mybatis-IO model

1. 概述

本文,我们来分享 MyBatis 的 IO 模块,对应 io 包。如下图所示:

在 《精尽 MyBatis 源码解析 —— 项目结构一览》 中,简单介绍了这个模块如下:

资源加载模块,主要是对类加载器进行封装,确定类加载器的使用顺序,并提供了加载类文件以及其他资源文件的功能 。


2. ClassLoaderWrapper ,ClassLoader 包装器。可使用多个 ClassLoader 加载对应的资源,直到有一成功后返回资源。

2.1 构造方法


/** * 默认 ClassLoader 对象 */ClassLoader defaultClassLoader;/** * 系统 ClassLoader 对象 */ClassLoader systemClassLoader;

ClassLoaderWrapper() {    try {        systemClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();    } catch (SecurityException ignored) {        // AccessControlException on Google App Engine    }}
  • defaultClassLoader 属性,默认 ClassLoader 对象。目前不存在初始化该属性的构造方法。可通过 ClassLoaderWrapper.defaultClassLoader = xxx 的方式,进行设置。
  • systemClassLoader 属性,系统 ClassLoader 对象。在构造方法中,已经初始化。

2.2 getClassLoaders

#getClassLoaders(ClassLoader classLoader) 方法,获得 ClassLoader 数组。代码如下:


ClassLoader[] getClassLoaders(ClassLoader classLoader) {    return new ClassLoader[]{            classLoader,            defaultClassLoader,            Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(),            getClass().getClassLoader(),            systemClassLoader};}

2.3 getResourceAsURL

#getResourceAsURL(String resource, ...) 方法,获得指定资源的 URL 。代码如下:


/** * Get a resource as a URL using the current class path * * @param resource - the resource to locate * @return the resource or null */public URL getResourceAsURL(String resource) {    return getResourceAsURL(resource, getClassLoaders(null));}

/** * Get a resource from the classpath, starting with a specific class loader * * @param resource    - the resource to find * @param classLoader - the first classloader to try * @return the stream or null */public URL getResourceAsURL(String resource, ClassLoader classLoader) {    return getResourceAsURL(resource, getClassLoaders(classLoader));}
  • 先调用 #getClassLoaders(ClassLoader classLoader) 方法,获得 ClassLoader 数组。
  • 再调用 #getResourceAsURL(String resource, ClassLoader[] classLoader) 方法,获得指定资源的 InputStream 。代码如下:
    /** * Get a resource as a URL using the current class path * * @param resource    - the resource to locate * @param classLoader - the class loaders to examine * @return the resource or null */URL getResourceAsURL(String resource, ClassLoader[] classLoader) {    URL url;    // 遍历 ClassLoader 数组    for (ClassLoader cl : classLoader) {        if (null != cl) {            // 获得 URL ,不带 /            // look for the resource as passed in...            url = cl.getResource(resource);            // 获得 URL ,带 /            // ...but some class loaders want this leading "/", so we‘ll add it            // and try again if we didn‘t find the resource            if (null == url) {                url = cl.getResource("/" + resource);            }
                // "It‘s always in the last place I look for it!"            // ... because only an idiot would keep looking for it after finding it, so stop looking already.            // 成功获得到,返回            if (null != url) {                return url;            }
            }    }    // didn‘t find it anywhere.    return null;}

2.4 getResourceAsStream

#getResourceAsStream(String resource, ...) 方法,获得指定资源的 InputStream 对象。代码如下:


/** * Get a resource from the classpath * * @param resource - the resource to find * @return the stream or null */public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) {    return getResourceAsStream(resource, getClassLoaders(null));}

/** * Get a resource from the classpath, starting with a specific class loader * * @param resource    - the resource to find * @param classLoader - the first class loader to try * @return the stream or null */public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource, ClassLoader classLoader) {    return getResourceAsStream(resource, getClassLoaders(classLoader));}
  • 先调用 #getClassLoaders(ClassLoader classLoader) 方法,获得 ClassLoader 数组。
  • 再调用 #getResourceAsStream(String resource, ClassLoader[] classLoader) 方法,获得指定资源的 InputStream 。代码如下:
    InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource, ClassLoader[] classLoader) {    // 遍历 ClassLoader 数组    for (ClassLoader cl : classLoader) {        if (null != cl) {            // 获得 InputStream ,不带 /            // try to find the resource as passed            InputStream returnValue = cl.getResourceAsStream(resource);            // now, some class loaders want this leading "/", so we‘ll add it and try again if we didn‘t find the resource            // 获得 InputStream ,带 /            if (null == returnValue) {                returnValue = cl.getResourceAsStream("/" + resource);            }
                // 成功获得到,返回            if (null != returnValue) {                return returnValue;            }        }    }    return null;}
    • 可使用多个 ClassLoader 加载对应的资源,直到有一成功后返回资源。

2.5 classForName

#classForName(String name, ...) 方法,获得指定类名对应的类。代码如下:


/** * Find a class on the classpath (or die trying) * * @param name - the class to look for * @return - the class * @throws ClassNotFoundException Duh. */public Class<?> classForName(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {    return classForName(name, getClassLoaders(null));}

/** * Find a class on the classpath, starting with a specific classloader (or die trying) * * @param name        - the class to look for * @param classLoader - the first classloader to try * @return - the class * @throws ClassNotFoundException Duh. */public Class<?> classForName(String name, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {    return classForName(name, getClassLoaders(classLoader));}
  • 先调用 #getClassLoaders(ClassLoader classLoader) 方法,获得 ClassLoader 数组。
  • 再调用 #classForName(String name, ClassLoader[] classLoader) 方法,获得指定类名对应的类。代码如下:
    Class<?> classForName(String name, ClassLoader[] classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {    // 遍历 ClassLoader 数组    for (ClassLoader cl : classLoader) {        if (null != cl) {            try {                // 获得类                Class<?> c = Class.forName(name, true, cl);
                    // 成功获得到,返回                if (null != c) {                    return c;                }            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {                // we‘ll ignore this until all classloaders fail to locate the class            }        }    }    // 获得不到,抛出 ClassNotFoundException 异常    throw new ClassNotFoundException("Cannot find class: " + name);}
    • 可使用多个 ClassLoader 加载对应的类,直到有一成功后返回类。

3. Resources ,Resource 工具类。

3.1 构造方法


/** * ClassLoaderWrapper 对象 */private static ClassLoaderWrapper classLoaderWrapper = new ClassLoaderWrapper();

/** * 字符集 */private static Charset charset;

Resources() {}

public static void setDefaultClassLoader(ClassLoader defaultClassLoader) {defaultClassLoader    classLoaderWrapper.defaultClassLoader = defaultClassLoader; // 修改 ClassLoaderWrapper.}

public static void setCharset(Charset charset) {    Resources.charset = charset;}

3.2 getResource

基于 classLoaderWrapper 属性的封装。

3.2.1 getResourceURL

#getResourceURL(String resource) 静态方法,获得指定资源的 URL 。代码如下:


public static URL getResourceURL(String resource) throws IOException {    // issue #625    return getResourceURL(null, resource);}

public static URL getResourceURL(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {    URL url = classLoaderWrapper.getResourceAsURL(resource, loader);    if (url == null) {        throw new IOException("Could not find resource " + resource);    }    return url;}

3.2.2 getResourceAsStream

#getResourceAsStream(String resource) 静态方法,获得指定资源的 InputStream 。代码如下:


public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) throws IOException {    return getResourceAsStream(null, resource);}

public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {    InputStream in = classLoaderWrapper.getResourceAsStream(resource, loader);    if (in == null) {        throw new IOException("Could not find resource " + resource);    }    return in;}

3.2.3 getResourceAsReader

#getResourceAsReader(String resource) 静态方法,获得指定资源的 Reader 。代码如下:


public static Reader getResourceAsReader(String resource) throws IOException {    Reader reader;    if (charset == null) {        reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(resource));    } else {        reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(resource), charset);    }    return reader;}

public static Reader getResourceAsReader(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {    Reader reader;    if (charset == null) {        reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(loader, resource));    } else {        reader = new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsStream(loader, resource), charset);    }    return reader;}

3.2.4 getResourceAsFile

#getResourceAsFile(String resource) 静态方法,获得指定资源的 File 。代码如下:


public static File getResourceAsFile(String resource) throws IOException {    return new File(getResourceURL(resource).getFile());}

public static File getResourceAsFile(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {    return new File(getResourceURL(loader, resource).getFile());}
  • 基于 classLoaderWrapper 属性的封装。

3.2.5 getResourceAsProperties

#getResourceAsProperties(ClassLoader loader) 静态方法,获得指定资源的 Properties 。代码如下:


public static Properties getResourceAsProperties(String resource) throws IOException {    Properties props = new Properties();    // 读取    try (InputStream in = getResourceAsStream(resource)) {        props.load(in);    }    return props;}

public static Properties getResourceAsProperties(ClassLoader loader, String resource) throws IOException {    Properties props = new Properties();    // 读取    try (InputStream in = getResourceAsStream(loader, resource)) {        props.load(in);    }    return props;}

3.3 getUrl

3.3.1 getUrlAsStream

#getUrlAsStream(String urlString) 静态方法,获得指定 URL 。代码如下:


public static InputStream getUrlAsStream(String urlString) throws IOException {    URL url = new URL(urlString);    // 打开 URLConnection    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();    return conn.getInputStream();}

3.3.2 getUrlAsReader

#getUrlAsReader(String urlString) 静态方法,指定 URL 的 Reader 。代码如下:


public static Reader getUrlAsReader(String urlString) throws IOException {    Reader reader;    if (charset == null) {        reader = new InputStreamReader(getUrlAsStream(urlString));    } else {        reader = new InputStreamReader(getUrlAsStream(urlString), charset);    }    return reader;}

3.3.3 getUrlAsProperties

#getUrlAsReader(String urlString) 静态方法,指定 URL 的 Properties 。代码如下:


public static Properties getUrlAsProperties(String urlString) throws IOException {    Properties props = new Properties();    try (InputStream in = getUrlAsStream(urlString)) {        props.load(in);    }    return props;}

3.4 classForName

#classForName(String className) 静态方法,获得指定类名对应的类。代码如下:


public static Class<?> classForName(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {    return classLoaderWrapper.classForName(className);}

4. ResolverUtil ,解析器工具类,用于获得指定目录符合条件的类们。

4.1 Test

Test ,匹配判断接口。代码如下:

// 内部类

/** * A simple interface that specifies how to test classes to determine if they * are to be included in the results produced by the ResolverUtil. */public interface Test {

    /**     * Will be called repeatedly with candidate classes. Must return True if a class     * is to be included in the results, false otherwise.     */    boolean matches(Class<?> type);


4.1.1 IsA

IsA ,实现 Test 接口,判断是否为指定类。代码如下:

// 内部类

/** * A Test that checks to see if each class is assignable to the provided class. Note * that this test will match the parent type itself if it is presented for matching. */public static class IsA implements Test {

    /**     * 指定类     */    private Class<?> parent;

    /** Constructs an IsA test using the supplied Class as the parent class/interface. */    public IsA(Class<?> parentType) {        this.parent = parentType;    }

    /** Returns true if type is assignable to the parent type supplied in the constructor. */    @Override    public boolean matches(Class<?> type) {        return type != null && parent.isAssignableFrom(type);    }


4.1.2 AnnotatedWith

AnnotatedWith ,判断是否有指定注解。代码如下:

// 内部类

/** * A Test that checks to see if each class is annotated with a specific annotation. If it * is, then the test returns true, otherwise false. */public static class AnnotatedWith implements Test {

    /**     * 注解     */    private Class<? extends Annotation> annotation;

    /** Constructs an AnnotatedWith test for the specified annotation type. */    public AnnotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {        this.annotation = annotation;    }

    /** Returns true if the type is annotated with the class provided to the constructor. */    @Override    public boolean matches(Class<?> type) {        return type != null && type.isAnnotationPresent(annotation);    }


4.2 构造方法


/** The set of matches being accumulated. */private Set<Class<? extends T>> matches = new HashSet<>(); // 符合条件的类的集合

private ClassLoader classloader;

public Set<Class<? extends T>> getClasses() {    return matches;}

public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {    return classloader == null ? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() : classloader;}public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classloader) {    this.classloader = classloader;}

4.3 find

#find(Test test, String packageName) 方法,获得指定包下,符合条件的类。代码如下:


public ResolverUtil<T> find(Test test, String packageName) {    // <1> 获得包的路径    String path = getPackagePath(packageName);

    try {        // <2> 获得路径下的所有文件        List<String> children = VFS.getInstance().list(path);        // <3> 遍历        for (String child : children) {            // 是 Java Class            if (child.endsWith(".class")) {                // 如果匹配,则添加到结果集                addIfMatching(test, child);            }        }    } catch (IOException ioe) {        log.error("Could not read package: " + packageName, ioe);    }

    return this;}
  • <1> 处,调用 #getPackagePath(String packageName) 方法,获得包的路径。代码如下:

    protected String getPackagePath(String packageName) {    return packageName == null ? null : packageName.replace(‘.‘, ‘/‘);}
  • <2> 处,获得路径下的所有文件。详细解析,见 「5. VFS」 。
  • <3> 处,遍历 Java Class 文件,调用 #addIfMatching(Test test, String fqn) 方法,如果匹配,则添加到结果集。代码如下:
    protected void addIfMatching(Test test, String fqn) {    try {        // 获得全类名        String externalName = fqn.substring(0, fqn.indexOf(‘.‘)).replace(‘/‘, ‘.‘);        ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader();        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {            log.debug("Checking to see if class " + externalName + " matches criteria [" + test + "]");        }
            // 加载类        Class<?> type = loader.loadClass(externalName);
            // 判断是否匹配        if (test.matches(type)) {            matches.add((Class<T>) type);        }    } catch (Throwable t) {        log.warn("Could not examine class ‘" + fqn + "‘" + " due to a " +                t.getClass().getName() + " with message: " + t.getMessage());    }}
* 使用对应的 `test` 的进行匹配。

4.3.1 findImplementations

#findImplementations(Class<?> parent, String... packageNames) 方法,判断指定目录下们,符合指定类的类们。代码如下:


public ResolverUtil<T> findImplementations(Class<?> parent, String... packageNames) {    if (packageNames == null) {        return this;    }

    Test test = new IsA(parent);    for (String pkg : packageNames) {        find(test, pkg);    }

    return this;}

4.3.2 findAnnotated

#findAnnotated(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation, String... packageNames) 方法,判断指定目录下们,符合指定注解的类们。代码如下:


public ResolverUtil<T> findAnnotated(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation, String... packageNames) {    if (packageNames == null) {        return this;    }

    Test test = new AnnotatedWith(annotation);    for (String pkg : packageNames) {        find(test, pkg);    }

    return this;}

5. VFS ,虚拟文件系统( Virtual File System )抽象类,用来查找指定路径下的的文件们。

5.1 静态属性


/** The built-in implementations. */public static final Class<?>[] IMPLEMENTATIONS = {JBoss6VFS.class, DefaultVFS.class}; // 内置的 VFS 实现类的数组

/** The list to which implementations are added by {@link #addImplClass(Class)}. */public static final List<Class<? extends VFS>> USER_IMPLEMENTATIONS = new ArrayList<>(); // 自定义的 VFS 实现类的数组

public static void addImplClass(Class<? extends VFS> clazz) {    if (clazz != null) {        USER_IMPLEMENTATIONS.add(clazz);    }}
  • IMPLEMENTATIONS 静态属性,内置的 VFS 实现类的数组。目前 VFS 有 JBoss6VFS 和 DefaultVFS 两个实现类。
  • USER_IMPLEMENTATIONS 静态属性,自定义的 VFS 实现类的数组。可通过 #addImplClass(Class<? extends VFS> clazz) 方法,进行添加。

5.2 getInstance

#getInstance() 方法,获得 VFS 单例。代码如下:


public static VFS getInstance() {    return VFSHolder.INSTANCE;}

private static class VFSHolder {

    static final VFS INSTANCE = createVFS();

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    static VFS createVFS() {        // Try the user implementations first, then the built-ins        List<Class<? extends VFS>> impls = new ArrayList<>();        impls.addAll(USER_IMPLEMENTATIONS);        impls.addAll(Arrays.asList((Class<? extends VFS>[]) IMPLEMENTATIONS));

        // Try each implementation class until a valid one is found        // 创建 VFS 对象,选择最后一个符合的        VFS vfs = null;        for (int i = 0; vfs == null || !vfs.isValid(); i++) {            Class<? extends VFS> impl = impls.get(i);            try {                vfs = impl.newInstance();                if (vfs == null || !vfs.isValid()) {                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                        log.debug("VFS implementation " + impl.getName() +                                " is not valid in this environment.");                    }                }            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {                log.error("Failed to instantiate " + impl, e);                return null;            }        }

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {            log.debug("Using VFS adapter " + vfs.getClass().getName());        }

        return vfs;    }}
  • 单例有多种实现方式,该类采用的是“懒汉式,线程安全”,感兴趣的胖友,可以看看 《单例模式的七种写法》 。
  • INSTANCE 属性,最后通过 #createVFS() 静态方法来创建,虽然 USER_IMPLEMENTATIONS 和 IMPLEMENTATIONS 有多种 VFS 的实现类,但是最终选择的是,最后一个符合的创建的 VFS 对象。

5.3 反射相关方法

因为 VFS 自己有反射调用方法的需求,所以自己实现了三个方法。代码如下:


protected static Class<?> getClass(String className) {    try {        return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(className);    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {            log.debug("Class not found: " + className);        }        return null;    }}

protected static Method getMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {    if (clazz == null) {        return null;    }    try {        return clazz.getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);    } catch (SecurityException e) {        log.error("Security exception looking for method " + clazz.getName() + "." + methodName + ".  Cause: " + e);        return null;    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {        log.error("Method not found " + clazz.getName() + "." + methodName + "." + methodName + ".  Cause: " + e);        return null;    }}

protected static <T> T invoke(Method method, Object object, Object... parameters)        throws IOException, RuntimeException {    try {        return (T) method.invoke(object, parameters);    } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {        throw new RuntimeException(e);    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {        if (e.getTargetException() instanceof IOException) {            throw (IOException) e.getTargetException();        } else {            throw new RuntimeException(e);        }    }}

5.4 isValid

#isValid() 抽象方法,判断是否为合法的 VFS 。代码如下:


/** Return true if the {@link VFS} implementation is valid for the current environment. */public abstract boolean isValid();
  • 该方法由子类实现。

5.5 list

#list(String path) 方法,获得指定路径下的所有资源。代码如下:


public List<String> list(String path) throws IOException {    List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();    for (URL url : getResources(path)) {        names.addAll(list(url, path));    }    return names;}
  • 先调用 #getResources(String path) 静态方法,获得指定路径下的 URL 数组。代码如下:

    protected static List<URL> getResources(String path) throws IOException {    return Collections.list(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources(path));}
  • 后遍历 URL 数组,调用 #list(URL url, String forPath) 方法,递归的列出所有的资源们。代码如下:
    /** * Recursively list the full resource path of all the resources that are children of the * resource identified by a URL. * * @param url The URL that identifies the resource to list. * @param forPath The path to the resource that is identified by the URL. Generally, this is the *            value passed to {@link #getResources(String)} to get the resource URL. * @return A list containing the names of the child resources. * @throws IOException If I/O errors occur */protected abstract List<String> list(URL url, String forPath) throws IOException;
    • 该方法由子类进行实现。

5.5 DefaultVFS ,继承 VFS 抽象类,默认的 VFS 实现类。

5.5.1 isValid


@Overridepublic boolean isValid() {    return true;}
  • 都返回 true ,因为默认支持。

5.5.2 list

#list(URL url, String path) 方法,递归的列出所有的资源们。代码如下:


@Overridepublic List<String> list(URL url, String path) throws IOException {    InputStream is = null;    try {        List<String> resources = new ArrayList<>();

        // First, try to find the URL of a JAR file containing the requested resource. If a JAR        // file is found, then we‘ll list child resources by reading the JAR.        // 如果 url 指向的是 Jar Resource ,则返回该 Jar Resource ,否则返回 null        URL jarUrl = findJarForResource(url);        if (jarUrl != null) {            is = jarUrl.openStream();            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                log.debug("Listing " + url);            }            // 遍历 Jar Resource            resources = listResources(new JarInputStream(is), path);        } else {            List<String> children = new ArrayList<>();            try {                // 判断为 JAR URL                if (isJar(url)) {                    // Some versions of JBoss VFS might give a JAR stream even if the resource                    // referenced by the URL isn‘t actually a JAR                    is = url.openStream();                    try (JarInputStream jarInput = new JarInputStream(is)) {                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                            log.debug("Listing " + url);                        }                        for (JarEntry entry; (entry = jarInput.getNextJarEntry()) != null; ) {                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                                log.debug("Jar entry: " + entry.getName());                            }                            children.add(entry.getName());                        }                    }                } else {                    /*                     * Some servlet containers allow reading from directory resources like a                     * text file, listing the child resources one per line. However, there is no                     * way to differentiate between directory and file resources just by reading                     * them. To work around that, as each line is read, try to look it up via                     * the class loader as a child of the current resource. If any line fails                     * then we assume the current resource is not a directory.                     */                    // 【重点】<1> 获得路径下的所有资源                    is = url.openStream();                    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));                    List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();                    for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null; ) {                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                            log.debug("Reader entry: " + line);                        }                        lines.add(line);                        if (getResources(path + "/" + line).isEmpty()) {                            lines.clear();                            break;                        }                    }

                    if (!lines.isEmpty()) {                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                            log.debug("Listing " + url);                        }                        children.addAll(lines);                    }                }            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {                /*                 * For file URLs the openStream() call might fail, depending on the servlet                 * container, because directories can‘t be opened for reading. If that happens,                 * then list the directory directly instead.                 */                if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) {                    File file = new File(url.getFile());                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                        log.debug("Listing directory " + file.getAbsolutePath());                    }                    if (file.isDirectory()) {                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                            log.debug("Listing " + url);                        }                        children = Arrays.asList(file.list());                    }                } else {                    // No idea where the exception came from so rethrow it                    throw e;                }            }

            // The URL prefix to use when recursively listing child resources            // 【重点】<2> 计算 prefix            String prefix = url.toExternalForm();            if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {                prefix = prefix + "/";            }

            // Iterate over immediate children, adding files and recursing into directories            // 【重点】 <2> 遍历子路径            for (String child : children) {                // 添加到 resources 中                String resourcePath = path + "/" + child;                resources.add(resourcePath);                // 递归遍历子路径,并将结果添加到 resources 中                URL childUrl = new URL(prefix + child);                resources.addAll(list(childUrl, resourcePath));            }        }

        return resources;    } finally {        // 关闭文件流        if (is != null) {            try {                is.close();            } catch (Exception e) {                // Ignore            }        }    }}
  • 代码有点长,重点读懂 <1> 和 <2> 处的代码,基本就可以了。大体逻辑就是,不断递归文件夹,获得到所有文件。设计到对 Jar 的处理,感兴趣的胖友,可以自己理解下。?? 艿艿暂时没看的特别细。
  • #findJarForResource(URL url) 方法,如果 url 指向的是 Jar Resource ,则返回该 Jar Resource ,否则返回 null 。代码如下:
    protected URL findJarForResource(URL url) throws MalformedURLException {    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {        log.debug("Find JAR URL: " + url);    }
        // If the file part of the URL is itself a URL, then that URL probably points to the JAR    // 这段代码看起来比较神奇,虽然看起来没有 break 的条件,但是是通过 MalformedURLException 异常进行    // 正如上面英文注释,如果 URL 的文件部分本身就是 URL ,那么该 URL 可能指向 JAR    try {        for (; ; ) {            url = new URL(url.getFile());            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                log.debug("Inner URL: " + url);            }        }    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {        // This will happen at some point and serves as a break in the loop    }
        // Look for the .jar extension and chop off everything after that    // 判断是否意 .jar 结尾    StringBuilder jarUrl = new StringBuilder(url.toExternalForm());    int index = jarUrl.lastIndexOf(".jar");    if (index >= 0) {        jarUrl.setLength(index + 4);        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {            log.debug("Extracted JAR URL: " + jarUrl);        }    } else {        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {            log.debug("Not a JAR: " + jarUrl);        }        return null; // 如果不以 .jar 结尾,则直接返回 null    }
        // Try to open and test it    try {        URL testUrl = new URL(jarUrl.toString());        // 判断是否为 Jar 文件        if (isJar(testUrl)) {            return testUrl;        } else {            // WebLogic fix: check if the URL‘s file exists in the filesystem.            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                log.debug("Not a JAR: " + jarUrl);            }            // 获得文件            jarUrl.replace(0, jarUrl.length(), testUrl.getFile()); // 替换            File file = new File(jarUrl.toString());            // File name might be URL-encoded            if (!file.exists()) { // 处理路径编码问题                try {                    file = new File(URLEncoder.encode(jarUrl.toString(), "UTF-8"));                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {                    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported encoding?  UTF-8?  That‘s unpossible.");                }            }
                // 判断文件存在            if (file.exists()) {                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                    log.debug("Trying real file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());                }                testUrl = file.toURI().toURL();                // 判断是否为 Jar 文件                if (isJar(testUrl)) {                    return testUrl;                }            }        }    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {        log.warn("Invalid JAR URL: " + jarUrl);    }
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {        log.debug("Not a JAR: " + jarUrl);    }    return null;}
    • 会判断要求,url 以 .jar 结尾。
  • #isJar(URL url) 方法,判断是否为 JAR URL 。代码如下:
    /** The magic header that indicates a JAR (ZIP) file. */private static final byte[] JAR_MAGIC = {‘P‘, ‘K‘, 3, 4};
    protected boolean isJar(URL url) {    return isJar(url, new byte[JAR_MAGIC.length]);}
    protected boolean isJar(URL url, byte[] buffer) {    InputStream is = null;    try {        is = url.openStream();        // 读取文件头, 0, JAR_MAGIC.length);        // 判断文件头的 magic number 是否符合 JAR        if (Arrays.equals(buffer, JAR_MAGIC)) {            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                log.debug("Found JAR: " + url);            }            return true;        }    } catch (Exception e) {        // Failure to read the stream means this is not a JAR    } finally {        if (is != null) {            try {                is.close();            } catch (Exception e) {                // Ignore            }        }    }    return false;}
  • #listResources(JarInputStream jar, String path) 方法,遍历 Jar Resource 。代码如下:

    protected List<String> listResources(JarInputStream jar, String path) throws IOException {    // Include the leading and trailing slash when matching names    // 保证头尾都是 /    if (!path.startsWith("/")) {        path = "/" + path;    }    if (!path.endsWith("/")) {        path = path + "/";    }
        // Iterate over the entries and collect those that begin with the requested path    // 遍历条目并收集以请求路径开头的条目    List<String> resources = new ArrayList<>();    for (JarEntry entry; (entry = jar.getNextJarEntry()) != null; ) {        if (!entry.isDirectory()) {            // Add leading slash if it‘s missing            String name = entry.getName();            if (!name.startsWith("/")) {                name = "/" + name;            }
                // Check file name            if (name.startsWith(path)) {                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                    log.debug("Found resource: " + name);                }                // Trim leading slash                resources.add(name.substring(1));            }        }    }    return resources;}

5.6 JBoss6VFS ,继承 VFS 抽象类,基于 JBoss 的 VFS 实现类。使用时,需要引入如下:

<dependency>    <groupId>org.jboss</groupId>    <artifactId>jboss-vfs</artifactId>    <version>${version></version></dependency>



时间: 2024-10-14 11:55:48

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