Oracle Data Guard broker 现场遇到bug ,闪之~


OERR: ORA-16597 "Oracle Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases" (varies by version) Reference Note (文档 ID 172973.1)

This is a brief reference note to show the meaning of database error "ORA-16597". It includes the error text, "Cause" and "Action" from message files for each database version from 9.2 onwards, along with search links and details of any database bug issues related to the error.

This note is intended for general audience as a starting point to check the meaning of "ORA-16597". It does not give detailed information about the error and does not give error message text for versions below 9.2 .

Error Text, Cause and Action from Message File/s for ORA-16597

Versions 12.1

Error:  ORA-16597 Oracle Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases
Cause:  The Oracle Data Guard broker detected two or more primary databases in
    the broker configuration and could not continue.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Versions 11.1, 11.2

Error:  ORA-16597 Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases
Cause:  The Data Guard broker detected two or more primary databases in the
    broker configuration and could not continue.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Versions 10.2

Error:  ORA-16597 Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases
Cause:  The Data Guard broker detected two or more primary databases in the
    broker configuration and cannot continue.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Versions 10.1

Error:  ORA-16597 Data Guard broker detects two or more primaries.
Cause:  The Data Guard broker detected two or more primary databases in the
    broker configuration and cannot continue.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Versions 9.2

Error:  ORA-16597 Data Guard broker detects two or more primaries
Cause:  The Data Guard broker has detected two or more primaries in the
    configuration and cannot continue.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
Search Links for ORA-16597

The links below can be used to locate ORA-16597 in the documentation, and to search for documents that give more information about the error.
Search MOS for "ORA-16597 Troubleshooting" 

Search 12.1 documentation for ORA-16597
Search 11.2 documentation for ORA-16597
Search 11.1 documentation for ORA-16597
Search 10.2 documentation for ORA-16597


时间: 2024-08-28 22:02:22

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