Where is ADF file on Tango Device?

Where is ADF file on Tango Device?

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I have a Tango tablet device. So i made a ADF file using Tango Explorer.

I want to export the ADF file to PC from device.

But i cannot find the ADF file.

Please let me know where is the ADF file.



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asked Apr 10 ‘15 at 5:43

Teddy Kang


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3 Answers


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You‘ll first need to root your device in order to do this. The devices come in a user build and so you‘ll need to migrate to a user debug build. After you root your device, enter the following commands in terminal to pull your ADFs onto your PC:

adb root 

adb shell 

cd /data/data/com.projecttango.tango/files/Tango/ADFs

adb pull /devicedirectory/ ~/localdirectory

  1. Export ADF

Start "AreaDescriptionManagment";granted the "ADF permission". It will list all the ADF in the Tango API workspace.

Select the ADF you want to export. It will bring you to the new popup.

Click "Export". Grant the Export Permission.It will show where you want to export.default is "/sdcard/"; click Done. it will export ADF to "/sdcard/"

Use adb shell ls /sdcard/ you will find the UUID of the ADF.

like de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014

using adb pull /sdcard/de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014 pull the ADF to your linux box or windows folder using adb push UUUID /sdcard/ push the ADF back to your device.

  1. Import ADF

same step to "AreaDescriptionManagment".

Click "Import Area Description" input add uuid to the path.

like: /sdcard/de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014 grant the import permission.

The ADF should be in new device‘s Tango API workspace.

时间: 2024-08-09 07:54:40

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