ffmpeg mp4 to wmv

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -b:v 2M -vcodec msmpeg4 -acodec wmav2 1_mp4.wmv
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -qscale 2 -vcodec msmpeg4 -acodec wmav2 2_mp4.wmv

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -q:a 2 -q:v 2 -vcodec msmpeg4 -acodec wmav2 3_mp4.wmv

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 outputfile.wmv

ffmpeg -i 1.MP4 -c:v wmv2 -b:v 20M -c:a wmav2 -b:a 192k output.wmv

ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -profile:v high -r 30 -c:a libfaac -q:a 100 -ar 48000 output.mp4

ffmpeg -i input.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -c:a libfaac -q:a 100 output.mp4

How to get better quality converting MP4 to WMV with ffmpeg?

up vote6down votefavorite


I am converting MP4 files to WMV with these two rescaling commands:

ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -y -vf scale=-1:360 test1.wmv
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -y -vf scale=-1:720 test2.wmv

I‘ve also tried:

ffmpeg -g 1 -b 16000k -i test1.mp4 test1.wmv

However, the .wmv files that are produced are "blocky and grainy" as you can see here in a small section of a video screenshot:

These are the sizes:

test.mp4 - 106 MB
test1.wmv - 6 MB
test2.wmv - 16 MB

How can I increase the quality/size of the resulting .wmv files (the size of the .wmv files is of no concern)?

ffmpeg mp4 wmv

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asked Jun 18 ‘12 at 8:53

Edward Tanguay


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3 Answers


up vote10down vote

You can simply use the -sameq parameter ("use same quantizer as source") which produces a much larger sized video file (227 MB) but with excellent quality.

ffmpeg -sameq -i test.mp4 -y -vf scale=-1:360 test1.wmv

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answered Jun 18 ‘12 at 9:23

Edward Tanguay




A better solution is to use -qscale (or -qscale:v or -q:v depending on your syntax preference); generally with a value of 2-5. A lower value is higher quality, and 2 can be considered "visually lossless". -sameq is not designed to be used between formats that do not share the same quantizer scale, and this may be the case for you. – LordNeckbeard Jun 18 ‘12 at 16:03

Also you‘re applying -sameq as an input option (anything before -i). Probably works as expected, but keep in mind not all options applied to the input will be applied to the output. – LordNeckbeard Jun 18 ‘12 at 16:07

-sameq has been removed. When you try to use it ffmpeg offers "use -qscale 0 or an equivalent quality factor option", and it errors out with an invalid argument. – Robert Koernke Jan 6 at 17:04

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up vote3down vote

One thing I discovered after many frustrating attempts of enhancing the final quality was that if you don‘t specify a bitrate, it‘ll use a quite low average. Try -b 1000k for a starting point, and experiment increasing or decreasing it until you reach the desired result. Your file will be quite bigger or smaller, accordingly.

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edited Feb 26 ‘13 at 22:07

answered Feb 7 ‘13 at 22:59

Fabio Ceconello


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up vote2down vote

Consider the following command instead (some outdated commands in the final answer section):

ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c:v wmv2 -b:v 1024k -c:a wmav2 -b:a 192k test1.wmv


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edited Jan 18 at 10:26

answered Jan 18 at 10:02

Reinhard Behrens


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时间: 2024-08-01 22:45:06

ffmpeg mp4 to wmv的相关文章


ffmpeg是一个强大视频转码工具 参考的中文文档: https://github.com/biglazy/gist/blob/master/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.txt https://legacy.gitbook.com/book/xdsnet/other-doc-cn-ffmpeg/details centos6.6 64位安装 安装libx264(视频转码必备) git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264.git cd x264 ./configur


音频转换: 1.转换amr到mp3: ffmpeg -i shenhuxi.amr amr2mp3.mp3 2.转换amr到wav: ffmpeg -acodec libamr_nb -i shenhuxi.amr amr2wav.wav 3.转换mp3到wav: ffmpeg -i DING.mp3 -f wav test.wav 4.转换wav到amr: ffmpeg -i test.wav -acodec libamr_nb -ab 12.2k -ar 8000 -ac 1 wav2amr


如果直接找视频剪切和合并视频的软件,通常出来的都是大的视频编辑软件或者是有图形界面的剪切软件,大型一点的功能太多安装麻烦,小型一点的功能可能不齐全. 只是简单的剪切或者一下合并一下,还是ffmpeg这个命令行工具最方便和快速. 一.剪切视频 ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 30 -c copy -to 40 output.mp4 剪切从30秒开始到40秒结束的视频. ffmpeg -i input.wmv -ss 30 -c copy -t 10 output.wmv 二.合并视

使用ffmpeg来转换media Video

FFMPEG -i 1.wmv -c:v libx264 -strict -2 1_wmv.mp4 ffmpeg -i b.mp4 -codec copy -bsf h264_mp4toannexb a.ts ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 24 destination.flv ffmpeg -i HYB-wish.wav -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192k -ac 2 HYB-wish.mp3ffmpeg -i HYB-wish.wav


有些时候,我需要对某个视频文件做一些简单的处理.也或者是受亲戚朋友的委托吧(又不好意思推辞,因为人家觉得你是搞技术的,这点小事应该能轻松搞定).但是,我犯不着为这点事去安装一个笨重的多媒体软件.我也不想去网上随便找个免费的小工具,怕它不干净.总之,我不想安装没有足够信誉的软件.不过,国外的开源软件还是可以信一信的,比如FFmpeg.矫情吧? FFmpeg都是命令行的,用起来肯定不方便.但是,这对技术宅应该不成问题.下面,我就罗列一些比较实用的使用方法吧. FFmpeg的下载与安装 FFmpeg是


ffmpeg [[options][`-i' input_file]]... {[options] output_file}... 如果没有输入文件,那么视音频捕捉就会起作用. 作为通用的规则,选项一般用于下一个特定的文件.如果你给 –b 64选项,改选会设置下一个视频速率.对于原始输入文件,格式选项可能是需要的. 缺省情况下,ffmpeg试图尽可能的无损转换,采用与输入同样的音频视频参数来输出. 3.选项 我们在将多种格式的视频转换成flv格式的时候,我们关注的就是转换后的flv视频的品质和大

ffmpeg为视频添加时间戳 - 手动编译ffmpeg

FFMPEG给视频加时间戳水印 项目中需要给视频添加时间戳,理所当然最好用的办法是ffmpeg.在找到正确的做法前,还被网上的答案timecode给水了一下(水的不轻,在这里转了2天),大概是这样写的: ffmpeg -i wildlife.wmv -vf "drawtext=fontfile=arial.ttf: text='fuck': timecode='09\:57\:00\:00': r=25: \x=(w-tw)/1.5: y=h-(20*lh):fontcolor=white: b


我们在将多种格式的视频转换成flv格式的时候,我们关注的就是转换后的flv视频的品质和大小.下面就自己的实践所得来和大家分享一下,主要针对avi.3gp.mp4和wmv四种格式来进行分析.通常在使用ffmpeg进行视频转换的时候我们使用到的控制音视频的主要参数有如下:-ab      bitrate      设置音频码率-acodec  codec        使用codec编解码-ac      channels     设置通道,缺省为1-ar      freq         设置音


FFmpeg官网: http://ffmpeg.org/ 安装ffmpeg: http://www.cnblogs.com/freeweb/p/6897907.html 主要参数: -i 设定输入流 -f 设定输出格式 -ss 开始时间 视频参数: -b 设定视频流量,默认为200Kbit/s -r 设定帧速率,默认为25 -s 设定画面的宽与高 -aspect 设定画面的比例 -vn 不处理视频 -vcodec 设定视频编解码器,未设定时则使用与输入流相同的编解码器 音频参数: -ar 设定采