Epigenetic variation among natural populations of the South African sandhopper Talorchestia capensis

这篇文献发表在Evolutionary Ecology,期刊点数不高,这篇paper质量也不高,但很传统和典型,是可以模仿和学习,部分语句也有抄袭嫌疑。对于我这样的新手还是挺有借鉴意义。


Baldanzi, S., Watson, R., McQuaid, C. D., Gouws, G. & Porri, F. Epigenetic variation among natural populations of the South African sandhopper Talorchestia capensis. Evol Ecol 31, 77–91 (2017).  (链接来自学校图书馆)

题目:Epigenetic variation among natural populations of the South African sandhopper Talorchestia capensis

关键词:DNA methylation; Population epigenetics; Ecological epigenetics; MSAP; Sandhoppers; Phenotypic variation

(Population epigenetics and ecological epigenetics is almost the same thing. MSAP is the main mothed for detection of DNA methylation. The specise of the reahch is sandhopper. Epigenetic variations may be releated about phenotypic variation)



Ecological epigenetics is gaining importance within the field of Molecular Ecology, because of its novel evolutionary implications.Linking population ecology to the variation in epigenetic profiles can help explain the effect of environmental conditions on phenotypic differences among populations. While epigenetic changes have largely been investigated through the examination of DNA methylation under laboratory conditions, there is a limited understanding of the extent of DNA methylation variation in wild populations.

2.Hypothesis (Assumption)

Assuming that epigenetic variation is important in nature, the conditions experienced by different conspecific populations should result in levels of DNA methylation that are independent of their genetic differentiation. To test this, we investigated levels of DNA methylation among populations of the sandhopper Talorchestia capensis that show phenotypic (physiological) differences in their response to environmental conditions, at the same time evaluating their genetic relationships.

3.Methods and Results

Given the high levels of inter-individual physiological variation observed within populations, we further hypothesised that inter-individual differences in methylation would be high.

Levels of genetic and epigenetic variation were assessed within and among populations from five localities using the methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism technique.

Population differentiation was higher for epigenetics than genetics, with no clear geographical pattern or any relation to biogeography.

Likewise, individuals showed greater variability in their epigenetic than their genetic profiles.

Four out of five populations showed significant negative relationships between epigenetic and genetic diversity.


These results show uncoupling between epigenetic and genetic variation and suggest that:

(1) epigenetics are more responsive to local, site-specific environmental conditions than genetics and

(2) individual differences in epigenetic profiles drive phenotypic variation within (and most likely among) natural populations.

Within populations, epigenetics could offer a level of phenotypic flexibility beyond genetic constraint that allows rapid responses to variable or unpredictable environments, potentially compensating for low genetic variability.



the challenge

the progress in plants and mammals

the stduy system and significance

(phynotipic differences have been reported)

2.Materials and methods












时间: 2024-08-05 17:10:37

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