Docker push image to Docker hub

1. Before push image to Docker Hub, register an account in

2.Input "docker login" in the docker command line interface and input the username and password of account from Docker Hub

3.Create and build the docker images, here we use the hello-world from docker as an example

Use below method to create tag and push to docker hub

After the image is pushed to the docker hub, you could see the the hello-world image exists in the Docker Hub with the tag as latest(default, you could set it as 0.0.1 and other tag value)

Key point:

The reponame should be in this format:


时间: 2024-10-11 10:30:24

Docker push image to Docker hub的相关文章

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docker push

一.确保docker hub上有账号 二.确认要提交的镜像的命名空间为自己账号名称 三.在本地登录docker: docker login 四.提交镜像: docker push zhengchuzhou2018/hello-world:latest 原文地址:

Docker push images出现Skipped foreign layer的原因

利用最新的Registry去搭建Docker私有仓库,但是在推送镜像的时候出现 C:\Users\Administrator>docker tag microsoft/iis C:\Users\Administrator>docker push The push refers to a repository [] 780cc29d7c04: Pushed ce15a

docker push 报错:received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error

解决办法:关闭selinux [[email protected] ~]# docker push The push refers to a repository [] 22439467ad99: Retrying in 1 second b4a29beac87c: Retrying in 1 second 488dfecc21b1: Retrying in 1 second received unexpected

docker push tianchi

将docker中的demo push 到天池步骤: 1.先进入需要提交的根目录 2.sudo docker build -t .  //建立仓库(标签可改可不改,改的话,则之前相同标签的image被覆盖,同时注意,标签后面的.) 3.sudo docker push


转载请注明出处: 博主微博: Github: Docker江湖 [Docker江湖]之Docker部署与理解 [Docker江湖]之hub上镜像的使用,Dockerfile语法解读和数据管理 [Docker江湖]之创建带有SSH服务的镜像 写在前边的话 在之前便想学习Docker技术了,可是一直没有机会,近期在做elk的一个项目


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1.镜像 Dcoker运行容器之前需要本地存在对应的镜像,如果本地不存在对应的镜像,Docker会尝试从默认镜像仓库下载(默认使用Docker Hub公共注册服务器中的仓库),用户也可以通过配置,使用自定义的本地仓库. 下载一个镜像到本地 命令:docker pull centos [[email protected] ~]# docker pull centos #可以指定特定版本的镜像 latest: Pulling from centos 5932f74ff0cd: Pull comple

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