ZOJ 2476 Total Amount

ZOJ 2476 Total Amount

Time Limit: 2 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB

Submit: 13  Solved: 6

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Given a list of monetary amounts in a standard format, please calculate the total amount.

We define the format as follows:

1. The amount starts with ‘$‘.

2. The amount could have a leading ‘0‘ if and only if it is less then 1.

3. The amount ends with a decimal point and exactly 2 following digits.

4. The digits to the left of the decimal point are separated into groups of three by commas

(a group of one or two digits may appear on the left).


The input consists of multiple tests. The first line of each test contains an integer N

(1 <= N <= 10000) which indicates the number of amounts. The next N lines

contain N amounts. All amounts and the total amount are between $0.00

and $20,000,000.00, inclusive. N=0 denotes the end of input.


For each input test, output the total amount.

Sample Input









Sample Output



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
char a[30],ch[20];
long long sum,ans;
int i,n,l;
int main()
    while(scanf("%d",&n) && n)
            if(ch[i]>=‘0‘ && ch[i]<=‘9‘)
       if (ans==0) {a[4]=‘0‘; l=4;}
            int num=0;
               if (num==3) a[++l]=‘,‘,num=0;
       for(i=l;i>=1;i--) printf("%c",a[i]);
    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-08 05:13:48

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