Fix failed to start session in Ubuntu

When you are at login, press Ctrl+Alt+F1. It will take you to command line interface from the GUI. In here, type your username and password. Now, you can try the following command to install Unity Desktop:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop

sudo reboot 
时间: 2024-07-29 04:58:53

Fix failed to start session in Ubuntu的相关文章

Failed to start session after upgrade to 14.04 Thread: Failed to start session after upgrade to 14.04 Thread Tools Display April 19th, 2014 #1 prashanta2 prashanta2 is offline 5 Cups of Ubuntu Join Date Feb 2014 Location Alajuela, Costa Rica Beans

ubuntu 启动时提示 Failed to load session ubuntu

启动时候提示 Failed to load session ubuntu 通过 CTRL + ALT + [F1~F6] 进入终端界面登陆进系统, 进去之后执行 sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop sudo reboot 重启之后登陆正常. 原文地址:

解决ubuntu登陆失败,"Failed to start session"的问题

我是在虚拟机中安装了Ubuntu 14.04 系统,在Ubuntu 中执行 apt-get update  和  apt-get upgrade 命令后,然后重启系统.    但是,在重启成功后,在登陆的界面进行登陆时,却报错误"Failed to start session" ,无法登陆. Ubuntu 从 图形界面 切换到 终端界面的 命令是:  CTRL + ALT + [F1 ~ F6]           // F1 到 F6中任意一个按键都可以.       Ubuntu

Flex Failed to connect; session timed out.解决办法

Flex Failed to connect; session timed out.解决办法2009-08-13 09:23 最近学Flex,经常出现下面这个错误. Failed to connect; session timed out.Ensure that:1. You compiled your Flash application with debugging on.2. You are running the debugger version of Flash Player. 网上找下

解决Failed to connect session for conifg 故障

服务器升级openssh之后jenkins构建报错了,报错信息如下: Failed to connet or change directory jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException:Failed to connect session for config.....Message [Algorithm negotiation fail] 升级前ssh版本:OpenSSH_5.3p1 升级后sshl版本:OpenSSH_6.8pl 解决

Android Studio模拟器出错,提示Application Installation Failed, Installation failed with message Failed to establish session.

多次运行模拟机总会出现下面的错误,试了很多方法也是不行,什么操作菜单Build->Close project之类的. 错误翻译,了解了是什么错误再找怎么解决吧,我用的是Android Studio的模拟机,所以直接按下面操作就行了,如果用的是手机之类的再搜索其它办法吧. Application Installation Failed Installation failed with message Failed to establish session. It is possible that

lnmp phpmyadmin登录提示Failed to set session cookie

问题 phpmyadmin提示Failed to set session cookie ,环境为lnmp1.6 , 解决: 查看lnmp日志,apache core 提示[core:notice] [pid 32072:tid 140644039464832] AH00052: child pid 875 exit si gbd调试,php的ssl登录部分问题 #0 0x00007f627fe0ef21 in free () from /usr/lib64/ #1 0x0000

PHP session_start() open failed: Permission denied session 无法使用的问题

日志显示报错如下: PHP message: PHP Warning: session_start(): open(/var/lib/php/session/sess_tbh109lbvm6lu8cm7pr31ik, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /home/ on line 2 报错显示无法打开 seesion 文件,没有权限,所以需要给 /var/lib/php/session/ 添加权限

Failed to set session cookie. Maybe you are using HTTP instead of HTTPS to access phpMyAdmin.

原因:使用负载均衡的时候,第一次请求phpMyAdmin主页的时候web01进行处理,页面返回的cookie存放在web01上.填写用户名密码提交之后,是web02进行处理的,此时给页面的cookie不是web01上的cookie,所以会报错 解决方法:将cookie都放到单独的数据库redis中 具体步骤: 1.安装redis内存数据库[[email protected] ~]# yum install redis -y 2.配置redis监听在172.16.1.0网段上[[email pro