Unity3D之报错 - Instantiating a non-readable texture is not allowed!


Instantiating a non-readable ‘wall_plank‘ texture is not allowed! Please mark the texture readable in the inspector or don‘t instantiate it.




  方案1:把要使用贴图文件(如*.Tga)的属性(如下图)设置Read/Write Enabled为true,对应的程序参数是TextureImporter.isReadable,即可以正常实例化。它决定了贴图的存放位置,设置为可读写,在移动平台中,会将其同时放在显存和内存中,导致内存占用增加一倍。






【1】:http://blog.csdn.net/zzxiang1985/article/details/43339273  Unity+NGUI性能优化方法总结


时间: 2024-12-25 14:38:58

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