新的希望new hope,新的开始 new future --- 我来自哪里 where i come from 2017-06-18

百善镇 --- 安徽省淮北市濉溪县


Hundred Goodness town-  Anhui province Huaibei Suixi County

Say Emperor Tour of Huaihai, stationed in Bi Liuzi Palace, and Lin Huan, and so enjoy Liuzi scenery, suddenly heard outside the hospital noise, Hewen: "What‘s going on?"Car ride General Matie staff into the following: "Your Majesty, there are a of hares into the crowd, the public officials of the people phase rate call catch, so surprised driving!"Yang Huiting: "Oh, haha ... Daring Hare also dare to drive, General Mak, you go to catch it to punish, make a meal delicious!Matie staff Hand: "The minister will obey." "Turn around."Lin Huan bewildered: "Your Majesty, the hare ran fast, how can people catch up?"Yang proudly way: "This is my flying general Matie staff, walking speed although not the horse, so never riding, Qing see general Michael will not insult June life." ”Lin Huan said: "Ah, the original is famous general Mak ..."A giant hare leaped and fled out of the crowd and ran to the cornfield. Car ride General Matie staff Trot, chase, distance gradually shortened. The rabbit suddenly sprang into the cottage on the edge of a village. Matie stick to the thatched cottage, a glimpse of the hare is lying in the filial son Huachiu knee,. To panting coarse gas.Huachiu salute: "Under the grass and the people Huachiu, implore the general let this hare!" People eat a little game without a big obstacle, the female rabbit is breastfeeding, the general took it, it is tantamount to destroying it a nest. ”Matie Stick Way: "This rabbit dares to flee to the palace to drive, Ben will serve kill it." ”Huachiu way: "The rabbit does not understand the human matter, I for it to the emperor accompany sin plead." My mother once said, the emperor likes to have filial piety good person. "Kowtow to the door:" The emperor, please look at the deceased mother‘s part, pardon the Hare‘s guilty of driving!Matie staff examine Huachiu, think this person is extraordinary, hesitated for a while, then turned back.This Shimidi, Shong in the pro Huan accompanying under the courtyard outside the Willow Forest walk, listening to the Matie staff of the play newspaper. Yang Emperor meaning Judah unwilling: "So say game can‘t eat?" Huachiu who also, dare to hinder my meaning? ”Lin Huan make kneeling: "Your Majesty, Huachiu is Liuzi East 10 miles away from the original white Shan County side-a dutiful son, Dynasty has been incorporated into the pro Huan, so this filial son name Yang outside the county ..."Yang is interested in: "Oh, there are He Hao?"Lin Huan Order played newspaper: "Your Majesty, Huachiu from childhood home poor, more than 30 years old still have no wife room, home only mother." This person is from mother to filial piety ... Once lie ice to beg fish, serve the mother who is gravely ill. Hua mother before she died unexpectedly, drank two fish soup unexpectedly bounce, tearful and smile: ‘ Autumn son, your Niang didn‘t white come to this in the world, I contented! ‘ He would be happy if the emperor knew that he had a dutiful son like you. Hua mother speech and died, Huachiu cry, overnight, hair white bald, crying alarmed village neighbor, chipped in to bury the Chinese mother. Huachiu A hut grave mourning, with baskets back soil to build the grave tu like. All year round, except spring Autumn harvest, day not leave hut, evening clothes and sit guardian mother. Three load So, one day, a gang of bandits to go to White Shan Rob, row to Hua Mother Grave, learned that Huachiu, thieves first big surprise, said: ‘ Nearly rushed out of catastrophe, filial here, who dares to offend? ‘ Turned away. As for the animal living in the protection of things, is not uncommon. As a result, few people have hunted down the lives of nearby villagers. Hares and the like are more afraid of people, to be surprised to drive things, but also hope your forgiveness!Yang shocked way: "Da Shaoge days, unexpectedly can royal theft." Today to Huachiu the matter of the degree, the letter to the Red eyebrow thief alms Xiashan mother of the Han Dynasty filial son Cai Shun said! Shong: Give filial son Huachiu silver 2,200, make it rebuild the mother tomb, and build a new house. The missionary is weathered, the rule of filial piety; White Shan‘s people help filial son Bury mother, do not hurt the living, benevolence commendable, so will white Shan two words to ‘ hundred good ‘, avoid the whole town three years Liang tax; Liuzi location is superior, scenery alone show, can be used as trade port, change Liuzi name Liujiang mouth. The willow color is like smoke, refreshing and pleasant, where the canal through the embankment, all to plant willow, to the United States scenery, convenient pedestrian, Lin Huan County simple and honest, for the praise of good deeds, free of Liang taxes one years; Lin Huan to make diligent government, education meritorious, the civil check missing up to five products are printed!Lin Huan made a hasty bow: "Micro-Minister Kouxie His Majesty." Long Live!

时间: 2024-12-15 01:46:17

新的希望new hope,新的开始 new future --- 我来自哪里 where i come from 2017-06-18的相关文章


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