rild.libargs': '-d /dev/ttyC0', 'ro.mtk_audio_ape_support': '1', '': '5.0', '': 'REL', 'ro.telephony.sim.count': '2', 'ro.mtk_omacp_support': '1', '': 'user', 'ro.config.alarm_alert': 'Osmium.ogg', 'ro.mediatek.version.branch': 'L0.MP2', 'ro.opengles.version': '131072', '': '_Walpad C_SXXX_29122015', 'ro.mtk_flight_mode_power_off_md': '1', 'ro.config.ringtone': 'Rong_Master.wav', 'ro.mediatek.wlan.p2p': '1', 'ro.have_aacencode_feature': '1', 'ro.mtk_perfservice_support': '1', 'ro.config.sms_sound': 'Reha.ogg', 'ro.mtk_rat_wcdma_preferred': '1', 'persist.mtk.wcn.combo.chipid': '-1', 'ro.carrier': 'unknown', 'dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file': '/data/anr/traces.txt', 'ro.product.board': 'Walton', 'ro.mtk_besloudness_support': '1', '': 'alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}', 'ro.mtk_motion_track_support': '1', 'ro.sim_me_lock_mode': '0', 'ril.flightmode.poweroffMD': '1', '': 'Tue Mar 15 12:38:24 CST 2016', 'ril.current.share_modem': '2', 'ro.mtk_wmv_playback_support': '1', '': '5', '': '0', 'curlockscreen': '1', 'ro.mtk_gemini_enhancement': '1', 'ro.mtk_agps_app': '1', '': '1458016704', 'ro.sys.usb.charging.only': 'yes', 'ro.nfc.port': 'I2C', 'persist.gemini.sim_num': '2', 'mediatek.wlan.chip': 'mediatek.wlan.module.postfix=_', '': 'REL', 'ro.mtk_phone_voice_recording': '1', 'ro.mtk_cta_set': '1', '': 'alps-full_rmt8382_tb_l-{country}', 'sys.ipo.disable': '1', 'ro.mtk_mtkps_playback_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_wfd_sink_uibc_support': '1', 'ro.product.cpu.abi': 'armeabi-v7a', 'debug.hwui.render_dirty_regions': 'false', 'ro.mtk_voice_ui_support': '1', '': 'mtp,mass_storage', 'ro.mtk_wlan_support': '1', '': 'Walpad C', 'ro.mtk_wapi_support': '1', '': 'Android', 'ro.mtk_wifiwpsp2p_nfc_support': '1', 'mediatek.wlan.ctia': '0', 'ro.mtk_cmcc_ft_precheck_support': '1', 'ro.mediatek.wlan.wsc': '1', 'ro.wifi.channels': '', 'ro.mtk_bip_scws': '1', '': '0', '': 'tablet', 'ro.mtk_beam_plus_support': '1', 'dalvik.vm.mtk-stack-trace-file': '/data/anr/mtk_traces.txt', 'qemu.hw.mainkeys': '0', 'ro.mtk_dhcpv6c_wifi': '1', '': '0', 'ro.mtk_wfd_support': '1', 'ro.sys.usb.mtp.whql.enable': '0', '': '1458016593', 'ro.mtk_sim_hot_swap': '1', '': 'test-keys', 'ro.mtk_cam_mav_support': '1', 'ro.sf.lcd_density': '320', 'ro.mtk_dialer_search_support': '1', '': '21', 'ro.mtk_flv_playback_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_enable_md1': '1', 'ro.mtk_voice_extension_support': '1', 'ro.product.cpu.abi2': 'armeabi', '': 'android5', 'ro.product.locale.language': 'en', 'ro.mtk_bt_support': '1', 'ro.mtk_shared_sdcard': '1', 'ro.mtk_passpoint_r1_support': '1', 'ro.product.device': 'Walpad C', 'ro.mediatek.version.sdk': '4', 'ro.product.locale.region': 'BD', 'ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_support': '1', 'persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2': '', 'ro.have_aee_feature': '1', 'ro.mtk_bg_power_saving_ui': '1', 'ro.mtk_voice_unlock_support': '1', 'ro.zygote.preload.enable': '0', 'dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit': '128m', 'ro.mtk_tetheringipv6_support': '1', 'ro.config.notification_sound': 'Elara.ogg', 'ro.mtk_phone_number_geo': '1'}
cache_fs_type             = (str) ext4
cache_size                = (int) 132120576
default_system_dev_certificate = (str) build/target/product/security/testkey
extfs_sparse_flag         = (str) -s
fs_type                   = (str) ext4
fstab                     = (dict) {'/sdcard': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f3d0>, '/cache': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f190>, '/boot': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f110>, '/system': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f450>, '/recovery': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f350>, '/data': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f210>, '/misc': <common.Partition object at 0x2e4f250>}
fstab_version             = (int) 2
mkbootimg_args            = (str)
mtk_header_support        = (str) 1
multistage_support        = (str) 1
recovery_api_version      = (int) 3
recovery_mount_options    = (str) ext4=max_batch_time=0,commit=1,data=ordered,barrier=1,errors=panic,nodelalloc
selinux_fc                = (str) /tmp/targetfiles-NPHAZL/BOOT/RAMDISK/file_contexts
system_size               = (int) 1572864000
tool_extensions           = (str) device/rmt/rmt8382_tb_l/../common
update_rename_support     = (str) 1
use_set_metadata          = (str) 1
userdata_size             = (int) 967835648
unable to load device-specific module; assuming none
using prebuilt recovery.img from IMAGES...
using system.img from target-files
Total of 384000 4096-byte output blocks in 2114 input chunks.
Generating digraph...
Finding vertex sequence...
Removing backward edges...
  0/0 dependencies (0.00%) were violated; 0 source blocks removed.
Reticulating splines...
using prebuilt boot.img from IMAGES...
[SEC OTA] Adding security version (WriteFullOTAPackage)
[SEC OTA] cust directory :  Walpad C
[SEC OTA] security config :  vendor/mediatek/proprietary/custom/Walpad C/security/recovery/SEC_VER.txt
[SEC OTA] security boot sig_ext :  out/target/product/Walpad C/signed_bin/sig_info/boot.img.sig
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files", line 1903, in <module>
  File "./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files", line 1856, in main
    WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip)
  File "./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files", line 759, in WriteFullOTAPackage
    ota_scatter = open(scatter_path).read()
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'out/target/product/Walpad C/ota_scatter.txt'
make: *** [out/target/product/rmt8382_tb_l/] Error 1

#### make failed to build some targets (09:00 (mm:ss)) ####

[email protected]:/mnt/disk3/jsp/NEW_RMT_8382$ </strong></span>

异常:IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘out/target/product/Walpad C/ota_scatter.txt‘ 

找不到该文件夹。多次编译无果之后,运行 git checkout;git pull;git status 还原,更新,查看更新信息,又一次OTA。发现编译成功了,顿时我就知道是我改错了某个节点

打开我的 ROM 源代码运行 git status ,检索了400多个改过的文件,改动 ro.product.device 为您的OTA指向项目名称就可以


时间: 2024-10-12 11:00:28

Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ OTA打包ROM安装系统img等到ZIP的相关文章

Android系统之路(初识MTK) ------ 默认第一次开机屏幕亮度/日期格式/picture makeer model

今天给大家分享下关于修改MTK平台下系统首次开机的默认屏幕背光亮度,系统语言默认英语情况下修改日期格式,修改拍照属性,具体修改的地方不清楚或者没人告知的 话,请参照之前几篇博客的方法分享,现在直接进入主题 首先我们来修改第一次开机的屏幕亮度 ①修改首次开机的系统默认屏幕背光亮度,我是在该java下修改的------(把注释的地方都去掉,因为注释的地方都是修改了的) packages\apps\Settings\src\com.mediatek.settings\RestoreRotationRe


1.安装完成系统后,我们应该先修改一下root密码,否则无法登录root用户,命令如下: sudo passwd root //修改root用户密码 2.在Linux工作的人经常用的编辑器是vim,所以我要把它安装上,其实系统安装后默认安装的是vi,它的一些键盘对我们来说是不适应的,所以我们要安装它的提高版本--vim,命令如下: sudo apt-get install vim vim安装完成之后,我们需要对其安装一个插件--ctags,利用它我们可以方便的查找一下些结构体类型等,命令如下:


前段时间给朋友装系统就出现了一个问题,朋友的电脑系统是64位家庭版,想重新安装成32位旗舰版,我用win7 PE 进入到PE系统后格式化了整个硬盘并且重新分区,由于之前一直没装过GPT分区方式的系统,在按平时的装系统方法安装系统后,总是在自定义安装后在选择安装到C盘后就无法下一步,如图 提示说“windows无法安装到这个磁盘.选中的的磁盘采用GPT分区形式”. 在平时,我们装系统都是在MBR的分区形式下的分的.(主要原因是以前的硬盘都小于2T,但是大2T的硬盘,MBR即使分区了也无法读取,而G

OTA Update官方文档(二,OTA 打包工具)

写在前面: OTA打包工具ota_from_target_files(build/tools/releasetools/目录下)可以为我们创建两种类型的更新包:整包和增量包.打包工具一般来说会对我们称之为目标文件(进行打包,该目标文件是有Android编译系统产生,通常可在终端下使用make otapackage生成. 一.整包升级 一个整包包含了Android设备的整个终态(system/boot/recovery分区),只要设备可以接收更新包并且进入reco

小猪的Android入门之路 day 1

小猪的Android入门之路 Day 1 Android相关背景与开发环境的搭建 ------转载请注明出处:coder-pig 本节引言: 随着社会经济的发展,移动互联网的越来越热,手机APP开发显得格外火爆, 作为一名快要毕业的IT屌丝,自然要趟一趟这一浑水啦,当前主流的手机系统 IOS(苹果),Android(安卓),WinPhone(windows);WindPhone貌似没什么崛起的势头; 所以主流的就是前面的两个;作为一名屌丝学生狗,买不起Mac,仅仅有一台双核的破电脑; 仅仅能去搞

小猪的Android入门之路 Day 2

小猪的Android入门之路 Day 2 Android界面开发初体验 本节引言: 在上一节中我们对android的系统特性与平台架构进行了初步的了解; 学会了使用Eclipse或者Android studio搭建安卓的开发环境;熟悉了对应IDE开发流程; 以及对应的工程目录;了解了一些相关的名词,aapt,dx等;命令行常用的一些adb指令; APP的打包,编译,以及运行的流程!在本节中我们将会对android界面的开发进行初体验! 学习六大布局方式,对android四大组件进行初步的了解,以


原文地址: 硬件 电脑–推荐Mac 首先声明我不是果粉,个人Windows,Linux,Mac OX系统均用过, 只能说Windows上面的开发工具简直难以恭维,尤其命令行超级难用,而Linux自己必须得花不少时间在折腾中,更是不适合新手了,Max OS是我认为迄今为止最好用的系统,没有之一, 所以如果你不差钱的话,强烈建议入手一台Mac,推荐Pro系


继 Google I/O 宣布新系统 Android L 带来 64 位支持后,Android NDK 日前正式推出 Revision 10 更新,添加 ARM.x86 和 MISP 架构芯片的 64 位 ABI 支持. 因而,全部ABI个数至少达到了8个.如果每个平台的链接库大小达到10M,加起来就达到了80兆,如果直接安装进手机,则会浪费手机的宝贵的存储空间.当然,在云时代,又有了一种方案,安装后在从云端下载,问题又来了,云端下载下来需要流量或宽带,同时还要对云端进行维护,问题也不小.还有一

小猪的Android入门之路 Day 4 - part 4

小猪的Android入门之路 Day 4 - part 4 Android事件处理机制之--事件处理机制拾遗 ------------转载请注明出处--coder-pig 本节引言: 在前面三个部分中,对于android的事件处理机制的学习已经学得七七八八了, 基于监听与回调的时间处理机制,以及使用Handler传递信息的机制都已经学了; 在最后这个部分中会对一些小的知识点进行补充,比如触摸事件的两种形式, Configuration类以及异步任务AsyncTask进行讲解,好了,开始本节的课程