Singly linked list algorithm implemented by Java

Jeff Lee blog:  (泥沙砖瓦浆木匠),retain the url when reproduced ! Thanks

Linked list is a normal data I show how to implements it.

Step 1. Define a structure

public class ListNode
	public ListNode Next;
	public int Value;
	public ListNode(int NewValue)
		Value = NewValue;

Step 2. implements the functions

public class Clist
	private ListNode Head;
	private ListNode Tail;
	private ListNode Current;
	private int ListCountValue;

	public Clist()
		ListCountValue = 0;
		Head = null;
		Tail = null;

	public void Append(int DataValue)
		ListNode NewNode = new ListNode(DataValue);
		if (ListCountValue == 0)
			Head = NewNode;
			Tail = NewNode;
			Tail.Next = NewNode;
			Tail = NewNode;
		Current = NewNode;
		ListCountValue += 1;

	public void Insert(int DataValue)
		ListNode NewNode = new ListNode(DataValue);
		if (ListCountValue == 0)
		if(Current == Tail)
			Tail.Next = NewNode;
			Tail = NewNode;
			Current = Tail;
			ListCountValue += 1;
		if((Current != Head) && (Current != Tail))
			NewNode.Next = Current.Next;
			Current.Next = NewNode;
			Current = NewNode;
			ListCountValue += 1;

	public void Delete()
		if(ListCountValue != 0)
			if(Current == Head)
				Head = Current.Next;
				Current = Head;
				ListCountValue -= 1;
				Current = Current.Next;
				ListCountValue -= 1;

	public void printAllListNode()
		Current = Head;
		for (int i = 0; i < ListCountValue; i++)
			Current = Current.Next;

Step 3. Test class for testing

public class Test

	public static void main(String[] args)
		Clist clist = new Clist();


we will see:

时间: 2024-10-08 10:21:05

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