Jan 18 - Spiral Matrix; 2D Array;


public class Solution {
    public List<Integer> spiralOrder(int[][] matrix) {
        List<Integer> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
        int row = matrix.length;
        if(row == 0) return resultList;
        int col = matrix[0].length;
        if(col == 0) return resultList;
        int n = row < col? row : col;

        for(int i = 0; i <= n/2; i++){
            int width = col - 1 - 2*i;
            int height = row - 1 - 2*i;
            if(width < 0 || height < 0) break;
            if(height == 0 && width == 0){
            if(height == 0) {
                for(int j = 0; j <= width; j++) resultList.add(matrix[i][i+j]);
            if(width == 0){
                for(int j = 0; j <= height; j++) resultList.add(matrix[i+j][i]);
            for(int j = 0; j < (width+height)*2; j++){
                if(j < width) resultList.add(matrix[i][i+j]);
                else if(j < width+height && j >= width) resultList.add(matrix[i+j-width][i+width]);
                else if(j < 2*width+height && j >= width+height) resultList.add(matrix[i+height][i+width-(j-width-height)]);
                else resultList.add(matrix[i+height-(j-2*width-height)][i]);
                int top_left = matrix[i][i];
                int top_right = matrix[i][i+num];
                int bottom_right = matrix[i+num][i+num];
                int bottom_left = matrix[i+num][i];
        return resultList;


时间: 2024-11-19 07:20:34

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