Simple Python Dictionary :)

摘自 支持简单的Ch to En 和En to Ch我把它放在 /usr/bin/dict 1234567891011

$ dict 白痴

单词:白痴 音标: bái chī 释义:idiot idiocy 例句:他很聪明,但有时举止像是白痴。 翻译:He is intelligent, but sometimes he behaves like an idiot. 例句:我不讳言,我说过他是白痴。 翻译:I didn‘t mince matters: I said he was an idiot. 例句:真是白痴一个! 翻译:What a stupid idiot!

import urllib
import sys
import os
import re
import xml.dom.minidom as xml

#API_URL = ‘‘
API_URL = ‘‘
def getword(word):
    xmls = urllib.urlopen(API_URL%urllib.quote(word)).read()
    #print xmls
    root = xml.parseString(xmls).documentElement
    #print re.sub(u‘>‘, ‘>\n‘,xmls)

    #tags = {‘key‘:‘单词‘, ‘pron‘:‘音标‘, ‘def‘:‘释义‘, ‘sent‘:‘例句‘, ‘orig‘:‘例句‘, ‘trans‘:‘翻译‘, ‘acceptation‘:‘释义‘}
    tags = {‘key‘:‘单词‘, ‘ps‘:‘音标‘, ‘def‘:‘释义‘, ‘sent‘:‘例句‘, ‘orig‘:‘例句‘, ‘trans‘:‘翻译‘, ‘acceptation‘:‘释义‘}

    def isElement(node):
        return node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE
    def isText(node):
        return node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE
    def show(node, tagName=None):
        if isText(node):
            tag = tags.get(tagName, tagName)
            print ‘%s:%s‘%(tag, node.nodeValue)
        elif isElement(node) and tags.has_key(node.tagName):
            [show(i, node.tagName) for i in node.childNodes]

    [ show(i) for i in root.childNodes if isElement(i) ]

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        word = ‘ ‘.join(sys.argv[1:])
        os.system(‘say %s‘ % word);

        print ‘usage:dict [word]‘

if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
时间: 2024-12-19 16:26:20

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