【翻译自mos文章】在网络流量变大(比如rman duplicat 一个active database)之后,由于脑裂导致节点重启

在网络流量变大(比如rman duplicat 一个active database)之后,由于脑裂导致节点重启


The node reboots due to split brain during increased network traffic like rman duplicating an active database (文档 ID 985123.1)


Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 11.1 to 11.1

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later    [Release: 11.1 and later]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


 === ODM Issue Clarification ===
 The node reboots ONLY during the RMAN process duplicate database from active database.
 The node that reboots is the node where RMAN process is started.
 There is no other activity on the database when the RMAN duplicate database from active database is run. 


 === ODM Cause Determination ===
 The node reboots because of the network heartbeats are not getting to the remote nodes.
 The ocssd.log shows that the node is rebooted due to a split brain condition.

 This is a network related problem.


 === ODM Solution / Action Plan ===
 Increasing rmem_max, rmem_default, wmem_max, and wmem_default resolved the problem


因脑裂导致的node reboot,一般不是私有网络通信问题么?本案例被定性为network heartbeats,难道说还RMAN  duplicate database from active database 用的是私有网络?



时间: 2024-12-24 23:49:38

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